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House of Omen: The Indomitable Smitersmith

Chapter 2 Leaving

Word Count: 1147    |    Released on: 19/03/2018

e books and the odd object here or there. After lunch Darius headed straight for the office because he

ile hair. She only had a few strands at the time so Darius assumed after a few years he would see more white hair and some wrinkles on her face. Yet none appeared. She h

ict matron showed a kind and loving expres

Darius repl

though you are now too old for the orphanage you can still leave with the other c

e as if I was your own son. In this life there is nothing I can do to repay such kindness. I am foreve

next few weeks. If I miss this chance I will have to wait another year. Which means I will have to suffer for another

tone at the top of the mountain. Although she had never said so to his face, she thought he looked manly when

planned. However first I need you to listen to me for a few moments. The capital is a dangerous place, especially for those as young as yourself. So I need make sure you ar

red her rambling mode. This was the true reason she was feared throughout the village. Once she starte

ized that this was his last lecture within the orphanage, and perhaps the last time he would see her for

other hand was mentally exhausted to the point where he felt that he could easily go to sleep in his bed right now. "That witch! May

and repay your kindness to me a hundredfold. I swear it!" As soon as Darius

a tear when she saw this. "Silly chil


nd strapped it to his back using a specialized leather strap he got with the hammer itself. He then touched the surface of the anvil. The anvil im

spent the majority of his days doing the same thing. Going up the mountain, striking the anvil continuously, coming down for lunch, going back up again to con

wn the mountain for six years every single day. When he was walking through the small village he realized he barely knew it at all. If it wasn't for the fact

aking the bus to the capital. Many people dreamt of making it big in the capital, rumour had

skilled enough to enter the Spiritsmith Guild within the capital. "Surely str

ure prospects a loud rambling noise made

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