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The Partnership

Chapter 2 2 Ballistic

Word Count: 1130    |    Released on: 04/06/2018

he jeep tour, spent most of

it would be to be the actual energizer bunny. I mean, he's pink, he's got a dru

my back pocket and unlocked the door. No later than when I shut the door,

ere you waiting behind the corner for me or something?" I asked him, b

that it was time to make dinner. Heading to the kitchen, I realized that I'd have to go grocery shopping sometim

n omele

started cutting it into pieces. Ramsey

a frying pan and heated it up. I left the kitchen to grab my p

d, I figured I'd risk a pan flip today. Putting the flipper down, I lifted the pan off of the burner and jerked it forward a

actually wo

allowing me to realized that Grayson was standing at the entrance to the kitc

coughed and s

y omelet, remembering the amazing task I'd just completed. Sudd

" I asked him excitedly, my mort

ter. I have no idea where he got the glass from. I have a photo

d, putting the omelet on a plat

masterful creation in half, puttin

with two chairs. The other one has always been f

t, secretly excited to be eating with someone other than myself. That is, until

l teenage girl going

'd sit down with me, be a decent, civil human being, and have a nice c

r, eating my delicious omelet. Plus, I

I annoy myse

the sink, I headed to my room, close the door behind me. The familiar grey walls, brown hardwood, mi

wing it to engulf me. I quickly scurried under

zen children here, all lined up in a row, observing one another. We were all diagno

omorrow and I was told that if

just taught us to fight and kill, never the names or the information. I was stressed o

targets down the field. Shoulder

er gaze would be one of anger. "Forget about your birthday." She said calmly, containing her rage. I

ted to shoot, looking her dead in the eye. The targets were o

my shots. Taking six quick shots, I opened my eyes to find each of the mannequins with a bullet throug

r, I'd never known a true mother so

asleep laying here. I sighed, I don't typically have nightmares ve

ing ma


zy, I l

me. Just thinking about going back

ool? (Not lunch or

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