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Unconsummated Fire

Chapter 2 Find Her.

Word Count: 562    |    Released on: 08/05/2021


t shouldn't make her forget someone she claimed she loved so much, she may have changed

t I thought, I wasn't getting anywhere with my questions until I saw Matt passing by the

my head to to

u before you know it. Don't think too much about it after al

it's about something else.

blems, they've never been your problem. Except that

being looking for. And she is the reason

one day, that's if you are

een right under my nose and I didn't know. And she doesn't r

mouth gaped but suddenl

e might not be the one you think she is.

e name I called her. And she hasn't c

nows you then we will know what to do next. Or you can pretend you were mistaken before an

she was pretending so she can escape once again? But it was now or never,

e love of my life

life indeed. I can't wait to

r way to her department. Because we believed since

just left and that we should check the faculty he

like I had ran a ten kilometers race in a few minutes and every second

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