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My Brothers Best Friend

Chapter 2  Losing the V Card

Word Count: 2386    |    Released on: 12/04/2021

to claim his mind. "You're drunk and so am I, maybe we should sto-" he never finished what he was going to say, his words falling into dea

er as he pressed our lips harder together until I could feel my own swelling. Pulling away, my breathing uneven, I stood to wait as he followed

renched underwear. I tightened my arms around his neck pressing a little bit harder on his lips, wanting to get closer, wanting to ease the throb between my legs. He c

o make me beg, to show me exactly h

ve flesh as a pleasured moan escaped my lips. His sweet soft lips moved down my neck planting a trail of burning kisses stopping at my co

d to him. His eyes drank me in again, his lips parting slightly as he took me in. I couldn't hel

hat he was positioned back on top and took hold of the bottom of his shirt, taking it off to reveal his toned chiseled abs. My hands drifted

g an apology. He kissed the tender area around them teasing me as my insides screamed for more. His teeth quickly found my erect nipples, gently yanking with his teeth before sucking each one making sure to give both my breast

and pulled him down to me again and rolled him over, so I sat on top straddling him. I let my hands wander again, feeling his hardness pulse against my hand. I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans pulling them off staring down at his erect cock still covered by the thin material of his navy Calvin Kle

eath washing over my face as loose strands o

n tak

us. Within seconds his boxers were thrown across the room. He came back and my fingers got knotted up in

he asked again, h

? I th

re, but I've never been with a

found their way down to my centre, At first, my eyes shot open, shocked by the sensation of his fingers gently rubbing my

stomach raging as he sped up his rhythm adding another f

e, his mouth parted a groan overshadowing the gasp that left my mouth at the sudden burst of pain. My hands grabbed his back, my nails scratching

ed down at me, "Are

e took over. My moans came out full of pain mixed with pleasure and I heard a slight m

aster. With each push, I could feel him going deeper and deeper. My moans came out f

t me. His thrusts turned quicker, more desperate his voice low and tight as his lips slammed to mine. My own body felt like it was rising with him, my ins

oing back to normal despite the rush in the air around us. For that time together I actually felt something strange that I'd never felt

ist. "Jesus what the hell happ-" my words cut short, my eyes snapping down to my body when I felt the cold nip of the air. "Why the am I naked?" I whispered, my eyes shooting str

g to his feet and running for his boxers as I

ed with me naked?" he looked at me

all came rushing back to me. The club, the headache

ginity...t-to you?" I loosened my grip on the sheet and slammed my p

ked expression as if the realisation of what we did came hit

every inch of strength in me. He backed away quickly, his hand jumping to his cheek as he rubbed the reddening patch forming. But

Ah, why do you always make things so- ugh!" I moved away before I hit him aga

pain spread across my abdomen. I let out a yel

he was by me. "Are y

was. His face suddenly drooped, his voice l

didn't mean-" his voice was quiet and for a

ooked into his shocked blue eyes, the green almost enveloping the blue comple

snap, the pain

r it. It doesn't mean anything we were drunk, and I still hate you like you still hate me." His voice was a bare whisper, his eyes leaving mine

o much harder than I thought he ever could, I don't even know why but it fucking hurts. Things could neve

an to

rt of me just feels hurt...like I've been use

ed Krissy and spent half an hour convincing her to come, I just said I had to talk to her about something that happened last night.

?" I ran downstairs and hugged him tightly, for the first time I actually missed him.

who ar

nd Adrian" my heart stopped

like crying. only like getting my own back. But deep down a part of me felt differen

ave thought he would stay away even if for a bit longer. Wasn't he worried I'd tell Dan? Ugh let's be realistic, I was too chicken shit to say anything. But he wants to act as nothing

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