Average Jones
g his normally serene mind. First of these was the loss of the trail which should have led to Harvey Craig. Second, as a minor issue, the Oriental papers found in the
ge Jones had studied and restudied the columns, both reading matter and advertising, until he knew them almost by heart. During the period of waiting for his order to be brought he was brooding over the problem, when he felt a hand-pressure on h
kfaster. "What'll you have to
m in a pale pink funk. I'm afraid
you been up to t
the diplomat ungrammati
thin Average Jones' perturbed brain. Presently it came to him as visualized print in small head-lin
est of Turkish
was brief, and of no intrinsic importance other than as a so
fik Bey?" h
sterday he was a gu
ed without pay
ddenly without paying his bill, i
. Average Jones' good na
don, Tommy. Was he
Department, over here on invitation. Th
of his creaseless white waistcoat
e said, handing it
looked conven
1, suddenly
ik Bey of Sta
vices from
ington, on Tu
The young diplomat stopped short be
h notice, except for the tail. What does
Intyre bitterly. "It means 'Hurrah!'
y got him the
mean by 'se
as the first; the attempted murder-tha
," he said. "But if you do know anything of this case I need your help. In Washing
ey?'" interr
into the newspapers there'll be the very deuce to pay. It isn't desirable that even Telfik Bey's presence here should have been known for reasons
tell me anything about it at all,
Thomas Colvin McIntyre, lea
y much. You know something about h
things in; not ho
already be too late. What
m. Want me
yre brace
art disease... wealthy Stamboul merchant... studyi
other r
"About the same. Hold on! Here's a li
discovered the tragedy collapses... c
pted young Mr. McIntyr
mmy. I didn't say '
Shock-the bell
u'll be getting me interested. Had
ong breath and a reso
is a secret, confidential agent of the Turkish government. He came over
rtain he w
could believe
ician whom I sent can f
do the
ystified medico. It
isfy the Stat
ot the newspape
the place over, Average. L
at. Upon assurance that Average Jones was "safe" he led the way t
l out of the newspapers," observed the manager morosely. "But this would be the wor
ny apartment for Telfik Bey," put in
heir emissary myself. He specified for rooms on the south side,
efinite reservati
335 an
an been he
my kno
k, you
so. Forei
him strike you
d looked sickly. He talked ver
tion agent recurred to the interrogator's m
and, in the same breath, t
p to, Average?
hat other hotels would the Turkish
arge d'affaires goe
ether a room has been reserv
eserve at two ho
s head at the interruption. "Find out who occu
w. "Really, Jones," he observed, "you seem to be emp
ring for one," drawled Average Jones, in his mildes
arture of Mr. McIntyre, proved to consist of a small sitting room, a bedroom and a ba
pot near the wall of the sitting-room and opposite the
you kn
nocked several times and got no answer. Then he ope
is Br
spital, un
t fr
the doct
about the
that just as he opened the door he saw a bullet c
see a bulle
ager. "As soon as it struck it expl
id Bron
when he fell, in a sort of fainting fit. He came to long enough to
n had fallen befo
o answer to h
nt in. He thought som
in the room or past i
irl's desk is just outside. She
te or two before, she had heard
n having fallen before t
utes later, he was quite d
he wall showed an abrasion, but, as the investigator expected, no bullet hole. Agllet," he observ
cried the hotel man. "He mus
t's a very small fulminate of mercury shell, and never held l
shed the contents of the window-sill upon it. A dozen dead flies rolled upon the pa
the adjoin
he manager bitterly. "Been coming here for ten years, and
the west,
corridor run
that any one got into th
e," said t
in McIntyre arrived
"The same man had reserved rooms
the lo
He had insisted on both
Reverend and Mrs. Salisbury,
at across t
now? You didn't
uilding, just opened, Mr. Jo
ned his handkerchief in the catch. "Leave that there," he dir
eks before to-this he ascertained by judicious questioning-a dark, foreign gentleman who was an expert on rugs. Well satisfied, the investigator crossed over to the skyscraper across from the Palatia. There he de
he said. "I don't like
erkins' time isn't up till day after tomorrow, and his things are there yet. He told the janitor, though, tha
et. The basket was crammed with newspapers. One of them was the Hotel Regist
llars for the furni
prompt response. "Will you
d the jan
benefaction, expressed himself ready to serv
n Mr. Perkins le
This morn
! Sure it was
-car and hand him his little package? That
ent. "Do you think he could
response. "The scrubwoman heard
rd h
r. Sobbi
r-car. His trend of thought had suddenly been reversed. The devious and scie
inly copies of the Evening Register, seemed to contain, upon cursory examination, nothing germane to the issue. But, scattered among them, the searcher fo
rage Jones with gusto. "That was
writing implements. But in a crevice there shone a glimmer of glass. With a careful finger-nail
d eyelids. For, upon its tiny, improvised label was scrawled
ing in a messenger call, he drew to him a sheet of paper
ster office within half an hour," he advised the uniformed urchin who an
t, at 4 P. M. Of July 23, to a very dapper and spruce young gentleman in pale mauve spats, who wouldn't give his name; then at 4:05 P. m. of the same day to Professor Gehren, of the M
out a newsp
id he. "The Register fairly
Jones re
, formerly 74
cation H. C. T
out. MERCY-Bo
t its being so freakis
a cigarette, isn't it? H. C.-what's that? And
observed Avera
tors stared a
but sometimes a bluff
essor Gehren impatiently, "are you so infantile as to su
from his pocket, glanced at it and
when the reply came. "It's the Cairnside Hos
he other three listened to
o-morrow morning. Thank you.... I should have expected that yo
r who left a large sum of money to pay for his care, and certain suggestions for his treatment. One detail, carefully set down in writing, was that i
rage Jones. "I should like-er-to have talk
rim repression of the thinker stirred to wra
e, I think," retur
g sil
ve located him already!"
ging as to save
Hospital's telephone number. "The advertisement worked to a charm. Mr.
. McInty
ing to see
hat I am at liberty to accompany
re to take
ent?" asked Bertram langui
or a dozen; I fancy it will
Young Mr. McIntyre leaped to this
; not
s gone back on him, then," sug
one back on him, I believe, though I can't quite accurately place her as yet. Here's the
Yorker as are Hong Kong and Caracas. In front of a frame house it stopped. On a side porch, over which bright roses swarmed like children clambering into a hospitable lap, sat a man w
. "You," he smiled, "are the
ese gen
my fr
ill co
ing rose with an indulgent, a
nk it-er-safe,
der one unhesitatingly grasped it. Average Jones turned the lon
d nodded soberly,
er. "I perceive that you have commu
of da
manly youth. I should ha
he peril in which you have involved him, s
wice in that work. But he was fortunate, too. I, also, was fortunate in that the task was then so far advanced that I could complete it alone. I g
or Gehr
Jones; are you
lower of strange
to know how Telfik Bey"-his eyes narrowed and glint
h their host held open. "With young Craig as an assistant, you prepared, in the loneliest part of the
smiled and s
even then," he s
rom, you reserved rooms for him at both, and took an office across from each. As it was hot weather, you calculated
as the diplomat
ith a long
the spirit-wand of bamboo was a blow
r the window. You see the doors opening through the whole length of the apartment gave a long range, where Mr.-er-Smith could practi
ost b
ever they were,
ntly; mercifully
was fumes?" demanded Mr
nd the fact that no wound was found on the body. Th
use was that?" ask
h could answer that best. Though-er-I think the shell was blown through the blowpipe to clear the deadly fumes f
en, I am not a murderer. I am an avenger. It would have gone hard with my conscience had any innocent person
and massacre of Armenian women and girls, at Adana, by the Turks. The most hideous portion of it was briefly descriptive of the atrocities perpetrated by order of
ughter break from the soldiers and run to him, pleading for pity, as he sat his horse;
me from the Fifth Assis
the sweat stood beaded on his forehead. "I-I can't stand i
n my release I left my country. The enterprise of which I had been the head, dye-stuff manufacturing,
d young Mr. McIntyre, rising. "I shall have him
led Average Jones. "Mr. Smith will never be called to acco
twenty-four hours; I may live twice or three times that period. The poison does its work, onc
this that you let us f
know who had so strang
e poison?" asked
eplied the doomed man, with a smile. "You will f
ge Jones took down a heavy volume
ption, that the host had crossed again to the tiroir an
producing cyanide of cacodyl, or diniethyl arsine cyanide. As both of its components are of the deadliest description, it is extremely dangerous to make. It can be made only in the open air, and not without the m
t this stuff, Avera
from its action and from the l
as Colvin McIntyre, "but I want this man arrested. How can we
ld aloft a small glass vial, lead-sea
aid Average J
re was a heavy fall without, foll
sed the room in a leap, turned t
o out yet. Wait for t
ow, leaped to the ground, followed by the others, and came around the corner
said. "Who shall say t
ad he escaped. But what am I to do? Here we are with a dead body o
t, then he entered the room and called u
8 Oliver Avenue, the Bronx. Four of us witnessed it. We had come to keep an appointment with the man in coy Bertram. To one of these clung a shred of paper. For all his languid self-c
e 'Mercy' sign again. W
ones shoo
everything that had to do with his deadly stuff. The formula for cyanide of
rcy' had gone back on him," said Mr. Thomas C
ceful face of the dead to the lab
"You were wrong. It was