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The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1793    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

of the burrows off the old Ratclif

nese societies, I believe, but all sorts of opium-smokers use it. There

upon which were arranged some burned fragments from poor Cadby's grate, for

ill Shen-Yan' (there is no doubt about the name, I think) 'turned me out ... booming sound ... lascar in ... mor

again!" rap

bly upstairs-at Shen-Yan's, and did not come down again. Cadby, who was there disguised, noted a booming sound. Later, he identified the lascar in some mortuary. We have no means of fixing the date of this visit to Shen-Yan's, but I feel inclined to put down the 'lascar' as the dacoit who was murdered by Fu-Manchu

d affirmatively, and Smi

pector, for the freedom of your fancy wardrobe. There is time

raised hi

ky. What about a


e against guile! We are dealing with a Chinaman, with the incarnate essence of East

ayed out, that game, and generally leads to failure. Still, if you're determined, sir, th

like poor Cadby. I can rely on my knowledge

etting me, Sm

d to me

MY business, unfortunately,

n no longer rely upon

ther frigid stare with a look of rea

at was really unkind. You know that

holer, and wrung his hand heartily. "I can pretend to smoke

ccompanied by Inspector Weymouth, and were driven off into the wilderness of London's night. In this theatrical business there was, to m

epresented by Nayland Smith pitted against him, pursued his dark schemes triumphantly, and lurked in hiding within this very area which was so sedulously p

promised to lead to morbid depths, and dir

Then you can put us ashore somewhere below. Ryman can keep the launch close to the back of the

rranged for that. If you are susp

thoughtfully. "Even in that

much wiser if your next appearance was on the end of a grapnel,

ered without delay, four shabby-looking fellows who had been seated i

ou look the dirtiest of the troupe, Guthrie; you might drop asleep on the pavement, and Lisle can argue with you about getting home. Don't mo

departed, the remain

been prompt, but don't stick your chests out so

ne another, and bot

em. "I know a broken window at the back where we could climb in

d if you hear the whistle, don't mind doing a bit of damage, but

came in, glanc

s waiting

our quarry-your man, Mason, and then Cadby. Against which we have that, so far as he is likely to kno

dangerous Chinese devil hiding somewhere in London, and that you expect to find him at Shen

have had pointing to one of his haunts, and time mea

, exactly, this

for centuries. He has the backing of a political group whose wealth is enormous, and his mission in Europe is to PAVE THE WAY! Do you follow me

oarding the waiting launch. With her crew of three, the party numbered seven that swun

The view was not extensive from the launch. Sometimes a deepening of the near shadows would tell of a moored barge, or lights high above our heads mark the deck of a l

human activity. The bank we were following offered a prospect even more gloomy-a dense, dark mass, amid w

p, and frowned crushingly upon the little craft. A blaze of light, the jangle of a bell, and it w

pigmy company floating past the workshops of Brobdingnagian toilers. The chill of the near water

ent tongues against the night's curtain. It was a weird, elusive flame, leaping

too, had been watching those elfin fires. "But it always re

ught of Dr. Fu-Manchu and the severed f

t where the lamp is-beyond that; next t

pector Rym

"and lie close in, with your ears wide open. W

at the night mystery of the Thames h

n's order. "We'll put

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