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The Adventure Girls at K Bar O


Word Count: 3218    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ing in the open!" Carol s

ing on through the downpour. It was decidedly uncomfortable and to make it worse, they had had to have a cold lunch b

Janet was the only one

Jim?" she called over the heads

It was an old miner's shack, long since deserted by its owner, but no matter how ramshackle and tumbled

I reckon," Jim re

ss," Gale murmu

camping in the open? I wouldn't blame you. This is

ough the mere thought of her own comfort had never ente

l concern. "I hope today isn't too much for her. I don't want t

t?" Gal

ed uncomfortably, "I--

. "Don't go keeping secrets from me. Is

st Cabin," Virgini

clared. "Tell me more! How

er deposits. Some miners came and camped here. The owner of the cabin worked his mine for a year or so. Some people said he m

host come in?" Ga

his cabin at night to wait for the thie

grimaced wryly. "Do you s

ly, albeit a bit hopefully. "It would

particularly fond of the things myself. I'

to which they were going. They were a little dubious about the night and its outcome, but all agreed it woul

n exciting evening," declared Janet loftily to

ned, "and may you f

stily. "One healthy one is a

ached our goal!" This last as the party rounded a clump of trees and through the rain saw a low, ramshack

"Don't go near it or you will proba

ll not fall down anything,"

e along, Ambitious," he urged one of t

gust and disappointment. A layer of dust lay over everything and there were dirt and filth in abundance. But th

place. There's a makeshift broom over th

back out into the rain until Jim and Tom could re

of the cabin," Virginia p

sly of Valerie as the two walked s

ng a smile. "No worse

er friend who was so cheerfully determined t

ble, you shall sit down and not s

supper," Vale


he girls to wait on me. I didn't intend to be a bu

y. She continued humorously: "Here we want to give yo

a sudden rush of wet figures for the

ere gathered around it gratefully, yielding to the comfort of it

sighed, leaning her head co

I miss them," that individ

d from his post at the door. "Tom and I

ets on the floor here in front of

here, they were not certain of the exact

has arrived!"

t sounded as though he were beneath t

e ceiling," cont

ink it is a ghost

rose and wavered on the night air, dying slowly away. The girls exchanged glances, their faces white and troubled. T

y any more," Jan

n stay here all nig

and a scream to scare us away

come back to wait for the thiev

the distinct rattling o

d sound effects

rom right under our

an be sure it isn't a real ghost now. He has too

ight," Ji

hy can't we see him

," Tom said thoughtfully

re goes that scream again!" She shivered. "It gives me

," Jim said firmly, returning f

minutes now," Virginia said enc

termission," murm

d their blankets before the fire, all but Valerie. The girls had insisted that she take posses

crackling of a log and each creak of the floor sent expectant shivers along her spine. She realized then she was waiting for the ghost of the cabin to return. She was sure he would. No self-respecting ghost would stop after such a mild attempt to frighten them away if he was reall

were in dreamland. Smiling, she leaned against the door and stared up at the stars overhead. The storm had cleared and there was not a cloud in the sky. The stars hun

he world, could be so lovely. It was almost like standing on the edge of the world. Behind her towered high and mighty mountains, before her lay a sea of moon-swept valley. Born and brought up in the little town of Marchton, Gale had known some outdoor life, but never the

ot of darkness which was the shanty and was going toward a thick clump of trees. Instantly Gale stiffened to attention. Who was it? Certainly it was no ghost, for no ghost was ever so solid. Was it the one who had tried to frighten them from the cabin? Certainly he had not tried very hard. Perhaps he was

d silent in here. From her jacket pocket she took a small flashlight. Ever since she and Phyllis had been lost in the cave she had carried her light with her, rather than leaving it rolled in her slicker. Now she was glad she had it. The little circle of light revealed a pair of worn wooden steps leading downward. Gale listened intently and when she heard nothing that indicat

r. She switched it off. She must save it so she would have at least enough light to find her way back to the entrance. That was where she made her mis

ness. She had dropped her flashlight and had to feel out with her hands along the damp earth until she found it. She hoped fervently that the drop had not put it entirely out of commission. No, when she pressed t

limb up to where she had been before her fall. There was no course but to explore this passage here and to hope that that mysterious shadow did not decide to come back into the mine immediately. But perhaps he

" who with his mysterious knocks and screams had frightened them. But, remembering the fall which she had had, how did he get down to this lower passage, and once down here, how did he get up again? She had not been able to find any means of gaining the higher level. She halted and switched her flashlight on again. The light was faili

said a nervous voice whic

ghost had done his mysterious knocking. His voice from here would have

she heard Valer

the othe

re of his haunting. With quick and as quiet steps as possible, she retreated back the way she had come, and directly toward that unknown. Standing flattened against the earth wall, her heart thumping so she was sure he would hear it

there must be some way he had entered since. She had to find that entrance to gain her freedom. Now that the others had discovered her absence, they

er, she slipped her flashlight into her jacket pocket. It had failed entirely now and she would have to depend on her memory to lead her to the entrance. It took but a few moments to climb the ladder and once at the

unnel and after several minutes stumbled

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