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Mutant Chronicles - A Hard Decision

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 939    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

e hussar left", said t

liness", stammere

lity!", answered the cleric whose voice

but the cyborgs died by the cleric`s glowing blade. However, the last survivor of the Bauhaus squad was still

tainers and barrels. Rankenwald just followed him without asking questions. The two intruders encountere

the man from the Brotherhood and

he cleric had already left the warehouse to enter another part of the facility. Nith

d his final goal. An impressive laborato

be purged in the name of the Brotherhood!", called the cleric. It didn`t take long till the laboratory door opened

ey coil of hair stood behind a surgical

sked the stranger with a sign of

ee a wrinkled face with cold blue eyes. He turned his head

e at the pole? Well, the church has its eyes

express. "Killing everyone in the building: Is that

asphemy! The Cybertronic corporation has

ound out things that could help our species to survive"

a split second. "Ridiculous! Experiments with these th

e monstrous humanoid

ay and backwardness", countered the sci

le, he smoothed down his coat to lift his hands afterwards; R

rcy, Dr. Gothland. Far too late!

ink clearly", riposted the scienctist who s

t to me and I promise you a quick death des

his pocket. A black pyramid-shaped

he inquisitor arc

knowledge to handle it. I`m the creator of this tech

ds here." Hastily the cleric gripped the black

hing?", Nithard

pon that is able to destroy the demonic powers of the Dark Legion in a radius of several miles. I have spent most of

the permission to ask questions like this?",

ering something to himself that Nithard could not underst

uman species like no man before. One day we can not only destroy the Dark Legion in the Solar Syst

s Cheraux` reply, he pointed a

ld scientist sank down; Nithard saw

nquisitor in Rankenwald`s direction. Nitha

ened his eyes, speechlessly staring at the you

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