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Sinful Indulgence

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1197    |    Released on: 02/05/2021


the bright sunlight under the noontime sky. I was almost tempted to squeal when that company name reminded me of what happened last night. And I wondered if Mr. Kim had rememb

ression. After that, whenever I saw him, especially when in his signature business suit, I always found myself imagining him. The stunning looks that drew everyone'

my dreams only, in my wildest fantasy. He’s probably a billionaire, though I hadn’t searched for his total declared assets. I

u keep staring at that banner?” Ara’s voice

d her eyes. She had no idea that something

ee had to bring their families, and to those who had none, they could choose to bring anyone they like. It was an opp opportunity for those

the full, spectacular view of the sunrise and sunsets beyond the vast stretch of the sea. Even if it was al

she opened the door. She walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and parted the cur

looks ex

. Kim that my best frie

eyeballs almost popped

, our room is

ced my palms against

like. But don’t be too overwhelmed;

ers and looked into he

ly g

last night. And that was about imagining him holding and kissing me, even to the extent of undressing me. Of course, it didn’t stop there. Even if I was still a virgin, I had alrea

was also dying to feast my eyes on Mr. Kim. The workers were divided into teams, and Ara was our team leader. So, even if she still

he got her job as an ESL instructor to its Japanese workers. Most of her students were engineers fro

re watching us, though he didn’t participate in any game. To catch his

as he walked to us to congratulate

plied proudly, her grin reaching out to bo

d smiling, taking my r

eside herself, giving me a teasing look. I couldn't

ady. So, ever

ul of food, I settled myself in a chaise lounge, facing the sunset. The crimson-tangerine horizo

” A rich, masculine voice br

its cage. I was dying to know whether he re

so jealous at the man who take

myself into an upright posit

to hear about his relationship status while my mind playe

be able to ca

fool, pretending

t your bo

ddenly forgot that I was already in a relationship with Zed for

peaking e

do? A motivati


“Then, Miss Yen, I’d like to set an appointme

. I will tell him

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