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Pilot: Book One of the Channel Riders

Chapter 6 Pilot

Word Count: 2216    |    Released on: 02/02/2018

lding and onto the street. Both shivered in reaction t

" her grandfather said wit

ything that would fit you, " she an

felt her smile slipping into a bit of a sneer and turned her face from her grandfather. With the exception of her cousin Mateo there were few members of her fam

clared Elena shunned by the family when she left and none of them had bothered to cal

simply claim they were both passionate women and often held differences of opinion, nothing more. They were blood and there was love, at least to his mind. Elena shook her head letting it

soon, " he continued. "N

er and not a bad sort of person. He was about fifteen years h

bothered to ask. "The wedding will take place next fall, at the end of the b

Elena asked wit

aw the calculated gleam slide through his eyes before h

sure to bear to have her invited and a grumpy time would be had by all. Sh

eting close enough that she wouldn't have too much catching up on family matters to endure. Elena tugged her keys from her pocket

ce was serious and his eye

I'm sure they have been busy." She ke

sadness in his voice that made Elena swallow hard. She

slow measured stride let her know he was taking in all the details. Elena smiled as she took Emily's chair behind the register. They worked hard this afternoon and the store showed their eff

taff were more than capable of dealing with the clients, the logistical arrangements were usually left

handle. The ones seeking large-scale purchases frightened her because she thought there was too much at stake. Elena planned to work on that with her, but doubt

e asked.

. Have you se

This is quite a fine place. But it is time we leave. I will call Marcus

tened. "Of course, " he replied. He turned off the phone and

and after shooing him outside she reset the ala

he walked. She smiled and kept her thoughts to herself. His sense of direction was not the greatest in the world and no doubt he had simply memorized his instructions from Marcus. She was content to follow along and

er grandfather said peevishly. Marcus l

ering to him


ve Marcus. I need only know where I want to go, not how to get there." Elena smi

ked your stor

nk y

e by your goods?" Elena

ll and somewhat high end. I go on


ndividual or small scale artisans and cra

were circling around and he was trying to place her comments i

not been kind to us, " he be

't supposed to know details?" He waved

he said them. "The world in general has changed. Before when we brought a shipment in we could invent stories

came from, the year it was built, the artist who designed it and exactly what sort of materials went into it. Sometimes they even ask how the materials were harvested to make certain it was done in an Earth-friendly

e they use microscopes and testing on the least little things." He shivered theatrically. "It is not good for business. What

heartedly. While her grandfather was known to go over the top about many things he

p out of the sky like gifts from an over generous God?" Elena grimaced. She knew her grandfather well enough to

artisans in some of the far off places you say you import from t

h him. "But to do that we would have to have a network o

Elena kept her mouth shut and stared right back at him, reminding herself that she was no longer a part

teasingly. Elena made her eyes

k w

m the front seat. "She is y

trouble and she is my granddaughte

e, " he said simply.

umably trust and are more than likely located in the right districts for our purposes. Would you be willing to work with your family to assist us in making these connections?" Elena

bled from her lips. "I'll have to think about it." Elena leaned back in he

s, " her grandfather said. Elena ope

t Therese." A strangely though

e will have to drive through the night to reach the arranged place in time for the meeting." Elen

roplets. In the reflection Elena saw her grandfather tug his briefcase from under the seat and pull a leather bound volume from its depths. He placed the notebook on top of the brief

ead on the cool glass and closing her eyes. 'There is no way I coul

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