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Foul Play

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1439    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

tune, and the men crowde

nd three feet and a half water in it

d heart, and pumped, watc

but did no more; the water in the well

ation was a very serious one. Suppose foul weather sho

cted place, if haply they might hear the water coming in. The place where Hazel had found Wylie at work was examined along with the rest; but neither there nor anywhere else could the leak be discovered. Yet the water was still coming in

, throwing off his lethargy, took his

away, bathed in perspiration, and

nd said, "See what has come on us with your forebodings! It is the unluc

an on board a ship than I a

a horse; and, finding the mate skulking, he reproached him before the men, and, stripping himself

water they discharged from the ship was astonish

but, in the struggle for life, this was an

the captain ordered the men from the buckets to

her right before the wind, steering for the island of Jua

as bad. It was like giving in. They got a little disheartened and flurried; and the cold, passionless wa

me terror-stricken creature, and the incessant pumps seeme

balanced by a new and alarming feature. The water from the pumps

and struck terror into the m

d the red stream, gushing into the sea from the lee scuppers, and sa

ye-wood among her cargo. He told the men this, and tri

ing double tides for them as well as for himself, ominous murmurs met his ear. "Parson aboa

romised to stand by him; and Welch told him it was all the

d almost ceased to bleed; but what was as bad, or worse, small fragments of her cargo and stores cam

flurried and ran from one thing to another. Now and then a man would stop and burst out crying; then to work again in a desperate way. One or two lost heart altogether, and had to be driven. Finally, one or two succumbed unde

water in

een sober beyond his t

ps. Wylie ordered them back. They refused, and coolly lighted their pipes

are blind, my mate and me? You got the long-boat ready for yourself befo

ylie lost color, and wa

er in the hold, and quantities of

g-boat was provisioned and lowered. While she was towing a

the danger, but as to its extent. Great was her surprise when Mr.

d, and then angry. "Ho

eparations. Here is a list I have written of the things you ought to take. We may be weeks at sea in an open boat." Then, seeing her dumfounded, he caught up her

, and passed in rapid review all the w

lenty of spare canvas on board, and sailing needles, scissors, e

uding the mate's cabin, in search of ce

cabin, to fill

her. He flung the things into his bag, fastened and locked it, strapped up his blank

r did n

it. It did

at it. I

of rage and flu

It was i

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