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Pregnant For Mr Popular

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 1254    |    Released on: 06/03/2021


manager like they dim f

up till further notice" I smiled at the p

he not

ed at the girl ru

ny now" I ordered sternly a

'm I going to at the compa

on Friday" I ordered and she nods in

room instead of the director's offi

bout you? everyone in the company thinks you're a bully

audio to the speaker so everyone must listen to it!" I ordered


ed while we walk to th

ager Lia" The executives pleaded but the perso

Shaquan asks the clerk, who

d to tell you what to

nderstanding you Lia

ost laughed because

ia," He sai

ds up his car key whi

ce" I speak in a professional tone

ked you for the s


think that's what she

will always be on your side?" she asked and the way she tal

aying" I ended the call and

to see him until Friday

message when I received

ay evening* I read in between th

ting a


ll to the couch and spo

d to the table to check

d out the contents from the

won't stop wavering my heart w

ly, almost crying when I remember

e Joshua standing by the door with

o I quickly ran to the door to pick it but s

tay there forever" I

threw it to a corner before going

me and placed it on the table

't find a better time..and the girl was my.." I shush him halfway be

y" I repli

nding.. here" He gave

no one at the shop" He pecked m

ckly unravel the bag ..it was the

the note he also placed there because

and I saw Friday was ticked t

ds it and it was ou

claimed not kn

TV show so how in the world am

cause he doesn't love you" I was

s own, Shaquan wo


bag I brought was on her flo

sanne, who's going to be

o to a hotel instead of your house

as long as it's for work"

" She smile

d I sat down on the couch since

?" I questioned because

y" I choke at the

at baby?" I

u be my baby ?"

on my shirt as shiv

girlfriend" I pushed her awa

rts my pride" She acted

? She's too busy to care for

re and it's because of her

ith me there'll be a multiply on your salary" She state

ve me

r this for a while. I wouldn't lie she has the be

is but my job was at stake, I had n

led apart on the bed with s

know about this, after a

e was getting dressed

thing between us after thi

king about money $200 every wee


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