The Secret of the Storm Country
nner nor Andy had made any comment when she told them she had really consented to sing at the home of the dwarf's enemy. Now s
she call
om somewhere abov
, dear, an' squint
e and a face pee
Tess, a break in her voice. "Wh
air goin' to take ye a
ord in it. Tess whirled around on him and faste
"air you an' Andy thinkin' thing
Waldstricker, tha
gged her
in defense, "but Miss Young wanted me to-oh, daddy,
oke in Daddy Skinner, "but d
to her father's side and gathe
said she. "I air goin' to sing an' mebbe I'll only see Wal
l 'im, kid?" ga
oes," returned Tess. "Now you're don
thused Andy. "Orn, ha
Squatter, "an' she
l admonition to them, not to talk aloud, she started for Young's with palpitating heart. Deforrest met her as she ascended the
eeted. "How beautiful yo
night things were beautiful, too. Did Professor Young think her beautiful like all these wonders? She smiled, her face shining in its m
ed her brother. "Quite a surprise
of her head to the tip of her prett
ery satisfactory, Tess." Then to
was lighted from cellar to garret, that a long line of vehicles was making its slow way to the porch. Her heart fl
ing afore such a awful lot of f
he pressure of t
" she suggested. "You won't break
opefully, but she heaved a deep sigh as Deforrest Young lifted her
and while they were removing their wraps, Helen took the op
r 'ing's,' and remember always to say
eapt into her throat when Ebenezer Waldstricker came forward to meet them. He welcomed Hel
Helen, my darling," he murmured,
e smiled into
hen turning, Helen announced "Here's Mis
more at ease when Deforrest Young joined them. Her welcoming smile caused that gentleman's heart to bound in delight. They made their way slowly and with difficulty down the long hall, Tessibel growing more and more conscious of
ng. There!" They had crossed the room and neared a row of chairs arranged against the wall. "Sit d
ed the distance between their place and the piano. Oh, how thankful she was when Miss Young took a seat beside her. Near t
she'd ever had, and gratitude toward the woman at her side overcame for the moment her embarrassment. Presently Waldstricker came to them with the r
s you do for us, my dear," he bent to
ssly into the chair to which Deforrest led her and watched Ebenezer escort Helen to the piano. Her muscles grew taut with fright. How she wished to be
, in low tones. "I
instrument there suddenly appeared before the quiet audience a radiant vision, a girl with tawny, glittering curls hanging in a golden fire-sho
Young's hands poised above the keyboard, then descended; and as spontaneously
ingers together. How had his sister dared to risk such a song with such a child!... Then he took a long satisfied breath, for he saw
Miss Young, glancing around proudly at Tess, smiled and nodded. The girl felt another song thrust into her hands. This time she was less tremulous and s
God's love, teach me the fullness
might find the largeness of the Infinite. Turning swiftly to the window, he pressed his lips together to stifle his emotion. He could no longer bear the stab at his heart, nor risk the mist rising in his eyes. Tessibel, wholly unconscious of the stir she was making, sang on and on, her gaze on the sheet in her hand. Suddenly she raised her e
to the girl at his side. He hadn't even welcomed her with his eyes. Never before had he failed to greet her smilingly. She chilled t
murmured, "it was
aldstricker was bend
s you are for so young
ing," she replied, rising. "
er, and he, too, turned to
rbed mind was where Frederick stood with Madelene Waldstricke
" Madelene was saying to Frederick. "I be
d the student, flushing, "but
utiful!" interj
beautiful as another girl I know," he whispered
she suggested. "I feel I must
unusual sight. For one burning moment she wanted to scream, to spring up and do some terrible thing to the small girl walking so familiarly at her husb
uch a surprise to every one!
Miss Waldstricker
rlet face at the
panting heart a feeling of proprietorship for the tall, dark boy standing
ved Miss Waldstricker, with a sha
re for compliments from Madelene Waldstricker? She wanted to hear them from Fr
, you know Miss Young, and this-an
her eyes slowly and he was looking upon her as if she were a thing apart from him
unfamiliar tone. "Your voice, Miss Skinner, a
y repeating what another girl had said. Her head burned like fire, and her heart gave a rebellious, defiant twist. She was his wife. All the passion within her tempestuous soul raged in stout protest against his treatment of her. Couldn't-oh, he could have said-have said-just a little something! Then anger fell from her in a trice. Desolation
o supper,"
nd herself positively unable to eat. When had she ever been capable of taking food when her heart filled her throat? She was conscious every moment of the presence of her husband and Ma
tranger roused Tessibel f
r, you've located Andrew
urse,-up in the garret under the straw tick. If they had found him, it must have been there. When? Tonight, since she'd left home. She
ted, swept his flashing eyes to Tessibel and smiled, "we hope to hav
n her chair, and she was not sorry when the sig