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Many Spring Ago

Many Spring Ago

Author: Bstallion

Chapter 1 A story

Word Count: 1930    |    Released on: 05/12/2020

far, far away, lived

ith a smile of an angel

dearly, even though they were not wealthy, th

. Hansel used to wait for them in the doorway, to greet them. Everything was g

d as she stood by the doorway staring at the open gate hoping her parents would return soon, the innocent heart wished to see them so her heart would be at peace, but nothing except for the l

was spreading quickly, it had already taken over some of the cottages that were

of her parents entering the gates. The villagers were out on the mudd

crying voice as she looked at the burni

away from t

ught a glimpse of the child stand

into the fire and picked her and to

e back, pu

h her tiny hands but it was in vain.She cried as she saw her home fading a

roke, the sky was grey and the air had a disgusting smell, The villagers got back to the village, The girl too ran back to her home, which was just a pile

rolled into her eyes, The blacksmith from before found her father body in another corner of the house, The pain was so much for

e had seen the dead bodies of her parents, all the happiness of her

er happiness, her young heart to

e had said those words and looke

r that?" Nala spoke

e thought Nala would be tired by listening to

ak by she nodde

ory with so much emotions in

I will thin

tinued he

was alone in that place with not a single person to hold on to. She would walk the streets of the town like a

as not the best place but it was better than s

he saw kids getting adopted by influen

as a beautiful and sweet girl named Aura. She wo

e missed her parents who would bring her presents on her birthday she missed he

er a sweet bun along with a box wrapped in a glittery white sh

herself. Hansel happily accepted the gift and was happy. Hansel didn't know the worth of the bracelet nor did Aura know, the reas

breath before cont

d find her happiness, once she i

ughter" She took Hansel away with her. Hansel was happy at first when she thought that she was finally getting adopted but a few days later

to the love and attention she received from the family a

ul day of her life came when she turned of age and was

first prince of the state Prince Eric too had attende

love with him, she knew it because after so long s

nds, she felt like her life was complete. Now the only thi

d and then one day, the prince came to her, her happiness knew no bounds, she thought her wish had finally been granted. Hansel twirled around the garden wh

ak the eng

he wings of her dreams shattered in a moment and she fell on the ground from the sky she had be

stood all high and mighty before her, and just then an image slowly em

o stand up when she saw who it

? Are yo

el to help her up but

ttered so

.." (

ansel's face showed misery and disgust

. "Aura said

one stealing Aura's happiness she apologized. But Hansel who was shatte

d out the true identity of Hansel and abandoned Hansel. She was

murderer until she couldn't take the guilt of kill

sel thought the poison she ingested was not strong enough so

a man who called himself Her guardian angel. He asked her for a tear and in turn, he wou

r to make the mistakes of her past ever again, but who knew when she went back to her past body, the h

cause pain to the people she loved anymore so she, changed fate.

that? Did she find

enly after not completing t

se she is just a villainess who is repenting o

the sadness pouring through it. She closed

red, I w

a sat at the edge of her bed staring at Hazel's back. She was still cur

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