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Nobody's Angel

Nobody's Angel


Chapter 1 NO.1

Word Count: 2075    |    Released on: 26/01/2018

to this site since I saw a lot of people liked it, so I thought I would tr

ed, like, the twenty some chapters I had. There won't be any messages up at the



re eventually crumbled to the ground; fires raged on, the smoke billowing in the air like a beacon for help; limbs were strewn

, faster than a human eye could see. The boy didn't stand a chance once she had selected him as her prey. The blonde waited until fear entered his eyes before sinking her fangs into his neck. When his arm came up in protest, she ripp

ul blonde hair over her shoulder and straightened

gh, her thirst returned with full force. She gasped, still not believing the intensity of her new body's demands, even after she had fed so recently. Impatient, she gave up on her leisurely walk and ran as fast as she could to Beijing, despite her stiletto hee

the middle of the trio, snarled in fury at her actions, running even faster and quickly gaining on her. His black hair covere

l's stomach drop in fear. They were her worst nightmare. When it was he

pressed close to the ground, as if they wanted to get a front row set of

power to get away, but they held her as well as if their hands had been iron shackles that not even a newborn vampire could break. The one that hated her most stalked up to her, his features drenched with spite n

d, knowing that begging was h

ng to you?" he retorted icily, referring to the now considerably le

and adopted brothers looked at him with empathy, knowing this was killing him on the inside. He didn't like doing what was needed, but he would for the protection of th

mped to the cold, muddy ground as the brunette and blonde also stepped back. He

as her nexus number perished with her, feeling her pain around t

em to not leave them alone, not right now. The two girls bot

de mate yelled her name, te

r her lifeless body, not believing what

his hands from around the girl's throat. He took one look at his mate's body and was reduced to tears. His legs ga

he knew had killed his mate. His precious, bea

f footsteps echoed in Owen's head. He swore that one day, that would be his nexus number walking away. He, th

cough. His whole body was numb due to his pain, but he still felt anger at him. He punched the ground, causing a rumb

sed in a broken whisper, sobbing, scream



a how I had

would carry me. Running from what, I didn't know, but I knew I had to run. Run, faster. Left, right, left, righ

nd my throat ached with dryness. My legs were tired. No! I had to keep running

closer until I face-planted into the cold dirt. My ankle screamed in pain as I made myself crawl i

to my head, begging the pain to go away. As my eyes focused, I found a ma

es that had scratched at my face with their reaching limbs. I didn't even try to hold them back. My knees were knocking together as I pulled them up to my chest and wrapped my arm around

a bone-chilling, animalistic snarl and sprang at me. I closed my eyes, getting

shaky breathing. A breeze whispered in my ears and only when I felt my hair blowing did I dare to look up. I loved the feel of wind in my hair, and I wanted it to glide across my cheeks. When I di

man offered his hand to me, but I didn't trust a

"Don't touch me, " I warned, my voice still quivering. I cleared my throat and glar

d of!" he yelled. I flinched

at me!" I sh

just taken my han

s a princess. You know, when one arm was under my knees and

ound with me in his lap. His hand ran through my hair, getting out all the leaves and dirt. I felt really awkward with som

shed at being caught. "I'll be back for you, " he promised. "I'm going to be back and protect y

top. There was no forest, I was fifteen again, and there was no guy that stole my first kiss. I uncer

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