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Chapter 3 Cake Pick-Up

Word Count: 729    |    Released on: 01/01/2021

20 minutes away from Ava's place, s

o ... well even if he had nothing going on, he still won't have attended that I'm sure of. He loves to stay by himself as much as possible, some

f and walked towards her house, her place was busting with peop

nd her smaller brother is at boarding school, so Ava plann

red here and there and her bed had a pile of clothes o

er emerge from the bath-room wear

thank god y

ed, looking at her

is still haven't arrived he

n 2 hours why isn't the cake

d with the delivery man and they won't be able to

her not to worry, I will go pick the cake

darling Ava than

address, I said w

o arrive on time for the party even if the cake doesn't come he

ll, I go and get rea

... b

eady, I left in my car

waiting for me i

cake shop, I saw that the shop had

ame out running, I stopped him and told him that I here to collect a

e is pregnant, and he needs to rush ove

n you please give me the cake first before going, it's urgent or

et the cake by myself and asked me to return the key back to him

lly I found it in the kitchen with another cake just beside it, it looked wa

, I said in my mind ... "the d

into someone who just entered, the cake went flying whereas I slipped and was about to fall hard on the floor, b

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