The Miracles of Antichrist
onks. It was, however, less a monastery than a fortress. It was like a
because the sibyl had caused Augustus to see Christ. But the monastery was built because they feared
ing and pray, they thought that they were walking on ramparts,
st, and all their service was a struggl
nd they continually thought they discovered Antichrist. "He is here, he is there!" they cried. And they fluttered up in t
prayers and penitence? The sibyl
le. If it was of no avail to struggle,
the Capitol by penitences, and works of c
eeble and lacking in force. The monks said among themselves: "Soon the kingdoms of the e
w that he who was to be born again must be the Antichrist,
Antichrist. And they saw him before them. He was as rich as Christ had been po
ned the churches, murdered the priests, and armed people for strife, so that brot
way over the sea of time, they cried out from the w
sanna!" and sang the "Te Deum." And they said: "It is because of our pr
aw wild beasts come into their cells and stretch themselves out beside them on their beds. And each wild beast was Antichrist. But some of the monks
to the church to seek consolation from it. He would go through the whole basilica and into a well-guarded chapel at the side of the great altar. There he lighted the consecrat
tress, who had called on him for help. And the walls of the chapel were covered with pictures, which showed how he had saved from dangers of fire and shipwreck, how he had cured th
at can overthrow you in your might?" he said. "What can overthrow you? To you the Eternal City bends its knees. You are Rome's Holy Child. Yours i
he rays he saw the world full of churches, where Christ was worshipped. It seemed as if a powerful conqueror had shown him all the cast
nd peace, until fear seized him again. But had the monks not poss
gh the centuries, and there had never lacked for watchers; as soon as one had be
madness or premature death, the succession of monks never diminished,[1
and in the degenerate times the monks fought with greater eagerne
he charmed her so that she thought she could not live if she did not possess him. She went again
at basilica with gold coins, the monks would not have been wi
rmined to steal the image. She did not think of the sin she was committing; she felt only a strong compulsion and a burning thirst, and preferred to risk her soul ra
image on Aracoeli was not painted by mortal hand. When the monk who had carved him had taken up his brushes and colors, he fell asleep over his work. And when[14] he awoke, the
and glass; and she dressed him as those seeking help had dressed the true image. When the image was ready she took a needle and scratched in the crown: "My kingdom is only of this world." It was as if she was afraid that she herself
under it, and went up to Aracoeli. And she asked that she
hake and looked as if she were going to faint. The monk who was with her hurried into the sacristy after water and she was left alone in the chapel. An
cks, and the Englishwoman went home with the treasure of Aracoeli. She placed him in
as was the custom, a most beautiful niche. There he lay, shining like a jewel, on Maria's knees, and about him shepherds and angels and wise men were arranged. And as long as he lay there children ca
Christ image of Aracoeli. Therefore she confessed to no one that the image she had was the real
Christchild," she said, "if you only knew how the real child lies in his glory in the niche in Aracoeli and how Maria and San Giuseppe and the shepherds are kneeling before him! And if yo
o you know that to-day I have been up in Aracoeli and have seen how the true child was carried in the procession? They held a ca
standing? For the real child is called to the sick and is driven to them in his gold-laced carriage, but he cannot help them and they die in despair. And people begin to say that Aracoeli's
did not come quickly enough to open, some one began to knock. It sounded clear, like ringing metal, and it was heard through the whole monaste
that stood on the threshold. It was his little hand that had[17] pulled the bell-r
as, the poor, holy child had wandered through the town by night! What had it not seen? So much poverty and
rior and showed him the image. And they w
ice. And all the monks of Aracoeli marched into the great, dim basilic
hey had escaped from some terrible danger. "What would have happened to us," they said, "if our only consolation
he chapel, they found there the false child; him who wore the
he image more closely th
ned to the monks a
f the church with silk, and light[18] all the wax candles, and
and a cursed dwelling; but for the suffering of all those who h
this that you have seen is the sign that Anti
alse image of Christ that bears the words of Antichrist in its crown, and he ha
r the sibyl's mystic speech is fulfilled,
be dispelled, and who has carried out His will without t
ts under the protection of God, and does His
terrace. Below him lay the high and broad stairway with its hundred and nineteen marble steps that leads down from the Capitol as if into an abyss. And he