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Mutant Chronicles - A Hard Decision

Mutant Chronicles - A Hard Decision


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 2028    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

d Dec

ipped the aircraft, shaking it like a furious frost giant. Then the landing ship started to

d gust", said leutnant von Waldfurth with some kind of fatherly smile. He

d began to light up. A minute later the transp

iant steel hatch. Nithard Rankenwald put on his hussar helmet with the characteristic pickel on i

ine painfully rushing through his veins; Rankenwal

answered Nithard, trying

ody skirmish in the Venusian jungle. But in these seconds Nithard didn`t feel all too brave. To the contrary

snowflakes whirled into the hall wher

stranger had positioned himself next to leutnant von Waldfurth. With blank face he

d the man in the white armor towards the hussars who immediately beg

k here, boy! Don`t w

the tall man in the white armor driving the soldiers forward. Nithard didn`t know who the stranger was and why he

in the ranks of the Bauhaus soldiers. Meanwhile, it was four months ago, that patrol missio

ter life under the banners of the corporate forces. "Being a soldier is so much better than spending a l

or the protection of humanity and the glory of Bauhaus. Only his mother had n

rise in the Bauhaus society by making career the army. O

their heavy suits. For a moment, the young soldier was absorbed in thought. Once more he saw his brother`s

state of psychotic rage. Not only it, even one more of its kind. And t

ad gone into the jungle as cannon fodder to return as a hero with

ain. This malicious force will always be a part of the Solar System. Our world has been infected and t

ought sometimes. This was a shattering realization, a bitter truth

p of snow-clad hills that rose out of the icy desert. Von Waldfur

n and capture every person we can get. But we must strike fast…", it resounded out of the l

ldfurth. I have already told you that your order is to eliminate e

here to capture…", the o

- but I am the brain. Everything I tell you has been coordinated with the Bauhaus

tatues in the cold darkness, stock-still and confused. Noneth

dio network to finally start advancing towards the hills. Nit

ructure; white like the snow in this frosty wasteland and the armor of

ing but the eerie looking building, the howling wind and the dancing snow flakes. Rankenwald`s hussar armour held back the deadly coldness of the polar night. However, the young soldier was

from the Bauhaus soldiers who were waiting in the cold ni

ound the building. He considered his weapon for a sec

re coming…", he said scar

to scream with a mixture of confusion and wrath. Nithard suddenly stood in the centre of a g

the dome. Several explosions followed, Nithard saw a helmet flying in his d

th at the top of his lungs. His voice was so l

r in the centre of the building which was brightly illuminated now.

now, inquisitor?", screamed von Waldfurth th

around, he yelled something the young solider

lasma fire. Desperately Rankenwald shot back. He killed one of the strangers with a lucky hit in the head, three of

But his help seemed not to be enough. More and more enemies came out of the building. The first group of th


poration which was hiding in the darkest corners of the Solar System. Indeed,

ce mask into the snow while a hurricane of bullets ripped the bodies of his comrades apart. Blood splatte

uts concentrated their fire on the attackers. They stormed forward and threw themselves on the robots, smashing t

that the fight was far from being over. Even more enemies had gathered around the building. Humans with

crawling towards him; the veteran pointed a

ike that. This damn cleric has given us false i

nades rained from the dark sky, some hussars and rangers were hit and mangled. When Rankenwal

we are on show! The only way is to get into that building! All

. About twenty Bauhaus soldiers were already dead while the rest o

he cybertronic warriors in front of the dome. Death cries echoed through the night but Rankenwald didn`t stop

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