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The Partnership

Chapter 4 4 Delectable

Word Count: 1058    |    Released on: 04/06/2018

ing. I'd left the room at six so I guess that's not long. At least, not for me it is

dly ever had them. I guess I'll be seeing the li

are for anything. If I worked with someone and I needed them to throw me something, I'd be like, 'That

stol, and grenade. Oh, plus mag and bu

one is for long range. I picked up what looked like a pistol, I think, then grabbed some random bullets. Thi

call it -- and stuffed some mags in it. The glass was double sided, nearly making me reminis

imulation to begin. It was like back at the 'training

age situation. I knew that random people would jump out at me. Some of them civilia


ng her carefully, I assessed her as a civilian. I continued through the office space, bouncing on my toes. I had some adrenaline r

eached the hostages. There seemed to be no one guarding the sacks of flour, cheap FBI trying to save money, but I knew there

way, leaving me with two bags of

at him. "I was about to win." I pouted, p

Tyler said, taking long strides towards

perk of being me. It made good for being a spy, that way you don't have giant milk jugs flying off your chest as you run. I

as well. He was now directly in front of me, he was so close that

yler commented, maki


asked innocently, tilti

an the average female!" I informed him some

teased, walking around me in a circle. I hugged

stion why I ever agreed to date you."

e me." He told me, smiling widely. "But you wuv me." I just la

stomach were caused by nausea or Tyler's

lted his head upwards to kiss me. I leaned down to meet

etly, bringing me down to t

laughed so hard at that, you


ith Tyler's arms around me, I still managed to hit the floor

n I started rolling around and gasping desperatel

e me and I sat up. I turned my head to face him a

quick peck on the lips before leaving h

I figured it had been a while



Isabella or Tyler and Isab

ut for this book and I hate myself

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