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The Hickory Ridge Boy Scouts: Under Canvas


Word Count: 2568    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ince besides the five scouts who had made the n

s intimate chums, he still answered cheerfully to this silly name. Arthur Stansbury was a good scout, and well liked, though at critical times he showed a disposition to get

his sleep, so that often the others, whenever any mysterious thing happened in camp at nighttime, accused Landy of doing it whi

a sweater of a pronounced fiery hue. Once a garment of this type had gotten Ty into a lot of trouble with a furious bull, when he was caught in a pasture, and forced to take

and at present he boasted of another garment of a sanguinary

commodious wagon, and enlivening the time as they journeyed toward ca

by some of his mates with abject scorn. Nancy certainly did have a pretty heavy load to transport, and after the first mile o

mals, and show a disposition to lighten their work all that is possible. If being a scout did not teach a boy a single thing more than that it would still have accomplished much; and

h camping out. There were no firearms visible, though possibly a gun or two might turn up later on, when the contents of that heavily laden wagon had been fully disclosed. Several of the boys wer

econd one by virtue of early arrival; while Ted and Lil Artha, the "long and the short of it," m

was frequently called upon to "quit dragging," whenever the pa

riffle, do you think?" Toby was asking, after they had gone three-fourths of the

y of the scout master, for of course they were

sible to take the wagon all the way to the nut grove when we wanted to load our sacks;

, "because we've got a raft of stuff along this time, and if we had to tote the same on o

"though of course I'm always willing to shoulder m

was made, because George had a reputation a little bit along the line of a "shirk," when it ca

minutes more, if only Nancy doesn't drop de

g that ever wore the iron on her hoofth. And I expect to thee her doing duty yearth after I come back with my diploma from colleg

ganization seemed to remind Toby and George of the remarkable events connected with their late nutting expedition. Elmer, therefo

vein of satire in his voice that was almost as natural to Doubting George as breathing was; "but I never did take any stock in the game, though I agreed to assist out, to please you, El

it's done some good. Anyhow, none of us has had any trouble with that Mallon crowd since then. The

d everybody in town'll hear how they ran like Sam Hill, leaving their nuts behind, and thinking a ghost was chasi

ark. I had a little surprise this same morning when I came out of the house, just as dawn was break

; while the others leaned forward eagerly, intent on hearing the an

its I ever saw, and fresh killed at that

nd looking as proud as a turkey cock. He just grinned as he walked past, and even nodded his head, but I was too surprised to answer him, or ask where he struck such great luck. But

ad just four. Now, George, what do you say to that? Was it a silly thing in our taking those four bags of nuts, and leaving them where we did? Don't you think Connie

e die

elieve that tough case could understand a decent motive; but he evidently wanted to l

opinion that in his own crude way Connie meant to tell me he was holding out the olive branch. I've got a hunch he's in a humor to be approached, a

but I give you my opinion for what it's worth, and the c

rgument any further, for he knew how persistent George could be, and that although possessed o

recently began to call the attention of their companions t

g down the road in the direction of town. Well, suh, I reckon the fellow who held the whip was using the same on the backs of those h

il Artha, from the rear of the vehicle; "and just like you, Chatz, I'd

here's a chance of you getting pitched out, because the old wagon joggles dre

ick the easiest trail possible, but in spite of this it

e way, fellows," he declared, as he

d Landy Smith,

and he too might have gladly sought the ground only

harder than ever to draw it; while George and Ted and Chatz co

"and Toby, you notice, is turning out, because this time we don't want to head direct for the nut grove, but the dense woods alongside. We saw a

lugging, and that count

lt to cover half a mile at every step. All you'd have to do would be to take

there was an eagerness in his voice that betrayed how much he had been thinking of hi

"and you'll have a chance to scrape up an acquaintance with that old hobgoblin, Chatz. You're welcome to all the fun; I haven't lost any ghost that I know about,

he four scouts craned their necks and stared in one particular direction; it was in that quarter George had just said the haunted h

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