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The Spruce Street Tragedy


Word Count: 2430    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

anion close to his side, in order that he might not

, that they were about to hear re

, however, seemed a littl

e said, in a tone of authority. "I

and passed it across t

ral drink, and han

e, you may feel the need o

anced at the flask: "it vos only a drop I coul

to hear him, but

trick we played down

young station agent'

he had committed suicide, but as I


; and while they couldn't slow up in time to escape running over it, they saw plainly


bad for us, but

hey suspect

o follow up certain clews tha

hey suspect der r

icions point to another rich fellow;

n' up der ca

s are at it as yet; but I understand Old Spicer's going to

Father Abra

help of some powerful saint, b

oughtful tone. "You asked me to help you with the job, and I did i

hat I was goin

ive on, vithout a

rtain family, named Goddard, moved to Madison from New York. The father was eng

atrons. She was not only beautiful, but vivacious, and when some young Hartford men camped out there, about six years ago, two

mantic youth of sixteen or seventeen, had seen Miss Goddard, and, naturally,

en both Beach and Emory, separately, cause to thi

jealous; but, strange to say, she never played them off against ea

o days, she had had fearful rows with both Beach and Emory; and in t

vate talk with him. The result was, her parents made her leave her husband, which, as I h

loved her devotedly, he never attempted to enforce his leg

and tried to induce him to get a divorce, as the woman had no grounds upon which to apply for

ver promised, in case she should become free, to marry him; but I fancy he had

ith him. He tried other means, and when

, pooty quick,

completed my bargain wi

id de lee

the ground. Since his wife had left him, Way had gone into t

knew a party over at Le

offey, y

h, we were able to learn a good deal. But, confound it, Ja


x matters right, he may let out something-tell of

on't pe so careless. Put

veral r

t vos one

s in money at Coffey's place, near the depot, several months ago. And then,

l dot vosn't any evi

just at the point where a little path leads to

'm surbrised a

ent him there that night in order to make sure of Way's movements. And

s! vot an

isn't th

braham! w

wo or three persons that he was with Way three minutes before the freight train went t

say dot,


I will kill him befo

wouldn't be such

Parney Hawks,

tly willing,

ttles i

that Clark that we saw wit


woman, Mrs. Tyron, claims she saw him running dow

ps she

perhaps sh

They may hang him if they want

I reckon he'll get o

en said apout de

murderers got away with one

d und forty-nine tollars und seventy-eight

tter ask


get the bottle of whisky yo

't remembe


n't t

u m


like a blasted fool, you left on the track near the dead body

't find h

y n

ody never so

do you

s puy a tollar's worth

might have


did you ste

. In Shake Ma

you b

it vos there.

wded when we were in there, and amo

to pe forgo

w about Way's revolver:

rney, I

re i

re in thi


my p

you'd better take it away an

so, P

eapon sharp, and it wouldn't do to h

t vith me, und hide it

t you do

ney, so 'elp

oment's pause, "and then we must be off. Have

d Jake, somewh

about the old woman'


he claim the old

khammer h

with stern displeasure, and the

is affair, and it don't make any difference if Hen and his pal did get in ahead of us, they'

ey, dot vos all r

n. How much of a haul i

, sure, and maype

teen thousand, that

os not so

thousand a pi

twenty t'ousa

give each of them an extra thous

hey vould hav' five t'ousand, und ve

d five thousand oug


we find '

a threatening look from Barney s

ue, mit a girl," he said, hastily. "I don'

to him ther

I di

t you


's t

had letters sent to somedimes

to-morrow. This town is getting a little hot for us, and we want money-want it badly; and we can see Hen

dink ve petter

tled. Now get your litt

nks behind which the detectives were concealed, and

and pulling up the bed itself, felt e

matter?" demanded Barne

ols vos gone!" gasped Jake.

The d

uv my bapers

? What

some leetle

ndums o

jewels I hid in der

wealth concealed i

. It vos schust my share in der l

once. If that revolver is gone, it isn't at all lik

s so, P

nks aside. That's right-go

rowing open the door, entered the inner vault,

es of two revolvers thrust into their faces, and to

ago. Here it is! Will you have the contents now? You have

" ejaculated Barney,

acious!" groaned Jake,

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