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His BabyGirl

Chapter 3 Warning

Word Count: 1223    |    Released on: 31/05/2018


I ask as he sits

r dream? What's your most embarrassing story? I don't k

riting but I also love photography and engineering. Its quite a big range of dif

licated one" he says with

too. I also would love for there to be no hate or was in the world. It would be amazing to set aside our differences and join as one big commun

ne smile and I couldn't

g like that. It's so much better than a boring "hey how you

out it. Tyrell had told me a lot about him, including that his littl

I've done is almost fall down the stairs at my party but t

d kind o

embarrassing thing that's happe

s could have but whatever"

walk you around?" He asked, leaning in th

omething. I don't really know what

as the best person to help

ith her. She kept glaring at me for spe

o means no" he grumbles and my

een trying to get him into bed which

but constant glaring and shoves. She is lucky I actually care about my educa

being serious. If you came to this school and didn't speak to me s

fault?" I ask wi

y fault" He sighs in defeat

pting the learning of other students" the teacher calls. I was cur

mbarrassed (even though I was), gra

h prefer to study geography and know how the w

y and I pretty much got you kicked out o

y have asked but I decided to answer therefore

omes outside

tion I would like you to go back in and receive your pun

onversation flowing so I think I should be the one who is punished" I say

Tyrell is about to protest but I shook my head as an i

with a warning. The most would be to make m

act other students. I don't want you to be causing hassle for other students to learn as your last head master said you were usually very well behaved

. I was here for a fresh start. I didn't want anything to remind me of the pas

went through a similar situation to you but don't bottle it u

to what I did, my guard immediately went

orget about it" I say honestly, m

g is okay when it isn't. If you need to talk about anyt

e smiled, opening the do

may have it. Make sure you come back i

ow" I say and she smiled

seat, sitting

he blame?" He asked

said was true" I

nishment?" He ask

a warning." I say before we

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