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The Young Engineers in Arizona


Word Count: 1663    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of those who had refused to open bank accou

d better dock the missing men for time off. If you find that any missing man has been gone on a proper errand

working fellows go away and make fools of themselves just as soon as they get a bit of

sensible view of pay day, and can drill it into them so that it will stick, there will be just that n

wenty ye

to see the vultures and the parasites fatte

our gift with the tongue, Mr. Reade, and I've never been a

ived, and that they were required only to report in order to keep themselves on the time sheets. Having reported to their foremen and the checkers, they were quite at liberty to go over into Paloma or

s of that chap Reade," gr

for years, and I never before knew one of them to care whether I had a hundred dollars or an empty stomach. Boys, I tell you, Reade, has the right stuff in him, if he is only a youngster. He knows the ene

e speaker drew out the bankbook that

s of mine that I've put away to work and do good things for me! If I don't touch this money

bank clerk is up in Canada sp

ill be still good for the money. Joe, you rea


that has failed and left the people in the lurch for their mone

shamed at having such possessions. Yet many a hard toiler in camp felt a new sense of importanc

called one of the two camp

open, then stared at


stopped the men from spending any money in the town. Not our poli

ed) EL

al Man

passed the message over t

tten after you quickly, Sir," co

ourse that isn't approved by the general manager. I'll w

the young man, tur

ed Tom; then seated himself

h, Genera

e foolishness of spending their wages in buying liquor or in gambling. Result was that men banked about two thirds of the total pay roll with the bank people yo


f Eng

hat I've been injuring," smiled Tom, first showing the sheet to S

n Paloma may be able to stir up a good deal of trouble for you. Mr. Reade, I stood with you yesterday, and I'm

tied by any clique of gamblers and dive keepers. If Mr. Ellsworth isn't satisfied, then I'll run up to headquarters and talk to him in perso

grinned the operator, agai

over to Hawkins this message

of case at this distance

right," Re

d Hawkins, who knew something

e on a stationary engin

to his chum, who had been mildly dozin

d Hazelton, sitti

noon, or in camp?" Tom inquired of

that he'd eat in camp, whe

long with you, Mr. R

the noonday sun Tom had not the heart to urge his mount to speed. The trio were soon at the edge

first buildings a low whistle

this way," announced Hawkins grimly. "

en a sharp hiss sounded from an open window. Then

in the grass," To

est of 'em, Mr. Reade," re

ed as Har

reptiles among them. It would be rough o

the Mansion House. Superintendent Hawkins loo

waiting to see you. I'm certain they've no

, and a suppressed, surly murmur,

ch numbered fifty or sixty men. The young chief engineer signed to one of the stable boys, w

d. There was a world of menace in the gambler's wic

o express our belief that the air of Paloma is not going to be good for you. A

the meaning of the speaker. Tom R

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