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Foul Play

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1190    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

wn; the stars sh

med from a church

, and Seaton did not

and Wardlaw never came,

appeared in a flood of light. Seaton's eye gleamed at the light, for

equipped for walking. The watcher saw her serene face shine in the light. The general himself came next; and, as they left the door,

gs came, and passe

from Wardlaw, as he passed. "It is near

tance, feeling sure they would eventually sepa

r, and learned they were going on board the great steamer bound

and Seaton s

harbor; and Seaton sat down upon the ground, and all seemed ended. Helen gone to England! Wardlaw gone with her! Love and revenge had alike eluded him. He looked up at the sky and played wit

the flow of the tide, and, with it, Death. Whether or not his resolution or his madness could have carried him so far cannot be known, for even as the water rippled in, and, trickling un

he water, coming ashore

rdlaw was gone to England without her. Seaton trembled with joy. Presently his goddess began to lament in the prettiest way. "Papa! papa!" she sighed, "wh

gain in dear old England. Well then, there, have a cry; it will do you good." He patted her head tenderly as she c

ton's heart year

would have thought no more of dying to serve her or to please her

ft him wondering at himself and his misdeeds this night. His guardian angel se

d God he had not met Arthu

ried himself; and from that day seldom went out, excep

oyed by a person with a gentle disposition,

cer's quick eye caught sight of him, and his light foot ascended the stairs directly. He felt sure Hexham had h

mony, and looking mighty grim. "Well,

me now?" asked

m a pretty girl. Now that is a mistake at all times; but, when she is as beautiful as an angel, and rich enoug

ed air. It was written in a clear bu

on, and that gratitude will sometimes be importunate. She had the pleasure to inform him that the office of shipping clerk at Messrs. White & Co.'s was at his service, and sh

lady had no wish to enter into a corres

his note. A simple 'yes' to Mr. Hexham will be eno

ervant and


over this letter in si

tion, and watched him wit

exquisite softness, scarce above a whisper, "Tell her, 'yes' and 'God bless her.' Go

he hint and r

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