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The Spruce Street Tragedy


Word Count: 1933    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

he case, Spicer?" asked

ed opinion as yet," was

chief, "I am beginnin

e to hear it,

me more grasping than ever. She didn't care who came here so long as they left plenty of money behind the


uring the night that the upper tenants were more or less disturbed. We infer, too, from what we have seen of the ser

er was committed by some of

hat may be

pe your investiga

e will be to find out w

any progress in

o vacate his apartments. He had with him Alexander Lane and Andrew Lane, brothers, who live on Congress Avenue. Andrew is to rent the tenement to be vacated by Webber.

bber catch a g

neither did his companions. But, Spice



have you

his and fronting on York Street, looked from a rear window, last

obably kept it

er this room, just told me that she heard perso

anything lik

rd any quarreling or lou

murderers got awa

uded that they probably got away with between four and five hundred dollars. She was known

haul, if that'

han five hundred dollars at the mo

eving that they were going to get more,"

ief, quickly; "they supposed the old woman

, and that they came here with the intention of robbing the old woman of a big stake. In order to car

hat they intended to murder her

eft her tied where she is now lying. The fact that she was such a sufferer from asthma may not have been known to the criminals. With

one of the other detectives. "I don

ybody in the house?" aske

have had something to say t

nothing mor

re of any c

hief?" asked Officer Cannon, indicating a person

d the chief;

, young man," said the

hus admonished,

men in a buggy. They acted as if they might be partially intoxicated. The team was going as rapidly as it could. Just before they came up to where we were they

me from this way?

t far from this house w

hey go after the

Howe S

ce anything i

we both n

t wa

nary pac


ed in the rear,

ey didn't drive

e; but I think they

this story before," said th

oking those fellows up,"


t you had h

sidewalk, somewhere about midnight, she thinks, and saw three suspicious-looking

at one o'clock, or through Oak Street, as you think, with the woman's story of the whispering

me-- Well, what

" and Officer Woodford handed a very fin

mann, curiously, as he carefully ex

I fancy it may have belonged to some one

nitials in one corner of the handkerchief; "I'd give som

chief from him, and after a

e clew. It may be well to cult

zed the cambric cl

urned to Maier Zund

ad woman's financial affairs f

have looked after her money matters and kept charge of he

t have a very large s

ty sure sh

r five hundred dollar

llars by her. She wanted to paint her several

the painters,

must still have had some two

been found here

at deal, I

has been found, either on her person or

she in the ban

to the amount of $1500, and

dea who the cri

ake a pretty close

know which way you

nion that Margaret Ernst was mur

k I see your line of argument, sir,

en the truth is known y

n't at al

u will find that some one in this house is s

what you say." Th

e, how ol

enty-two. I think she was neare

s from

Oxburg, i

d made


she leave h

the old country, and the rest to t

bout ten y

John E


elve, I sh

in this count

the Union army th

her maid

ret Te

s said. Do you think as they do, tha

ward she was smothered with a pillow. No intention to kill her? Pshaw! the poor old lame woman attempted to make a

quite sure of

what I am talking

e of the people

to the matter

lly do, M

picer. Your work shall be well paid for. I will see to that. As you can

best to get at the exact truth in this cold-blooded and cowardly affair." And a momen

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