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The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 2306    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

t recall. But none was before me when I leaped over the

ands outstretched in the alcove which they forme

"She has swooned. I

managed to reassure him; and his gratitude when, I having administered a simple

that time, and on her father's

to a quaint little octagonal apartment, and Greba Eltham stood before me, the candleligh

first question she hesi

know what alarmed

lanced with apprehens

ve, but you have been so kind. It was two green eyes! Oh! Dr. Petrie, they looked u

thrilled m

t was not a cat

s! But the suspense is telling upon me, I suppose. Father thinks"-she was becoming charmingly confidential, as a woman often will with a tactful physician-"that shut

you mean, M

has been explaining to me that some awful Chinaman is seeking the life of Mr. Na

aid you p

rain. He could have killed us both quite easil


next one. I knocked on the wall and woke father. There was nothin

nyone get in

. But I am not su

u alarm me. What

ed neck; her arms, healthily toned by exposure to the country airs, were rounded and firm, and she had the agile shape of a young Diana with none of the anaemic languor which breeds morbid dreams. Sh

such a creature

ncing down and pressing

dow. The moonlight threw half the lawn into shadow, and just disappearing in

ize and

idea of its shape; but I saw quite si

hear an

in the shrubbery,

of understanding and sympathy was gratifying, though I kn

ame about that you awoke in the train

in some way. I scarcely tasted mine, the flavor was so awful;

voice calle

l quickly, "what do you th

ied, "I wish

n Redmoat-something that comes and goes in spite of father's 'fortifications'? Caesar kn

eerily through the house, as did the clank-clank of the tig

ght for some time, he pacing

they dare not have him in Nan-Yang at present. He know

unity. But whilst Eltham was absent (he was getting his outfit in London, by the way) they have been fixing some second


t the dead dog in the s

sary of Fu-Manchu is ac

t a rathole left unaccounted for; and as for a tunnel under the moat, the house stands on a solid mass of Roman masonry, a former camp of Hadrian's tim

my pipe on a b

e thick of it

do? That man in the train with the case of instruments-WHAT instruments? Then the apparition of the green eyes to-night. Can they

Eltham's leaving Engla

uctions to be merciful. But God

open window. Having looked upon the awful Chinese doctor, the memory of his face, with its filmed

ng of the mastiff wa

ng in it. I sat looking out across the sloping turf to where the shrubbery showed as a black island in

his mysterious death-that the thing seen by Miss Elt


abrupt cessation of that distant howling, to which I had grown

the moonlight. It was twe

ing in a way that sounded new to me. The crashes, as he leapt to the end of his chain, shook the building in which he was

There followed a strange, guttural cry ... and the growling of the dog died away at the rear of the hou

nly know that I saw absolutely nothing, until Caesar's lithe shape was streak

ld me that I was not the only spectator of

, Miss Eltha

o glad you are awake. Can we do not

e what he w

back, and drew he

gown, who held a lantern high before him, and a revolver in his right hand. Coincident with

nother surprise; for Nay

! Come bac

ict waged in the shrubbery, between the mastiff and something else. Passing round to

Heaven knows what lurks there!

. Stumbling over stumps and lashed by low-sweeping branches, we struggled forward to where the clergy

!" he

the dog lay

ld have met his death in such a fashion, and when I b

. He is not d

Smith, peering about

ragging the dog with us. We were not molested.

ly Edwards the gardener also appeared. The white faces of the house ser

he d

plied; "on

head. It had been struck by some heavy blunt instrument,

?" asked Eltham. "We must see t

ifferent man from the diffident clergym

wound between the mastiff's ears, Miss Eltham joined me. It was the sound of her voice, I think, rather than my more scientific ministration, w

ge of his young mistress and joined the search party. They

and no one can possibly have left

Smith, angry but thoughtful, tugging at the lobe of h

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