The Miracles of Antichrist
on her way to Diam
ad driven up the beautiful road over the lower slopes of Etna, circling round the mount
n her sorrow. Even when it began to grow light, she would not lift her eyes to look out. It was n
nte; this is to be y
y. Behind the mountain the sun was rising, and when the upper edge of the sun's disc appeared above t
ed her to look a
ed mountain chain, which surrounds Etna like
er direction. It was not that
ck valley. There the ground shone like velvet, and the
ot turn her eyes in
rning light and encircled by a crown of shady palms. On its summit she saw a town flanked with tow
s arm and asked her if it was a re
tain that no mortal had ever passed up the path that from the edge of the valley went in great curves o
ed her that the earth still held all this beauty for her. She had believed that, since it had been the scene of
ere a sanctuary. And it seemed to her as if this town co