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Nobody's Angel

Chapter 2 NO.2

Word Count: 4830    |    Released on: 26/01/2018

ently got deleted, she typed it ALL out again for me since she has to upd

ck would be great!



h at having to wake up at ungodly hours for something like school, I blindly kicked my heavy covers off and fumbled for my glasses until I could repl

in thanks. I had earned the respect of most people by keeping my mouth shut and eyes focused on my

assuming you all know this, today's going to be very easy since it's just review. All I need you to do is label this worksheet with the names of the bones. And no, there's no word bank. You're not in the third grad

over the major bones, really, not even half of all of the actual, more specific ones

anced English after that. I met up with my friends, E

sdain at the short skirts a group of girls were wearing t

s caused quite a scandal. Why would nerds, such as myself, want to party or hook up? Why would the attractive, athletic girls associate with outcasts? I could talk to other people with my intellect, but if I we

t throw the solar system out of balance by disrupting the hie

ing about you, and they'll be pressing for more and more until they understand exactly how you think, what makes you tic

o best friends,

. Elena was willing to approach me. Even though we're opposites in looks, we instantly bonded. She's naturally tan because of her Latino background with brown hair and chocolate eyes. My hair fell in blonde waves down my back, and my eyes were a

ar. She has dark black hair with eyes that are a beautiful, grassy green. She's outspoken but caring. She's alwa

of the school year. "Did you hear that new song by Jennifer Lopez? Yuck,

ow her career is spiraling down the toilet, and nobody's go

" Elena said. "I have to

la ordered, "Take Chip out." Chip was our two year old Yorkshire terrier. Kayla had whined and begged for him, so

xteen years of being bossed around, you would get sick of it too. Plus, it was in my nature to hate being told what to do. My independence reared her stubborn

in and reopened the door, forcing our dog into my hands. I rammed my shoulder against the door as she went to close it, careful that Chip was safe

was all on my own. I spun in, taking advantage of the second my sister was surprised at my force. I set Chip down and tried

u to, " Kayla hiss

what to do. You know that I took him o

e home

t was a lie, but jus

hen threw me out the door, reopening it so Chip ran down the steps. I scooped him up before he could run away and clipped him to his leash, waiting while he did his business as I tried to shake the snow out

ving me over to our lit

t in front of us, a few inches away from plowing me over. Her green eyes were wide, and she had the biggest smile on her glossed, pink lips. "Okay, so you know how there are three new guys in our grade? Right, so

just dropped

ten, how hot?

gasped, still trying

dly. My focus on maintaining my 4.0 GPA right now wasn't going to be interrupted by my hormon

ol, Cassie gushed and described the three newbies. Elena started to get into

Let the borin

must be one of the new kids, although I did take notice that he seemed older than seventeen. I ignored him and took my seat at my desk, the empty chair next to me remaining empty. Ever

tell you from which country, but there was an accent. It was sexy, but I pushed

essary. I didn't even know he was trying to get my attention instead of somebody else's. It took everything I had to not snap at him, but I di

e me str

es, to his ebony hair that fell just long enough for fingers to feel the downy softness that undoubtedly made it

my other classes, beautiful?" he pressed. My

top. "So, out of all people, why do you care if you have any classes...with...me..." I trailed off. No way. Th

"I don't know. I guess I just wanted to know someone in this s

was no way this guy belonged in my circle of associates. "Nerd"

but my grades were good, so they decided I could keep up with th

how old


nineteen in order to learn discipline. I was surprised he wasn't shipped off to a military b

ng slightly defensive for some reason. My thoughts must h

them, somehow..."

ore of each other, angel." I blushed at the nickname. No one had ever called me that before. He chu

didn't te

brow, waving his hand in t

va, " I

down next to me, the only empty seat. I would've felt bad for

hurriedly took out notebooks and pencils. He started on his lecture, expecting us to take notes. I did so meticulously even th

notebook in front of him. He didn't even both picking up his pencil. He occasionally glanced over at me

ted. Anything for him

ed to, " he

everyone tried to take down the words on screen and the little tidbits Mr. Collins added in. He furrowed

got held back a few grades then it wasn't that coincidental. I was overreacting. Now I

spared him a glance before going back to my book. Elena finally walked in, another guy be her side making her laugh. I gave her a pointed lo

n my head were turning, but I couldn't figure him out. He seriously wouldn't leave me alone for a second of any class

ebook, I was reaching my hand out to take it from her.

's w

how my annoyance. I'd

talking to me. It's irritat

h the paper from how hard I was pushing the pencil. I tossed

dering Colton's been attached to

ssie has her

nd yes, she's talking to a

re we


ing around each other constantly. We were a sight to see walking down the halls, I understood. With our varying looks and just as polar personalities,

gging feeling in my head that told me something was amiss sprouted from the bond that they shared, one that rivaled even the strength of ours. It was a cha

one. I was the brains. This situation was my responsibili

onto my desk, and I snatched


ogether and answe

omorrow everyth

lied to Seth's note. Hones

e. I don't need a

hing my shoulder when the teacher looked at me. She continued without giving me anoth

ut a bo

ribbled down

e your tim

hase is a waste of t

ns over my shoulder in response. As if h

ck in my shoulder. Reaching behind

I'm going to get you to trust me. Whatev

that a

weaved around the other students, trying to put distance between me and Seth and also trying to get closer to Cassie. There was a cute blonde guy with her who I

rmation out of him that way. I felt bad for using the guy, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. My parents had taught me to manipulate peopl

Cody smiled at them apologetically, as if Cassie was his girlfriend and he had tipped his lips in the same smile a million time

ch Cassie's energy level. "You probably know my brother Seth, right

f I was on a sugar high. I didn't miss that he only said I probably knew Seth, and not Colton. Had they not onl

otten the short

I have an older sister, Kayla, who's a senior." He didn't even ask about my sister, like most would. His attention wa

his feelings--it was just a lunch table, after all--but I really didn't want to see Seth again. I looked

lar smile at her. They did make a cute couple... I smiled at the tho

orn I got in line before him, and I didn't see him cut. There he sat, though, with our school's signature lunch tray in front

re all brothers

le, and we were pretty much adopted by Seth's family. But, we are best friends, so we just call each other broth

quiet, Eva,

o you. Analyzing. Tryi

I can help

ing. Ignore me. Please

h other and finished her statement to make it true. .

d suddenly. Elena and Colton started



otions in check. Today was not my day and it wasn't


ing on my nerves. Why couldn'

r favorite

es my mood. If I'm happy, red is the color of roses, which helps make me f

question. It had been a long time since I'd met anyone as di

u, and you won't leave me alon

't you un

hing ab

'm just...

like di

it, angel, because

me. Eventually you will.

f fifty-two seconds, probably a recor

o play Twenty Q

game do you


et, and you tell m


y n

r my life story? Quit wasting your breath on me;

t waltzing, but how about

e disg

led. "Although I'd be more than happy to oblige

can t

fashioned, and it's

please, please teach me how

ot of balance, concentratio

d we'll see if i

I get in

you wrong, or you proving me

free lessons and I get nothing. I want something in return." Wow, this guy was

gling my fingers as if my painted nails c

balked inwardly, but

said sarcastically. "No, I won't let you

kiss?" He looked really smug,

him straight in the eye despite my red face. Those words

be your first." He looked like he mi

Key word

e, " he retorted, still grinning

. You have to answer them, no matter what. You can refuse to answer anything as soon as I drop you off and go home. The

onfident in my avoidance s

s if he timed it perfectly, the bell rang and I was left sitting there, realizing my first date w

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