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House of Omen: The Indomitable Smitersmith

Chapter 5 A walk through Sahid

Word Count: 1526    |    Released on: 19/03/2018

nd of useless

only serve to get someone like Da

and somewhat surprised by Darius' cowardice, even

mmediately took his chance and bolted straight out of the mall, not once looking back. T

everal people who passed him by. Although Darius looked quite odd to them, they didn't pay him much attention. To them he was just another village idiot who wasn't worth being graced w

think of me once I

ance between himself and the mall. He slowed down, p

ew sights that he hadn't at all noticed wh

n ignored by the likes of someone like Darius. Clearly the hick he saw in front had no idea who he was. At first the young man was somewha

ss he knows the better. If he really is as ignorant as he looks then all th

arius once more, once again trying to loo

ost trance like state. He was standing on a street corner, next to a stat

ven though all he actually saw were the outer limits of the city, which, as amazing they were, paled in comparison t

hing slightly. Darius was now immediately brought back to realit

lly. Watching him intently with a grin on his face that made Darius feel quite uncomfortable. Darius looked at the man for a moment. He found the clothes the young man wore odd yet he

us said, "Please do allow me to introduce myself, I am pr-" Lionel abruptly stopped his sen

his naturally smug face. "Who the hell does he think he is?" Lionel muttered quick

ly long ranting, she would say so much that one couldn't help but pay attention to some of it. Even if you tried to ignore her eventually her words would be able to burrow their way into your memory, reinforced by the fac

place; her. Although she was strict she was still incredibly kind, particularly to Darius. This n

t him had just seemed off from the start, and Darius supposed it must have been the sword strung to his waist that made him so cautious. So Darius, as n

arvel in awe at the sight. Each building was

e and several body guards who would do this sort of thing for him but this was something he knew he had to do himself. Lionel supposed

e wide streets. As Lionel walked by these people would sort of clear a p

arius, a look of utter disdain could be seen upon some of their faces. They themselves were not nobles at all but they stil

plethora of bright lights as the buildings began to light up, displaying the true beauty of Sahin. He noticed that the deeper he went into the city, the more beautiful it looked. As Darius looked

ations clutching several packages to deliver. Darius could see mor

overing the statues and as he walke

round aimlessly. After some thinking he decided it was far too late to approach the Spiritsmith guild now and he would do it that followi

er for directions. After eyeing him for a moment the lady then proceeded to bl

et such a skill-set was not able to shine due to his particular circumstances

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