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His BabyGirl

Chapter 5 Talking With Him

Word Count: 525    |    Released on: 31/05/2018


d the decency to call me this morning. It reminded me of the reason I moved here, it remi

s face and I felt a whirl of emotions. I was scared. My dad was

t paralysed as I stoppe

didn't want to seem weak but the memories were everywhe

he chuckled. I took a deep

is void of any emotion yet I felt

, laughing at his own joke. I heard her laughing with

e is

now we are still in custody of you" H

hould I tell you?! You're an ass and so is the devil you're curren

ou! It'll be the end for you" She

to the girls toilets and sh

a few tears began to fall

the stall, was

ar the same preppy voice.

Mandy, I was talk

it nicely on a note and shove it up your

ous but that doesn't mean

he toilets and g

locker ever do to you?" I hear Tyrre

od" I say bitterly. His eyes w

ay?" He ask

nthusiastically. "Just can't do

p, okay?" He says and even with everything that

say just as

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