The Secret of the Storm Country
Meets Wal
ore, for every week she had caught and cleaned a mess of fish and carried them up the ravine to the woman's shanty. But today, Tess wanted to consult the seeress about Andy. S
l, she met Sandy Letts carrying
greeted her. "H
etched his mighty arms, and shrugged the stiffness out of his p
d contact with him, st
e days, Sandy," she answe
o young as he were once. Reckon he air not long fer this world. When yer Daddy
rd directly in front of her
blocked her way! "You shan't say such things about my daddy! I don't want any man but 'im." Noting his unshaven cheeks, loose hanging lips, the li
th, looked down at her. Her straight young figure, glowing face, and flaming eyes under the ruddy aureole of her hai
air a beauty!" he
p of the heavy hands aroused the evil passion
ong arms began to close around her body. His face was so close she had to force her hand in between his lips and her
e cried out sharply. "I'll tel
gging his face with her nails. As well might Sandy try to make love to a cornered wildcat. He threw her from
ll tame ye yet, ye
er ears. The narrow lake shone in the clear light of the dying day like a broad strip of silver set in the bos
xpected appearance, the blood fled from her face, leaving her quite pale and trembling. This was the man who was seeking Andy Bishop as at one time Dominie
singer, aren't you?" he
curled up as if smiling, while the other was rigidly drawn
rmured, dropp
going?" asked t
and run, anywhere to escape from the br
lives over there in the gully." She hesitated, pointing to Mo
first at the little h
he ejaculated, incredulously. "Why, girl, tha
gesting a new idea. "Anyway, Mother Moll always tells m
instant, noting involuntarily the abundance and beau
o with you
awe of the powerful man at her side, confused her. She couldn
plained. "Ma Moll hates stranger
rl's speech except that the
can't realize that God-fearing men and women have s
ared he'd follow her there. Here was a man of whom she was heartily afraid, and as she dar
n the ravine. It was quite close now. Tess knew the witch was at hom
icker eyeing her. She noted both
rposely to see you and
ed she took two su
imed, nervously. "He don't like stran
ugged his should
ust see him,"
this man. He had the same imperious be
nt to see Daddy fer?" H
a lot of money," the man explain
ore replying. This put a di
tomorrow?" she
hen. Tell your
t," mutte
of wild flowers and nipped clean
s, sharply, hur
retorted, "A flower hasn't a
lowers she cherished so tenderly left her dumb. That his statement was false, she knew. To her the flowers expressed
ble as she mounted th
e to her knock. Before pulling the latch str
go first, an' tell Mo
d saw the old woman swaying
ll," she said gently. "I wa
iled a withere
"Yer Moll's allers glad to see ye
ced into t
's come along with me," s
er watery eyes glared at the tall man in the doorway, and he as
it won't be nothin' very pleasant," she gr
ettle from the fire. It was steaming hot, and sh
icker. "I'll tell ye what's doin' in
, glanced darkly at Tessibel, but the girl's unresponsi
he said grimly. "The county
her eyes netted together, almost closing the flaming red lids. Through the narrow slits she was following the stea
day-" She stopped, sank back, then looked again into the steaming kettle. "I see a wee leetle man like this-" She raised the cane b
aldstricker, "and
rested her weight upon its crooked handle and for
n't as smart as ye think ye air.
hen proceeded. "He sets on yer head and lays on ye
teeth, now, in spite of himself, intensel
ir too late. I see-I see-" Lifting one hand, the b
" burst forth the
air stranglin' yer throat till ye can't speak, cu
Her hair, copper-colored in the light from the window at her side, framed in its shining curls a f
er sister-holdin' out her hands pleadin' to some other man-" Again the aged voice trailed into that chattering laugh. "An' I air seein' somethin' else." The old woman rubbed the palms of her horny hands together and pitched forward
s you, long curls like snakes str
flashing eyes, sudd
Tess, roughly. "That hateful ha
t yell left Mot
is, an' this, an' this." Tensely she locked together her bony fingers. "An' hair'll strangle
and dragged her out of the house. On the path he let her go and stood transfixed, as though the length and abundance of the red curls, fal
If there's any power in law or money, I'll root her
d her. Would he try and root Daddy Skinner and herself from their shanty? No, he couldn't! He couldn't! Neither would his long
ed and fled swift-footed away toward the lake. The man watched the flying figure bounding along toward the span of blue water. T