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The Young Engineers in Arizona


Word Count: 2755    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

That doesn't go here!

at. With the other hand Tom caught Duff's right wrist and wrench

, Tom Reade struck the gambler heavily across the face with the flat of his hand. Hard wo

Hazelton and the foremen, had run up to them, seized

revolver. Quickly opening i

y, and the foreman of t

a hammer," directed young Hazelton, as he passed the re

ur action in reaching for a pistol was so childish-or cowardly, whichever you prefer to call it-that I admit I forgot myself for a moment. Now, you are not going to erect any ten

e paler than ever. "Boy, you needn't try to crawl back

At the same time, Duff, I don't believe in stirring up bad blood with anyone. You and I haven't the same way of regarding your line of business. That's the main difficulty. As I can't see your point of view, it would be

down, I tell you!"

ooking the other straight in the eyes. "It's merely a question of whether

d, though not necessarily dangerous men. They were mostly men who had been hired to run the gaming tables

any part in the dispute. Now Duff moved o

nd b

g his chum. Though none of Reade's force was armed, t

es forward. This brought him face to face with Reade's

for a merry night of it. This boy says you can't have your enjoyment. Are you goin

rowd a gradually incr

d. "Throw him out, I say, and send word to your

for the Mexican peon, or laborer, is often a furiou

own people, started forward, but Tom

f, I'm afraid you're making a fool of yourself,"

the men-a few of the men, too, who were not Mexicans, and a

Hustle the boy o

er step toward the now angrier crowd. "Men, listen to me, and you'll get a

o!" roared a voice fro

Tom rejoined, with a smile. "If Jim Duff wants me thrown

they had recently seen, struck home with many of the m



, Jim! We'll s

l bow in the direct

e crazy!" yelled

is boy, as you call him, thrown out, and we're waiting to see you do it. It yo

tion had swung the balance of feeling against

ff won't throw you out, then you t

t have any desire to remain around here. Mr. Duff, I ask you for the l

snarled t

ers!" ca

ied the foreman,

down at once. Be careful to see that no damage is done. A


take fifty men. See that the work

ir money arrived, stirred uneasily. They might have interfered, but Foreman Mendoza ran among his country

d his fifty men, together,

but big Superintendent Hawkins seized the gambler by the shoulders,

ons. Mr. Rivers's men had entered so thoroughly into the spirit of the thing

Duff now strode over to where Tom stood. No

nnounced the gambler, in his most threate

e not," dr

ur hours. You have treated me, with

ed Tom.. "Jim is fond of do

Duff. "You've made an enemy, and one of the worst in Arizo

t what?" asked

on his heel, stalking off with a majes

s in an undertone. "That is your hint that Duff wil

in coming!" utte

s of laborers coming in his direction,

on's gang is coming in from work. As all our men are now idle, I wish you would dire

hustling the gambler off the scene had died away, many of the men were sorry that they had not made their disapproval plaine

that draws all of the vultures. A few minutes ago you saw one of the vultures here, preparing to get his supposed share of your money away from you. Does Jim Duff care a han

n toiling and sweating, what has Duff been doing? Hasn't he been going around wearing the clothes and the air of a gentleman, while you men have been giving all but your lives for your dollars, while you have been denied most of the comforts of living. Hasn't Duff been up at the Mansion House, living on the fat of the land and smiling to himself every time h

, yet carrying his talk along in all simplicity, and with

loon keepers who are cleaning up their dives and opening new lots of liquor that they feel sure they're going to sell you to-night. These dive keepers are ready to welcome you with open arms, and they'll try to make you feel that y

kerchief that he deftly bound around

Who's keeping your money in bank for you? Jim Duff and the sellers of poisons? Will they ever hand your money back to you? Some of you men have dear ones at home. If one of these dear ones sends a hurried, frenzied appeal for money in time of sickness or death what w

marshaled his Mexicans and was translati

ntation of the matter caught the men

you and men just like you have helped to make the Duffs. You're not going to do so after this, are you,

t, even though all of Reade'

's translation, became interested, desp

ds. All that he said went home to many of the laborers. Whil

kmen to head off any "runners" who might attempt to

k over in Tucson. This man, who knew the common people, talked for fifteen minutes, after which a clerk appeared from the pay car with a book in

s and twenty-four thousand dollars that had been deposited as new accounts from the men. Of the money that remained in camp m

ple in Paloma, who were sober, decent American

others held an indignat

complained one indi

is face was ghastly white, "you have a new enemy, who threaten

ert, or bury him there!" c

eed in laying the railroad tracks across the Man

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