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The Adventure Girls at K Bar O

Chapter 5 PURSUIT

Word Count: 2360    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s little noise as possible, but though they walked on tiptoe, the sound echoed back to them dully. The ground underfoot was rough and uneven. On both sides of them the earth walls were d

s said in a sharp whi

e where he is hidi

e unprepared for it and stumbled into the wall. Thereafter as they walked along, Phyllis kept one guiding hand ag

hing, Gale," she said. "I

t is

it's been lit recently, too, because the e

'll find some matc

moment a little speck of light showed ahead o

pered. "But if that was the man we are after w

e. As they stood there they seemed to imagine all sorts of sounds, footst

said nervously. "Let's go bac

ad the way out,

say we are

dge in which direction the entrance

e," Phyllis said uneasil

get out," Gale agreed. "Suppose we

rdly. Both girls shivered from the ominous tone of it. They walked along, Phy

urn here," s

aid. "Passages on both sides o

ng laugh rumbled

clared trembling. "That laugh gives me the jitters, it is so

assage. Phyllis stumbled wildly over something and shrieked madly as

it?" Gale

-skull," Phyllis mur

hudder. "Probably only a rock. Come along,

they knew we were lost i

the darkness for that bit of light which would mean they were ne

we will find the way out?" Ph

th far more cheerfulness than she fe

voice shook uncontrollabl

h for the opening, recognized the hysteria in her friend's voice. But b

I can't stand it! I can't! If we don

rying to do, get us rattled? Of course we'll find the entrance. We've got to, but for goodness sak

earing their hair was a little too much for Ph

le's arm about her shoulders, "if Rel

name for him,

arkness, trying to fathom a


r friend e

your uncle was thinking of wh

surprised," Ga

yllis wailed. "A lot of goo

ded her, "but we haven't se

ss Rudolph, is trying to scare u

d. "Unless he is trying to scare us so we w

lead the police here, myself. If this cave didn't give m

eir footsteps, for they no longer bothered to tread silently, sounded like thunder in their e

s said in a tired voice. "We'll

ges, chose one going in the opposite direction. Their steps were lagging,

he entrance!" Gal

run!" Phyllis

ed eagerly for the patch of light ahead of

ing down beneath a tree and leaning wearily against the trun

t them first this way and then that. "Th

Don't tell me we're lost again! At that," she said calmly, "I'd rath

tly, "we can't sit here all d

had left their camp site. What must the others be

and let 'em find us," Phyl

inspiration to make her friend bestir herself. "We are too clos

valley. The subterranean passages they had been in led directly through the hill which they had started to climb earlier in the day. From where they stood now, they could see the partly hidd

hers greeted them with mingled exclam

ed that you were lo

e been right--

s exclaimed. "Who

gathered, and with him was the man who two days before had br

as Phyllis' eager question the minute the two men

e answered

ation she knew her words would creat

it was one of them?" The ques

us out of a month's sleep. I've christened him Relent

d at you?" Janet echo


eated vividly with words the suspense they had felt while fumbling around in the dark of the

ried now Tom followed Jim and the special deputy into th

heir prisoner. They had no doubts that if the bandit was still in the

at you don't know about," Virginia mused to Phy

embering the thief's laughter, "the far

ith a worried frown for her brother. "If there i

care of himself. While we are waiting, I'm going to have so

ared jumping to her feet. "

t hitting their target. When she had finished they discovered that one of her six bullets had just nicked the edge o

door if you were inside

as Phyllis' spirited retort. "G

ite where they expected Tom and his companions to reappear. But the minutes flew and the others did not come. The sun dropped

the fire. Gale made coffee and soon invitin

g Tom if nothing else does,"

ed about the campfire, watching the fantastic shadows the flames threw over the tents.

tten lost like we did?" Phyllis as

s," put in Madge. "T

ace!" Phyllis shivered, "It giv

" Virginia cr

foot trod on it. In the fitful firelight's gleam the

inia called

m's hearty voi

bandit?" Valerie

led Tom. "We searched that place all t

s insisted. "He must have es

found footprints of a man, but escaping the

," murmured the deputy. "We'l

they all turned in for the night, the deputy took his leave, declaring he cou

ergy for the day's ride ahead of them, for it was Tom and

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