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The Hickory Ridge Boy Scouts: Under Canvas

The Hickory Ridge Boy Scouts: Under Canvas



Word Count: 3002    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

alf-way there now;

that, Mr. Scout Master; as

until I hear something that sounds like business I'm all up in the a

l believe anything till you see it with your own eyes, and then you often wonder whether you're awake or

born different; I'm not so trusting, and things

nto the conversation at this point, by laughing ho

and thaying the very first thing: 'The moon ain't made of green cheet

ere are three of us burning up with curiosity to know where you're piloting this shell-bark hickory nut-gathering expedition. You let it out to Elmer in the start, but the rest of us don't kn

peculiar little drawl, quite musical, to his voice, that stamped him of So

a lies. You promised that we'd get every sack we're carrying along filled to the brim with dandy chestnuts, h

ed, Toby and Chatz to the Wolf Patrol, and George to the Beaver. The troop was in a flourishing condition, sin

some time back secured from Scout Headquarters his certificate enabling him to act as Assistant Scout Master in

and victories have already been placed before the readers of this Series of scout books in preceding volumes, so that an extended introduction to Elmer and h

home town. A sharp frost on the preceding night was just the thing to make nutting a success, for it h

ck these scouts in full force when Toby Jones confided to them that he knew a place where almost unlimited amounts of splend

he endeavor to coax him to tell. But Toby was nothing if not stubborn, and he only shut those jaws of his tighter, and

of the wagon. The conveyance belonged to his father, and it som

been connected with a regiment of Zouaves under the famous colonel whose death at Alexandria

nly succeeded in patching up several supposed-to-be flying machines, which had managed to give him a few rough tumbles, though luckily not any broken bones. His chums never knew what he would spring on them next, for he was constantly gr

aning for the profession of a doctor. Indeed, such was the extent of his knowledge of surgery and medicine that he often went by the name of "Doctor Ted." And having had occasion to

ooked at his companions. He saw an eager glow in the eyes of the trio who had be

, and show the white feather," he observed, with a quick glance directly at Cha

king it beautiful, and then the owls and rats took charge, which was all of twenty years ago, I

rted place; but most people would say that's only old women's stories. All the same those people who don't believe in spooks a

s had laughed at him many times, and Chatz even took himself to task because of his weakness, which he had probably imbibed through association as a small child with colored pickaninnies down on the plantation in South Carolina. Sometimes he boldly declared he was done with such childish beliefs; but when an occasi

rning white figures seen stalking about the weed-grown grounds, and looking out of the open windows of the ruined house. That was why Toby had been wise enough to keep

ed; "so I asked Elmer about it, and he advised me to bottle up till we

I may be silly enough to believe in ghosts, but nobody ever called me a coward

!" chir

up at that old mill," remarked George, "and it turned out to be only a bunc

e, till you've pulled the same to pieces, and examin

he thupply of nuts up at the old Cart

as there were in that woods back of the house. You never heard of any fellows going up there to gather hickories, did you? I guess nobody ever goes inside half a mile of the place if they c'n help it. And Elmer, he fell in with my scheme right away. Besides, you see, I'm

some other foolish invention of yours, Toby-a new kind of flying machine that'll d

driver of the wagon told him; "I happen to be built on a different model, and p'raps you may live

y that when my cousin Landy Smith is around. I only hope this don't turn out a hoax, that's all. It's going to be an

ounced, with a broad grin, "I'm goin' to invite the whole bunch to stop off at this wayside

were accordingly somewhat parched in consequence, there w

an early start for home," Elmer told them, as Toby pulled ne

ed dinner," George went on to say, with a pleased smile; for while he might be given to doubting many thin

y was doing the needful with his hitching halter made of rope, the others stretched their legs, and waited, because it would be

e fence near by, and observing the f

baseball last summer," muttered Toby, as he happened to glance o

y was a strapping big chap, and if provoked might give them more or less trouble, in a desir

he did his level best to get in a scrap with some of our fellows. Felix Wagner and Tom Ballinger had to

had started a wayside grocery, and general store, at which you could purchase near

sarsaparilla and root beer that must have been left over from his summer t

s in the store; and then after Toby had settled

mer noted when he looked over toward the fence whe

eling so fresh and frisky by the time we get back home to-night. That load of nuts is going to make you puff, let me tell you. Pile in, fellows, while I unfasten the hitching rope. Whoa! there, don't you dare try t

a most remarkable manner. Then, taking the bit between her teeth, she started along the road, fortunately in the right direction, at a whirlwind pace, amidst a cloud

ll within hearing distance of the place, Elmer felt sure he saw a head rise into view above the pig-pen sit

e wagon flinging from side to side in the road, as Toby stood half erect, pullin

e been right when he said he doubted whether th

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