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"He is a ruthless man, feared by all but pampered and spoiled her to every extent possible, until she broke the only rule set by him and all Hell broke loose" Let's discover together what could be the reason behind all the twist plotted by him and how Sara will react after knowing the truth! A novel that displays romance, jealousy, secrets and many more. A roller coaster ride for sure, but don't worry this novel definitely will make you smile...😉❤ Mature Contents 🔞

Chapter 1 Outfit for the Party

I was busy checking myself in the mirror, I think I looked great wearing this green mini-dress, it made my slender legs look longer then they originally are, my long blonde hair with green highlights which reach till my waist, swinging right and left as I move, my fair skin a little red due to heat, my blue eyes sparking in contrast to the green dress I was currently sporting on ... well honestly as a doctor, I hardly get time for myself but today is exceptional.

My main priority has always been the treatment of my patients and about learning new things everyday as everyone knows "Knowledge is Power".

Sara ... Sara are you done in there??

I heard Ava shouting ... well Ava is my best-friend, we got to know each other when I joined medical college, and she is a student in nursing whereas I'm in doctoral. We still have 1 year left to complete our trainings.

I'm done honey I replied back, while walking out of the changing room.

Ava was standing right outside the changing room, waiting for me, when I stepped out, she looked stunned...

Well how does it look? I asked.

Wow was the only thing I heard from Ava. She stopped saying anything after that one word. I waved my hands back and forth, trying to get back her attention, laughing...

You look great in this, let's buy this for tonight's party Ava said.

I don't know I replied back.

What you mean I don't know asked Ava.

Well ..... you know my mum right, she won't allow me to wear this type of mini dress out which is above my knee, and you want me to wear this to a party outside, you really must be kidding me I said.Oh come on Sara, it's not gonna be hard for you to wear this at the party, just leave home wearing something that your mum will prefer you to wear out and change once you reach at the party retorted Ava.

Are you sure that will be a good idea, I asked back?

Ava rolled her eyes ... Oh sweetie, come on it's my birthday, and you are the birthday girl's best friend, I want us to look hot as hell tonight, so that no one gets to grab the attention from us, plus it's my birthday, don't you think you should do all the things I ask of you today.

Okay birthday girl ... I will do as you say, after all it's not every day that we get to party out, I have no idea how you convinced my mum for allowing me to party out at night, but since we have the chance then let's party hard, and enjoy to the fullest I said we full spirit.

That's my girl ... laughed Ava

Hello ma'am, would you like to buy this outfit a sales girl asked

Yes I will, thank you and gave her my card to swipe.

After grabbing the shopping bag we made our way to the parking lot.

Be there in time Ava said while opening her car, the party will start at 9pm, but you should be there by 8 at least since you will have to change plus my boyfriend and his friends are also coming ... I want you to choose one of his friends as your dancing partner tonight sweetie. I was thinking of making Mark, Sid's bestfriend as your partner ... he is really good looking. Anyways I don't know about his rest of the friends, I haven't met them yet so I think Mark is the right choice!

Hell No I said retorted, are you f****** kidding me, you know I already have a fiancé right then how could you be telling me to choose one of you boyfriend's friend as partner for tonight.

Oh relax honey, why so melodramatic, I'm just asking you to pair up with him for a dance only, not to have s*x with him. Ava rolled her eyes.

I know but you know how Ethan is right, he is overprotective and over-possessive about me I replied

Oh Sara it's not that Ethan is gonna be at the party tonight honey, didn't you tell me that he has some meeting tonight and won't be able to make it.

Uh huh I answered

Then relax.... tonight is all about having fun, it's not that you are gonna cross the line or something exclaimed Ava, plus you are getting married in one month, and you haven't even enjoyed your life to the fullest before getting the title of being a wife "Mrs Ethan Walker".

Ha-ha ... you are right ... after pausing for a while I replied

Great meet you at the party Ava exclaimed

Alrite cool ... I answered and then enter my SUV.

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