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Many Spring Ago

Chapter 5 Past will haunt you

Word Count: 1383    |    Released on: 30/12/2020

e you sitting

to her when

nd she didn't want to show them to

ying? Did y

at the sight of Haz

ot hurt, " Hazel made up a lie, and she didn'

into an a

thing big,

h me to the hospital, let

t's just a sc

's brain reali

hurting now

tend the seminar, I really

t the hall in a distance, she had run in the opposi

for a short while be

re is no need for you to go there, let's g

h a confused expression, "Fine, I will tell you every

zel seemed to be really hurt so she stumbled a

lling body and realized that it was the guy from befor

!" Hazel

way as if she didn't like the idea of H

e back there when I

with distrust, "You

im, " she averted her g

o you w

re to he

ustful expression as he talked to

don't mi

ere not on the surface of the ground anymore, they were

t have to do it like tha

n you perver

didn't bait an ear to Nala, inst

inful if you walk all the

ize the severity of the situation,

ls in the dorm who saw him carry a girl to the dorm blushed. He was the college hunk, many girls got

you never know what they are up to, " Nala advised

e room to have some rest, " Nala held her arm an

bed, looking at Nala

h of her she asked her to speak up, "Umm, fir

g to be angry

y, the day, " Nala was rep

the other

th the task that my father gave me

ike she didn't do a good job while helping out Nala, "No, no, you did a great job, it's

sh b

when Hazel was walking down the corridor after seeing the poster of the semina

I was in a hur

ch of tickets that Hazel was in a rush to buy, "It's okay, " the

k them for a ticket but they were already sol

e remembered the girl from a while ago, and went out to look for her and l

er, "Uhm! (throat

?" (

ket? I really want to attend the seminar, "

an give you twice th

esswoman or more accurately s

owed the tickets to her, on which Haze

em, I have no use

t interested in

ally giving me

dn't cost me a penny t

eas how much I wanted to meet her, you know her

minar will be in the future, "You think she will be tha

urse I

know that?

it my

future?" Nala s

because I saw how gr

lip of the tongue a

sferred majors from business to lit

major, final ye

r too? That means you mu

es I kno

" Hazel curi

ery bad personality,

I don't t

u d

lied and looked at the

ou were from business

u by any chance know someone w

hat kind of

to complete, " Nala

you!" Hazel said

ropout?" Nala said with a

ess, just take it as I studied it in my previous life, hehe" Haz


will make you proud,

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