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Pilot: Book One of the Channel Riders

Chapter 10 Pilot

Word Count: 976    |    Released on: 02/02/2018

ther chairs and stirring a cup of coffee taken from the tray set off to the side. Elena did not reali

politely declined another offer of coffee. Riko stirred her cup while Siobhan poured for herself. The small silver spoon made little cli

ce, do you risk your crewmates or do you forsake the only life you've ev

n't been brave. She hadn't even told the other crewmembers or the bulk of her family why she was leaving. She told her grandfat

" Riko asked, her v

as easy to ignore, the longer they whispered the greater the urge be

ho study The Call

ed, unsure where the c

as once the Calling manifests, a pilot will start having dreams

Elena commented. Bo

he throbbing of these headaches nearly instantly, w

the cold caffein

ubconscious working with some of the Pilots experi

desires." Siobhan added with a mocking lilt to her voice. Elena absently wondered how esoteric some of the

iously, her gaze shifting

." Riko said as her gaze focused on Elena, her eyes catching her like a snake. Elena was unsure if she would be capable of turning away. In the weight of Riko's gaze,

best pilots afflicted with the disorder. We believe the headaches may be brought on in much the same way as growing pains are during the teenage years. They seem to be increased as a result of the Pilot's fighting the process. Many of the grounded Pilots have started paying attention to the dreams, noting down images, trying

preciated, " she answer

asked. "Your impressions, your gut feelings as well as the actual ima

my best, "

Riko and Siobhan stood and Elena scrambled to her fee

ntion to the dreams might be of ben


e off into the black and away from the safe channels at the urging of

he events of the past few days faded in importance. Slowly, she sunk back into her chair. The effects of the Ca

One cold thought nearly blew the flame out, "The council doesn't give something for nothing,

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