Putnam's Word Book
rk, drudgery, task
ork, drudge, slav
elaborate, overwrou
stevedore, roustabout, drud
arduous, onerous; dilige
maze, intricac
ing, cord, t
mangle, laniate, harrow
ng, rending, laniati
t, be in need of,
paucity, scarcity, drought, default, defi
ensive, dreamy, lan
, n. f
insufficient, unsupplie
n. See s
nd, loiter, linge
r, lagger, lingerer
. Associated words: l
ng, yeanling,
pommel, maul, bel
le, maim, crip
ormed, game, maimed, disabled; inconclusive, un
eep, wail, deplore,
le, grievous, pitiable,
g, lament, grief, bewa
. mourned f
libel, defam
libel, pasqi
pear, javel
le, fallow, allodium, innings, abuttal; farm, plantation; continent, island, peninsula, delta, isthmus, headland, cape, plateau, barens. Associated words: agronomy, agronomist, agronomics, agr
embark, deba
tion, debarkation; wha
-keeper, inn-keeper, Bon
cene, scenery,
; Volapuk, pasilaly, Esperanto. Associated words: lingual, linguistic, linguist, linguistics, philology, philologist, philological
ging, lifeless, supine, list
ion, lassitude, ina
ep, indiscretion; bac
eaflard, flare; ax
buttery, pa
a. lard
al, gigantic, bulky; ample, copious, liberal, unstinted; generous, liber
n. lasso
n. f
loq.) whip, bea
ggot; pl. larv?. Associated wor
d, libidinous, sal
courge, th
ate, flagellate; satiriz
stigation, flagellation;
weariness, exhaustion,
ariat, cabe
indmost, farthest
ntinue, end
ishable, abiding. Antonyms: ephemeral, transito
y, permanence, indestruct
adv. f
ardy, dela
adv. r
led, dormant, und
dth; room, range, scope,
is, lattice-work;
attice, trellis, t
tol, praise
mmendable. Antonyms: illaud
, eulogistic, encomiastic
e, snicker, titter, chuckle, grin
ludicrous, droll, facetious,
rry, gleeful, m
of nitrogen, nitrous o
, grin, chortle, chuckle, guffaw, titter. Associated words: risible, r
orn. deride
et going, start; throw,
regal (Mexico a
ree, unstinted; superabundant,
lavishly, besto
snomy, neonomian, code, codex, codify, codification, digest, forensic, legislate, legislation, legislative, enact, ordain, repeal, veto, jurat, ju
alefactor, culprit, felon,
me, misdemeanor, tra
imate, licit, legalized
legitimacy. Antonyms: u
ical, riotous, mob
unrestraint, abandon, m
legislator, l
g, n. le
ction. Associated words: litigant, li
dvocate, attorney-at-law, solicitor; pettifogger; (di
vague, equivocal, doubtful; slack, remiss, n
e, a. a
e, n. a
; relaxation, flabbiness; rem
s; impute, charge, ascribe, attribute
ong, ball
stratum, c
n. pl.
reveal, expose, dis
cover, apply; defer
esiege, beset,
rt, be grieved at, feel k
re, save, hoard, garn
or. lie in
e, devastate, pill
n. indolen
ard, dronish. Antonyms: diligent,
sluggard, d
v. li
, n. lix
phite, plumbago (black lead);
ice, influence, allure, persuade, actuate, impel; conduce, co
ce, initiative, c
ay. misle
r, corypheus, pilot, bellw
mmand, guidance; primacy, su
rincipal, premiere,
, foliferous, foliaceous, foliation, defoliate, defoliation, frond, bract, frond
n, n. chl
alk, n.
tion, coalition, confederacy,
rcolate, fi
a. de
ope, recline, tend;
poor, skinny, gaunt, emaciated, ma
eclining, inc
ropensity, bent, bias, proneness, pr
penthouse, a
ult, bound, caper, gambol
, jump, vault,
, jumping, salient, s
ringing, salta
ar. bis
ster, acquir
ted, erudite, let
hip, knowledge. Associated words: savant, philoma
let, dem
ise; tenure. Associate
ssociated words: min
rning, n.
oriaceous, tou
dieu, farewell, congé; withdrawal, re
from, forego, desist from, forbear; permit, allow, let; commit, give over, i
foliage, leaf
arewell, valedict
fragments, offal, refuse,
ke, libertine
ibertinism, l
dress, dissertation, prel
address; reprove, censu
f, ridge (of rocks);
sinistral, sinistrality, sinistrors
, a. sini
a. sinister
, epipodiale. Associated words: crotch, hock, hough, solen, cradle, puttee, hi
. bequest
l, legitimate.
ness, legitimacy. A
ize. Antonyms: illeg
ssador, envoy,
n, n. e
, myth; posy, in
. mythical,
. jugglery, sl
le, decipherable.
. host, h
battalions, tr
lawful. Antonym
words: citric, citrin
, v.
ng, n
ate, stretch, prolong, pro
sion, elongation, pro
, adv. lon
g, prolix, prot
lemency, mer
. Quadr
minify, depreciate, minimiz
, decrease, decrement, depreciation
Bear. C
n. task,
permit, suffe
. hind
wsiness, stupor,
letter of the Pope). Associated words: correspond, epistolical, epistolary
initial (fi
n, mail-carrier, courier,
r letter.
. pl. corr
ning, literature, er
abatement, assuagemen
abate, subside,
horizontal; steady, impartial, well-balanced. Ant
, smooth, reduce; raze, reduce, o
ted words: fulcrum, pu
e, n. p
ness, buoyancy;
nent, ribald, lascivious, rakish, ruttish, salacious, concupiscent, wa
y, ribaldry, salacity, concupiscence, profligacy, l
bility, responsibility, amenabil
l. debts, obligat
ountable, answerable, amenable,
amation, lamp
(by some public
famatory, slande
rincely; profuse, lavish, ample, abundant; catholic, magnanimous, tole
ty. Antonyms: illiberal
e, v. S
n, n. See
er, debauchee, rak
ntious, lecherous,
permission. Antonyms: captivity, bondage, serv
lege, right; lawl
v. legali
igate, lewd, libertine, rakish, lascivio
g, thrash, chastise, castig
slap, str
, chastisement, castigation, p
; fiction, fabrication; subterf
v. re
cuddle, nes
ingly, gladly,
. incum
iskness, sprightliness; biography, memoir. Associated words: biology, biologist, vital, biom
inanimate, spirit
ess, n. i
elevation; help, assistance
ne. derrick,
c notice; phosphorescence, luminescence; aureole, halo, nimbus, aureola, glory. Associated
y; spongy, porous, well-leavened; incompact, loose, porous; gossamery, sleazy,
ite, illumine
alight, descend; r
luminate, illume; eas
d, a. thievis
ed, a. nim
nal, pharos. Associated w
ination.--a. lumin
levity, levita
rod, n. pa
ognate, analogous, homogen
rt, copy, equal; l
approve of; pref
(Low) furio
verisimilitude. Antonyms:
good-looking, comely; appropriat
v. co
rity, appearance, guise, analogy; portrait,
l, preference, predilection. Antonyms: distaste, av
. branc
imp, pliable, supple, lithe, l
rous, calcification, calcify, calcified, calcivorous, calcina
onfine, extent; restriction,
ct, circumscribe
striction, restraint, ci
d, conditioned, finite, circums
y, limber, soft, flexil
alt, limpi
r, pellucid, lu
riphery, circumference, outline; lineament; row, series, rank, file; secant; hachure, hatching. Associated words: al
apery; ling
wool. lins
n. pl
iter, saunter
g, a. pr
ite, connect, cou
ess (female); whelp, lio
e, a. l
ialization, labialism, chiloma, labret, philtrum, pout, la
d, n.
r, schedule, register; se
rop; auscultate. Antonyms:
ing; eavesdropping; a
e, indifferent, supine,
ion, n.
r; mulch; disorder,
e, tiny, wee, puny, dwarfish, insig
tle. piecemea
st; dwell, r
e, quick, ani
vivacity, sprightliness,
than. surv
k, energetic, stirring, sprightly; agile, nimble; hilarious frol
y, hepatize, hepatization, cirrhosis, cirrhoti
of an animal. inme
mosed, bruised,
quick, live; qui
ng; livelihood, sustenance, sub
ivus, resurrected,
m, reclusion, seclusion, retirement.--a. h
ture. tabl
ether. coh
ers. parasitic.
le; chameleon, gecko, gil
mber, lade, b
lading, encumbrance, wei
d a. laden, fre
ounge abou
detest, abominate, despi
, detestation, abominat
situation, lo
inglet, cu
s. Associated words
. tall,
uncheon (
istent, sound. A
n. pl
. saunter
a. saunteri
cockney (Co
desolate; unfrequented, solitary
itary, unfrequented; loneso
xtended; lingering; extensive, inclusive;
n for, hanker
han broa
ed, a. lo
shrewd, sagaci
. yearning
fe. lon
man, n. s
uncomplaining, patient.--n. for
y, peep, pore, lower, glower, scan, ogle; seem, appear; await, expec
utiny, gaze; expression, appearance, air,
upon. Se
rospection, retrospec
ticipation, exp
cipation, expectation
d. prospective
, n. mirror;
ct, examine, pro
ness; regard, con
y; watch-tower, connin
mine, scrutini
egard, estee
respect, defer to,
hin. int
taple, noo
. excuse, p
able, unfastened, unrestrained, de
ee, disentangle, liberate; absol
n, v.
laxity, slackn
ty, plunder, prize;
der, sack, ri
ut off, o
unbalanced, d
garrulous, volu
rulity, volubilit
peer, magnate, gran
v. dom
rcy upon us.
omineering, despotic, arr
. seigniory
ayer. Pat
r. communion
g, knowledge, wi
saken, lonel
. miss,
tire, recede, r
ociated words: damnific,
ent, misemployed, wasted; irreclaimable, incorrigibl
fate; portion, parcel, part, a
nwilling, reluctant, av
Associated wo
clamorous, vociferous, boisterous; gaudy, flashy,
v. recli
hiriasis, pedicul
boor, bumpkin,
sh, lubberly, gaw
able, winsome,
mability, winsome
sion; amorousness, amativeness; Cupid, Eros, V
(an illicit love affa
he primitive Chr
. billet-doux,
delightful, delectabl
tion. p
, suitor, admirer, philander, galla
ate; enamored; amati
n. tenderness,
te, reasonable, cheap; humble, lowly, obscure; feeble, faint, weak; subdued, gra
. baseborn
efined, illbred
sh, fall, humble, humiliate, degrade, abash, detr
. nether
letariat, proletar
a. net
fe. ob
mility, meekness
n, dishonorable,
umble, meek
veling, abject, so
ant, faithful, devote
stancy, faithfulness, dev
tablet, troc
ut, bumpkin, looby,
sh, loutish, gawky
a. Se
n. See c
y, haphazard, chance, hap-hazard.
, a. See
e; favorable, ausp
, a. See
omical, ridicul
ag, pull,
n. baggag
urnful, doleful,
d; indifferent, c
idity; indifference,
l, quiet, tranquill
m, calmness,
ldy, ponderous, cum
, a. See
y, gawk, lout, lubber
regation, aggregat
rt, heavy; stup
w. actin
madman, mani
tion, refreshment,
llonge, lon
). Associated words: pulmonary, pulmonic, pneumo
gger, roll; dodge,
coy, entice
, tempt, seduce
, n. ambush,
s, delectable; cloyin
ty, sexual desire; longing, cupidity, desire, han
ss, gloss, glitter,
, a. dull,
entiou-libidinous, salacious, carnal, lickerish, rut
ncy, glitter, radi
, a. See
sturdy, stalwart,
exuberance, ram
rant, rampant, supe
, v. reve
oluptuous, epic
ness, epicurism, syba
ful, false, menda
ie, untruth, mendacity
, accumbent; (face down) prone,
on, recumbence; (face down) prostration, pro
it. ambush,
n. See
lf-moving machine); mecha
t, n. me
ving; indignant, enraged, irate, resentful; r
r, blood.--a. wil
enrage, infuriate, provok
icated, artificial, sh
. bedlam, i
c, lunatic, bedl
ania, lunacy; monomania; frenzy, rage, wrath
epot, repository; periodic
legerdemain prestidigitation, necromancy, ju
cal, necromant
igitator, sorcerer, wizard, ne
n. loa
t, n. ma
randeur, sublimity
id, superb, sublime, m
amplify, enlarge; o
; lady's maid, Ab
aste, undefiled, pure
idenhood; hymen (
maidhood, girlh
, hauberk; sca
, v.
postman, letter
f, capital, cardinal, paramount;
gross, bulk, majority; str
d, n. c
rincipally, ch
ustain; affirm, assert,
n. support,
perial, regal, splendid
r, magnificence, au
ter, larger. A
manhood; plurality. An
tate, occasion, oblige; create, construct, fabricate manufa
on, shape, form, st
nt of. est
ienate, trans
, pretend, simulate
k, sham, counterfeit, spuriou
etense, simulation,
sume, venture,
blish; indemnify, reimburse, requite; verify
vance, progress,
, announce, publish
. belittle, de
to. court,
ut. de
nate, convey; remodel, re
, intercede, reconcile, pro
acturer, constr
. expedient,
f. deride, r
. disaffect, al
se, settle; collect, amass, accum
or. See m
ost, address, s
th. become
a face.
vance, proce
ion, fabrication, wo
distemper, ailment,
asma, miasm; f
a. malarial
culine; stam
d, rancor, malev
ful, malevolent, r
vil practice, mis
t, v. S
ent, n. S
lossal, gigant
sociated words: anthropology, anthropogeny, anthropography, anthropolite, anthropoid, anthropometry, a
handcuff, fe
cuff, shackle, r
ervise, manipulate, superintend, en
le, tractable, docile,
ulation, superintendence, direction, procuracy, negot
r, superintendent, proctor, comptro
uling, directi
d, edict, order, i
rectory, command
. mandragor
sociated w
cannibal, an
. cannibal, a
nship, equestriani
t, ruse, stratagem, ar
. scheme, f
n. strategis
manly, reso
n. mangold-wurtz
maim, dismember, ha
, n. mut
. scabby
ture. roni
r, n. mi
g, a. mis
estate; manliness, fortitude, resoluti
, insanity, crazi
. madman,
aving, mad, in
ow, exhibit, re
apparent, obv
how, exhibition, re
sundry, diverse, multifariou
dwarf, pygmy
. handle, ope
, n. handlin
resolute, brave,
n. obstetrici
, mien, air, carriage, deportment; mannerism, affectation, pecu
. Associated w
vigorous, bold. Antonym
ll work.
warship, batt
palace; mano
n. kidnappe
n. kidnappin
ak; pallium; mantel-
kle, foam, bubb
, n. h
y, n. fact
making, fabricat
. make, fabric
ring, a.
ung, compost, guano. Ass
. fertili
y; paleograph (an
ip. anthr
y, divers, manifold, multitudinou
rsatile; polyhedr
ness, n. v
equently, oftentime
ariously, multifa
phy, cartographer, chorography, chorograp
h, plan, deli
ciated words:
disfigurement, ble
e, damage, in
, n. See
ry sense, granite-flint). Associ
t, skirt, brink, rim, brim, verge. Ass
time, naval, na
n. sailor
tte, n.
marine, nav
e; indicate, betoken, characterize, stamp,
token, symbol, indication, brand, stigma; badge, cognizance; trademark, idiograph; t
, noticeable, conspic
emporium, excha
, vendible. Antonyms:
n. gre
misogamist, affiance, affianced, affinity, intermarriage, conjugality, misalliance, agamist, benedict, betroth, betrothal, desponsory, ante-nuptial, sponsal, h
bility, n
able, a.
thalamium, prothal
n. medul
nes, n. p
v. wed,
sociated wo
ss, fen, slough, bog,
v. arrang
gas. f
ny, swampy, sloughy,
, a. mi
n. disci
onder, prodi
, v. w
rful, amazing, stup
manly, virile, manfu
ess, n. ma
screen, cloak, veil, ruse, feint, blin
guise, masqu
n. mask, rev
mblage, collection, accumulation; majority; size, bigness,
ble, accumulate, aggl
butchery (of human bei
v. butcher
s: masseuse, masseur, masso
ook. m
, bulky, immense, hug
. nuts,
, governor; employer; leader, chief; owner, possesso
wer, subject, subjugate, o
mineering, imper
n. expert, ad
, proficient, adroit,
. masterstroke
way, mastership, pre?minence, leadership, influence; victory,
onanism, self-abu
ug; matti
er, entangle, twist
; contest, competition, tournament
tally, correspond, be proportionate; adapt, fit, proporti
ble, proportionable,
parable, inimitable, unequall
rony, compeer, intimate, partner, colleague; m
with, vie with, comp
matter, fabric, stuff,
bodily, physical; import
poreity, material e
substantially; es
ica. medici
nnubial, nuptial,
n. marria
n, n.
lderly, dignif
ngled, snarle
, weight, materiality; pus, purulence; manuscript, copy. Associated words: material, immaterial, materiality, immaterial
nify, be of importance
al, pragmatical, unimagina
v. suppura
n. suppurati
eveloped, perfect; prepared, f
en, develop, p
ripeness, perfection, comp
ional, tearful; tipsy
, pommel, beat
. beetl
ing, beating, clu
tomach; c
kening, loathful, disgust
, proverb, aphorism, a
ps, possibly, per
horn, white thorn;
y, bewilderment; l
ex, bewilder,
cate, labyrint
glin, hydromel
n. mea
. Associated words: a
ted, gaunt; barren, ste
n. r
a. fari
ontemplate; signify, purport, denot
obscure, ignoble, plebeian, inglorious, undistinguished, vulgar; penurious, illiberal, sordid, miserly, stingy, mercenary parsimonious, ungenerous; midway,
, v. wi
g, tortuous, crooked,
ce, import, acceptation, intent. Asso
adv. sign
honorably, basel
tate; instrument, agency, instrumentality, method, way, facili
nterval, inter
, adv. m
meantime, duri
s, n.
a. mensurabl
ze, extent, degree, limit; quantity, amount; prop
, estimate, compute, adjust; allo
ss, a. im
on; dimensions, size, ext
h (of animals
mince pi
, artisan, artificer, ha
a. automatic
ian, n.
n. me
re, interpose, int
intrusive, obtrusive, pr
rference, intrusi
, n. inte
tercessory, mediat
l, therapeutical, th
edicative, medi
emedy, restorative, corrective, specific,
ling, ordinary, m
onplaceness, indiff
ate, muse, ponder, co
ation, musing, cogitati
oughtful, contemp
Sea. Associate
iate, middling, mea
s, instrumentality, age
le, hodgepodge, potpourr
compense, prize; me
ssuming, modest, ret
magnesite, seaf
le, congregate, convene, collect, muster; agree, harmonize, unite; equal,
proper, befitting,
ynod, mall, concourse, gathering, mustering; juncture, convergence, crossing, junction
hypochondria, dejection, d
hypochondriac, depressed,
ffle, set-to, brawl,
ous, dulcet, musical, sweet, e
tune, song, air, theme. Ant
fy, thaw, fuse, soften,
lvable, soluble, l
, a. m
lving, thawing; a
ction, fusion, thawing, intenera
pot, n.
gan, limb; constitu
ouvenir, keep
iography, au
n. record, m
a. comme
ss, Lethe, amnesia, ecmnesia. Associated words: mnemonics, mnemonic, mnemonician, mnemotechny, phr
threat, t
, v. t
. threateni
. househo
epair, pat
ing, untruthful,
hfulness, lying, fal
n. beggar.-
ng, patching, resto
serving; lo
a. intel
n. intell
onitor, coun
a. admonito
a. trading
ing, purchased; greedy, so
ry, n.
. wares, goods
dealer, trafficker, s
. salable, vend
ment, compassionate, benignant, in
orseless, cruel, pitiless, ru
rmes; quicksil
s staff.
n, forgiveness, placability; discretion, disposal; blessing, fa
at. prop
, absolutely; sim
orb, immerse, take in; be
n. abs
culmination, zenith, pinn
a. midday,
ess; worth, excellence, goodness; rewa
. deserv
rthy, commendable,
y, glee, levity, laughter,
jolly, gleeful, jovial,
. net,
ure, medley, farrago, litter
on, notice, word; teleg
ld, forerunner, precursor,
or, n.all, shooting st
ne. meteorit
orderly, methodic. Antonyms
. timid, fear
sition; pluck, nerve, ha
spirited, mettles
a. spirite
coop; sea-me
, n. m
. mew, c
n. mesen
oon, meridia
medial; intermedi
n. cente
ords: medieval, medievali
lass. bo
, go-between, agent,
dium, passable, tolerable
oucheuse, obste
n. obstetri
nner, demeanor, appearan
e, pet, tiff,
ease, vex, off
ded, displeased,
h, power, force,
g, powerful, pot
dv. (Coll
ing, wandering, n
. Emperor
lenient, bland, demulcent, lenitive, emollient, mitigat
ld, mustiness,
y, a. m
rategy, generalship,
ss. regiment
rule. str
roops, milita
lactation milch, lactometer lactic, lactivorous, koumiss, whey, cur
s, n. la
d, n. d
, n. da
cteal, lacte
Way. G
n. s
mimicker, imit
sonate, ape,
ocking; imita
, v.
, mark, note; purpose, intend, design
ly, psychic, psychical, psychiatry, psychography, psychology, psychologist, menticulture, alienist, alienism, telepathy, telepathic, noemics, nomology, no?logy metaphysics,
edful, regardf
onal; unmindful, he
malgamate, intermingle, incorporat
ng, mixture, interm
potentiary, delegate: ecclesiastic, p
dminister, ser
a. clerical;
n. officiati
stration; cabinet
n. minim
, n.
inate, secondary
n. nonage,
n. gleem
, v.
opic, diminutive; critical, prec
t; memorandum, r
n. pl.
ernatural, hyperph
ough, ooze,
, looking-glass, spe
, v. r
ent, jollity, gl
ry, jolly, gleef
oozy, sli
misemploy, pe
frustration, f
rsified, promiscuous, heterog
dley, mixture; sy
offense, m
n. offense, t
efactor, offend
n. See w
vert, misuse, mis
pplication, misuse, pe
rmudgeon, skinflint, hunks, lic
ievous, pitiable, calamitous; mean, despicable
, parsimonious, penurious, close-fisted,
y, frustration, mischance, rever
ubt, suspicion,
rn, v.
n. maladministr
n. See a
n. medle
ret, v. m
ation, n. mi
sive, deceitful, fa
ng, n.
t, v. falsi
n, n. falsificat
government, mal
iage; omission, oversight
miscarry, skip,
a. deformed
a. absent
ission, delegati
list, missioner, revi
ng, n. ca
alsify, distor
, n. fa
misle, drizzle;
, drizzle; obsc
ion, misconception; error, blunder, oversi
isrender, misconst
misuse, abu
. misuse, abuse
, dulcinea, ladylove, amaryllis; paramour, concu
question, suspect,
strustful, suspici
cure, hazy, f
isconceive, miscomp
comprehension, misapprehension; varianc
rostitute, pervert, pr
rostitution, perversion, pro
le, speck, atom
n. pl.
orate, alleviate,
lioration, allevi
ssuasive, melior
lgamate, commingle, impregnate, commix, compound, intermi
, a. mi
ous, miscellaneous, composite, conglomerate, indiscriminate,
ermixture, commixture, compound, decoction, concoction; medley, miscellany, gallimaufry, m
. fosse
blerout; populace,
w. lyn
urious, counterfi
ule, jeer, schout; balk, disappoint, delude, tanta
rner, scoffer,
on, jeering, scouting, counterfeit, s
ive, jeering; imi
, method, fashi
lar, gauge, criterion, standard, pa
fashion, m
a. ex
, appease, diminish
ble, calm, deliberate; temperate, mild, clement,
on, diminution; tempera
etending, unobtrusive, retiring, demure, coy, r
icacy, chastity, purity, decency, pudicity
limit, qual
ct; harmonize, att
nflection; adapt
. Mongol
hometan, Mussulma
ahometanism, Islam,
damp, hu
. dampen,
d words: hygrostatics, hygrograph, hygrometer, hy
s, n. t
, n. ato
disturb, tr
on, n. di
ppease, pacif
ice; force, momentum, impetus; import
impetus, fo
ereignty, kingdo
y, priory, cloiste
y, a. p
e; bribe; bonus. Associated words: bullion, cambist, bank, banker, capitalist, chrysology, till, coffer, economics, coin, coinage, mint, mintage, financial, financier,
l, a.
entor, advise
t, friar, abbé, fakir. Associated words: monkis
, n. wolfsb
ike, a.
am, n.
t, n. sol
e, n. so
v. engross
d, uniform, uninterest
n. monoton
nstrosity lusus natur?; fiend, brute, ogre, vi
bnormality, monst
rmal; enormous, co
ted words: ultimo
. mensal,
; cenotaph; dolmen, cromlech. As
n. h
graphy, apogee, wax, wane, epigee, selenocentric, selenograph, halo, or
erdash, flummery,
cided, unsett
d, a.
, swab; merkin
n. baseboa
glum, dumpish, listle
; accountable, responsible, proba
nity. ?sth
ctitude, probity, goodn
y. deontology,
gh, quagmire, b
. Latter-
dawn, daybreak, aurora
a. matin,
t. (in the ope
sulky, sullen, moody,
mouthful; fragm
y, adv.
in, humiliation, abasement, embar
agrin, embarrass, abase;
sellated, inla
n. maj
article, s
n, a. mot
rix; dam. Associated words: cognate, cognation, matr
od, n. m
y, a. m
sticulation; port, gait; impulse. Antonyms: inerti
tionary, inert, st
ntive, induceme
ebald, party-c
attern, model; mouldiness, m
, shape, model
ty, mildewed,
. mew, e
, n. exu
m, butte, arete, spur, montanic, intermontane, oread, mountainous, ultramon
ack; charlatan, i
t, regret, grieve, repin
owful, lugubrious
rrow, grief, be
ne, rodent; pl
ddlesome, pryi
n. embouchur
mobile. Antonyms: immo
ate, emigrate, remove; impel, prop
n, locomotion, tra
nesiatrics, kines
, a. m
, n. r
, n.
re, ooze,
h. illu
dness, feculence, o
onfuse, fudd
n. con
a. confus
oily; opaque, intransparent,
ng, a. l
ap, envelop;
n. scar
fine, am
. hybri
ver, n.
a. See s
inate, ponde
s, n. (Sl
n. crowd, t
t, speechless
mutter, mau
ng, inarticulate, in
. masquera
, sullen, morose,
titis; sullenn
v. cr
, n. h
r, n. h
sanguinary, ho
id. hydroch
. loweri
rumble, comp
complaint; purl,
omplaining, que
rawn, thew;
awny, thewy, si
, ruminate, brood, p
mplation, medi
Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polymnia, Terps
. ephemeral
cace?. Associated words: mycology, aga
ymphony, harmony; m
ous, harmonious, t
tainment. mus
n, n. ca
, jumble, disorder.--v. di
. assembl
, fusty, mouldy, f
obmutescent; si
maim, disme
maim, dismember
nsubordinate, seditious, i
ion, rebellion, insu
, v. m
rticulate, indist
a. rec
elation, reciproca
. restrai
e, enigmatical, unfathomed, unfathomable, abstruse, mystic
, enigma, riddle,
t, esoteric, cab
bewilderment, perp
r, perplex, obfusca
exing, confusing, be
gend, tradi
bulous, legenda
loq.) grab,
ague, tease, twit, h
ss, innocent, i
ness, innocence, in
d, bare; unexaggerated,
bareness; exactness,
omer, euphemism, agnomen, allonym, anonym, autonym, appellative, byname, caconym, cryptonym, compellation, compellative, dionym, trionym, polyonym, diminutive; repute, fame, renown, reputation. Associated words: nominal, n
tyle, call, christen, dub, term
ed, inglorious, unknown, obscure; a
, n. anonymi
sociated word
ient, sedative, an?st
unt, recite, tel
rrative, relatio
tion, account, port
s, contracted, straitened, cramped; bigoted,
uce, constrict, restrict
reduction, constriction,
eral, bigoted, intolera
lity, bigotry, bias, intoleran
ctedness, incapacious
n. stra
ilth, corruption, dirtiness; indecency, smut, o
delicate, gross, ribald, lewd, obscene, smutty, shameless; odi
lar, mother; genuine, congenital, inherent, inborn, inbred, innate, orig
inal, denizen (by
n. pl. ab
neat, spruce, trim,
igenous; normal, regular, legitimate; artless, unaffected, ingenuous, spontan
tion, n. d
, accustom, habituate, acc
quality, species; disposition, mood, temper, essence, constitution. A
rship. ph
t, mischievous, perver
qualm, squeamishness,
isgust, revolt; recoil
auseating, offensive, sick
val, marine, ma
chiata; argonaut, pape
utical, mari
. funis, umb
uise; guide, steer, d
ate, approximate to; intimate, confidential, bosom; immediate,
y, contiguity, adjacency, imminence, approxim
myopic, short-s
ted perso
stic, nice, excellent, adroit; dainty; spruce; dapper, natty. Antonyms: dowd
ispensable inevitable, unavoidable. Antonyms: nonessenti
ite, requirement, es
tial; exigency, urgency; indispensability. Antonyms: c
chenium, décolleté, jugular, jugulum, wattle, wimple, wryneck, torticollis, Adam's apple, splenius, r
avat, neckclot
erer, magician, conjurer, ex
conjuration, enchantme
y, strait, exigency, urgency; pove
necessary, essential, i
ck, n. ac
ecessary, ground
an, n. se
dv. nece
e, indigent, penni
trocious, flagi
n. denial,
al, refusal. Anto
on, negligence, default, dere
ard, slight, overl
l, a. See
remissness, oversight, h
ck, remiss, regardless, slothful, derelict, inattent
e, a. tra
an, Krooman; darkey, buck, nigger; (of mixed blood) mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, mestee, Z
ic, African, Eth
ild. pic
an. negre
. and v.
ty, vicinage, locality,
djacent, contiguo
rt, proselyte; nov
audacity, presumption, eff
neurotic, sensorium, funiculus, ganglion, hilum, neurism, innervation, neuration, neuritis, neuropathic, nervine, neuroma, ne
rengthen, fortify,
citable, sensi
nt, resort. Associated words: nidificate, nidif
. cuddle,
mesh; caul, trammel, sei
retiary, interwoven, c
ociated words: urticat
provoke, exasperate,
lacement, reticulation;
y, n. ind
nteract, counterba
or conj. yet, howev
teric, unfamiliar, strange; renewed, renovated, repai
tom. in
recently, freshly;
idings, wo
e. Associated words: neology, neologic
ker. Go
eamish, dainty; delicate, refined, dainty; discriminating, scrupulous, precise, discern
precision; punctilio,
ss, cavity, no
indentation, d
ch, mar, def
e, n. s
. (Colloq
octilucous, belated, benight, benighted, noctivagant, noctivagation, no
dness, n.
n. philomel
, a. no
incubus, cacod
de, n. b
ht, n. ny
ift, brisk, active, spry. Antonyms: slow, slu
gered, a.
halo, glo
) simpleton, dolt, wi
ssociated words: novennial, enneagon, nona
votion. (reli
sociated word
Associated wor
last, cut; sarca
cut off; blast, kill;
incers, tweezers,
g, pinching, blas
eat, pap, du
spirit of nit
en, n.
sal, denial
q.) modish, styl
agnanimity, excellence, superiority, digni
erior; stately, magnificent, splendid, impos
grandee. Antonyms: commo
eer, lord, aristocrat
man, n.
nutation.--a. annu
er, uproar, hubbub, tumult, rout, blare, vociferati
till, silent, q
ous, pestilential; offensive,
turbulent, riotous, obstreperous, uproariou
n. wa
a. wander
ce, coolness, carelessness
fferent, cool, unco
t, n. dissen
y, n. recusa
. undescribed,
unimportant, incid
agon, pattern, n
rence, n. l
e, disconcert, confuse, em
bosh, fudge, silliness, balderdas
nseless, preposterous, ins
treat, corn
an, noonday, no
regular. Antonyms:
, north, arctic, no
ghts. auror
arctic regions,
ted words: Polynia,
star, lodestar,
iament. Storth
nozzle, spout, p
simous, retroussé, pug, snuff, snuffle, vomer, nostril, nasalize, nasalization, nasi
ing, n. e
, n. home
nspicuous, plain, evident;
, score, inden
on, score, dent, crenatur
ted, crenated, in
, indentation, ser
commentary, scholium, gloss; mark, token, sign, feature, peculiarity; obse
cord, jot down; annotat
book, commonplace book, a
renowned, eminent, d
inalia (marginal n
a. memorable
onentity; bagatelle; naught,
nihility, non-ex
citation, warning, notification; bulletin; recognition, civility, courtesy. Anton
mark, take cognizance of, pay attention to. Antonyms: ig
nspicuous, salient, prominent. Antonyms: u
telling; notice, an
acquaint, tell, app
, judgment, belief, view; inclination, intent
pricious, irresolute, frea
epute (unfavora
vident, obvious, noted, fa
onj. despite, neve
. subst
e; support; encourage, f
ng, a. n
. nutrition; f
, fresh, unusual, rar
tion, romance
ss; change, curio
obationer, proselyt
ticeship; probation,
ly, immediately,
als, infrequently, intermittently, so
ious, baneful, un
ob, jag, protuberanc
ernel, core,
a. See
poke (with
e, ineffectual, un
, pest, bane, infli
alidation, abrogation
te, abrogate, cancel
, unfeeling, inse
rate; figure up,
gure, digit, integer;
oetry, music,
ords: numeral, numeric, nota
n. insen
any, plentiful
olt, dullard, dunce, lac
ent, cloister, m
a. hymene
. wedding, marr
ster, succor, foment, encourage; atten
crèche (publ
n. and a
e, training; fo
ourish, nurse; educ
ng, a. nu
hy nutrition); malnutrition, denutrition, innutrition, dystrophy (def
shing, nutritive. An
n. pl.
ed, a. n
Undine, nereid, hydria
oar. Associated words: rowloc
ed, a. r
. Associated words
se, profanity, swearing, expletive, blasphemy.
aking, n
ience; dutifulness. Antonyms: disobedience, i
subservient, compliant, dutiful, docile, amenable
words: pyramidion, mo
ubmit to, heed, re
ppose, demur, contravene
urpose, aim, motive, intent, desig
uple, demurrer, cavil. Anton
nable, offensive, obnoxiou
less, desultory, p
ity, incumbency, duty, indebtedness; agreem
ent, imperative, coercive. Ant
please, gratify, accommodate, co
ious, accommodating, affable,
, erase, blot out, re
tinction, erasure,
unconscious, forgetful,
liable; offensive, odio
, gross, indecent, immod
smut, ribaldry, indecenc
, ambiguous; humble, inglorious, mean, undistingui
e, bedim, eclipse; involve,
. obscuratio
; privacy, seclusion, retirement;
ntic, cringing, fawnin
ness, n. s
chaic, antiquated, unfas
, barrier, impediment, h
, n. midwife
n. tocolog
ggedness, perversity, obduracy
se, dogged, contumacious, stubborn. Antonyms: amenable
ous, vociferous, noisy,
retard, barricade, blockade,
le, impediment, barrie
, procure, acquire,
accessible. Antonyms: unobtainable, u
lesome, intrusive, forward. A
ent, palpable, manifest
ical, abstruse, recondi
tenant, holder, incum
enure, incumbency; vocation
nal, a. v
sess, fill; engage, absorb
nic, interoceanic, doldrums, oceanography, o
y, queer, eccentric, whimsical, freakish, baroque, fantastic, nondescript, abnormal, bizarre, erratic
ularity; curiosity, nond
ge, preponderance, inequali
nants, fragments,
able, execrable, offensive, r
popularity, hatred, conte
fetor. Associated words: deodorize, deodorization, deodorant, deodorizer, antibromi
odorous, savorl
s, fragrant, savory, a
se, waste, rub
nt, provoke, mortify, exasp
rong-doer, trespasser, mal
y; displeasure, resentment, dudgeon, umbrage; mi
steful, insolent, abusive, aggressive, assailant, fe
propose, propound, voluntee
proposition, bid,
position, bid; sacrifice,
aneous, impromptu, i
ion, service, work, ch
fficer, official, f
older, magistrate, d
y, adv. e
, intrusive, obtrusive,
scum, offscum, recreme
balance, equivalent.--v. co
n. scion
n, issue, progeny, po
tedly, oftentimes, ofttimes.
. lubr
unctuousness, unctuosi
cing, a.
ne, n.
nous, emulsive, lubricous
unguent, embr
ing, ancient, archaic, antique, antiquated, olden, time-honored, traditional, immemorial, primitive, primordial, primev
nuation, decrepitude. Associated w
d, archaic, passé, antique,
oned word
glass, e
id. sp
r, Methuselah, dotard; gaffer, crone, geezer; cent
. late, for
, crone, gammer; w
, augury, portent, presa
ous, monitory, prem
ght, neglect, pretermission,
retermit, disregard, neglec
n, forbearance, defau
ence, n.
nt, n. ub
ed words: unify, unity
eriatim; tandem; alter
centenary. Associated word
ssociated wor
t, perpendic
singleness, indiv
borious, diffi
ral; partial, unfair,
iated words: an
on, eschallot, shallot. Associated words: a
ystander, spectator, beho
vertly, furtively, clandestin
exude, percolat
filtering, exudation, di
ce, n. ir
nt, a. i
rent; (Colloq.) obsc
ent; frank, unreserved, candid, ingenuous, guileless, overt, undisguised; generous, liberal, bounteous, open-handed; revealed, patent
ve; reveal, disclose; unclose, unlock
a. outdoor
g, introductory, ini
rifice, rift, chasm, hiatus, rent; be
blicly, unreser
awning; greedy, clamorous,
anodyne, sedative,
arcotic, anodyne, sedativ
nt, impression; decision,
oo, thebaine, narcotine, codeine, dope, meconism, m
sary, antagonist,
seasonable, apropos, f
pugn, contend, antagonize, contravene, discountenance, gai
g, antagonistic, conten
ithesis, counter
onistic, inverse, reverse, contradictory, counter,
lcitration, counterview, antagonism, contradiction, obstacle, impediment,
whelm, aggrieve, tyranni
, persecution, extorti
ous, tyrannical, ext
yrant, persecut
ion, discretion, alternative. Antony
elective. Antonyms: compu
verbal, parole, v
hetorical, eloqu
, n. c
gulation, law, canon, prescription; method, system, disposition, arrangement; successi
tematize, regulate; bid,
ribution, disposi
methodical, well-regul
r, conventional, commonplac
vital, fundamental, essent
ganism; formation,
arrange, syst
evels, debauch, wassail, s
eginning, derivation
archetypal, primordial, pristine; creative, productiv
, archetype, protot
. Associated w
ellishment, adornment, garni
embellish, garnish, b
bellishing, beaut
niture, embellishment; arabesque
, decorated, embellis
a. Antonym
n. Antonym:
v. fluctuat
y, pompous, spectacul
spossess, dislodge, remov
expulsion, dispossession, ouster
ht, aloud, audibly; wanting, lacking,
etely, openly.--a. absolut
l. limits, boun
ruption, outbu
n, outbreak, paroxys
h, castaway, repr
, outgrowth, result, is
surpass, outvie,
extreme, utt
n. equ
. outmaneuver
n. excresce
e, bizarre, barbarous,
v. outwea
dit, desperado
, n. pro
egress, v
ference, periphery, profile
e, v.
t, view, vista; wat
ote, detached, d
t. unhinged
d, disarranged, jumbled
isplaced; impro
gnity, affront,
us, wanton, flagrant, unwarrantab
. uncondition
, n. ex
, a. ex
, border, purlieu
rved, frank, explici
xterior, outer, superfi
rweigh, overbala
nderance, preponderat
cumvent, outge
a. ell
, crosswise, athw
. intimida
rial, magisterial, lordly, dogmatical, sup
ge, n. e
opcoat, ulster, raglan, in
quer, subdue, master, vanq
ng, overmastering, over
a. rash, presump
overtask, overtax,
gorge, glu
eit, stuff, satia
rfeit, superalimen
l, v. s
, inundation; exuberance,
inundate, d
inundation; exuberance, co
arged, plethoric,
surfeit, satiety, engorge
, n. pro
adv. alo
obvoluted, imbricate, im
erhaul, examine, neglect, disregard, skip, s
. fastidiou
us, excess, surplu
er, overcome, defeat, crush, overwhel
elming, conquering, irr
hment, conquering, defea
rvalue, overesti
utwit, dupe, sw
le upon, supersede
scind, abrogate, revok
edominant, prevai
rogation, cancell
v. infrin
, supervisor, inspector, ta
galoshe, ru
n, surveillance, control, charge; overlooking, connivance,
e, v. ex
trespass, infringe,
, superabundance, sur
, apparent, unco
ostrate, subvert, defeat, vanquish, rout, o
ion, subversion, undoing, reversal,
scend, surpass,
e, n. S
errate, overesti
arrogant, cavalier, super
it, arrogance, superc
t, n. pre
, submerge, ingulf, dr
a. irresistibl
n. inde
scribable, traceable, imputable,
nfess, allow, concede, grant;
n. prop
: ostreaceous, ostreaculture, ostreophagist, ostre
. amble
lacable, appeasa
iet, calm, mollify, pr
el, package; multitude, num
ss, stow, truss
ket, bale, parcel, pack
covenant, concor
bolster; saddle
iated words: shac
n. See
oy, buttons (C
, rack; distress, grie
cruciation, paroxysm, gripe, twinge, cramp, travail, stitch, crick, anguish; heartache, misery, dolor. Antonyms: ease, c
ng, excruciating, dolorous, rack
ticular, precise, scrupulous.
igment; cos
, portray, lim, dep
: easel, palette, grisaille,
ce, couple, span,
r, mate, confederate,
e, pretorium. Associated
y, flummery; confer
cadaverous, etiolate, ashy; dim, faint, indistinct
ndary, limit, confin
s, pallor, wanness, co
sate, satiate
ze for, gloss over, extenuat
sing over, excuse, apology; mode
mitigative, palliatory,
ed luxuriously; indulge
brochure, b
l, catholicon, reli
iddlecake, fla
, pimp, procure
eulogy, encomi
sternation, t
-struck, alarmed, dismay
rt's-ease, lo
. gasp,
long, hunger,
puma, coug
n, gasping; longing,
buttery, la
drawers; knickerbockers, skilts, smallclothes, kneebreec
, periodical, gazette, courant. Associated words: papyrus, parchment
a. cha
uality, eq
show; procession, pageant, cavalcade; p
rden of Eden; E
n. model,
ke, similar, eq
sis, n
enumb, deaden,
equipments, accout
ady, sycophant, fawner, fl
ckage; collection, lo
v. to
vellum, pell
giveness, condonation. Antonyms: retribution,
olve, remit, f
excusable. Antonyms: un
, v.
descent, pedigree, ancestr
s: parochial, parochialism
, avert, prevent;
n. See c
ectory; manse;
division; quarter, region, district; share, portion, lot, allotment, assignment, duty, parti
, dissociate, disconnect, detach, separate; interv
separable. Antonyms:
share, par
rticipant, part
, n. part
severed, disunited, isolated, d
rejudiced; imperfect, incompl
m; predilection, inclination,
ble, detachable, dissoluble, s
ee bit; atom,
, separate, sole, single; characteristic, distinctive, individual, personal, peculiar; fastidious
lar, n.
n. pl. deta
nion, severance, separatio
, a. fac
n, distribution, appo
ague, associate, confederate, accessory
s, faculties, endowments; r
unction, reception, salon, soirée, levee, matinée, drawing-room; compa
ored, a.
man. p
ve, proceed, advance; disappear, vanish, recede, depart
o, lunge, allonge; condition, plight, predicament, s
olerable, mediocre, middling, so-so, ordinary, fai
ntence, paragraph; enactment; corrido
ing; transient, momentary, tra
tion, ardor, feeling, pathos; wrath, fu
d, choleric, excitable, waspish; ardent
hlegmatic, stoical, unemotio
nert, receptive, quiescent, pa
ver. t
ass, safe-cond
ountersign, wa
e, preterit, aorist, aoristic, retrospect, retrospective, retrospection, ant
, elapsed; pret
iversion, recreation, divertise
n. See c
convenient, timely, p
plot, parcel.--v. mend
nt, obvious, man
passage, route, avenue, trottoir
ive, pitiable, pite
en, unexplored, trac
sufferance; indulgence, leniency, forbearance; persistence, dilig
issive, resigned, passive, long
patri?. Antonyms:
omoter, defender, guardi
g, a. cond
archetype; specimen, example; copy, reproduction;
odel, copy, i
, n. a
n. penury
e, v. im
suspension, break; hes
hesitate, desist
commute; retaliate, punish; liquidate, defray, settle, discharge; be pro
quital, emolument, salary, wages, fee, tip, honora
unpaid, outstan
nd, restore, repay, requi
ble, lucrative, ga
n, requital, indemnification, restoration, repaym
er, n.
settlement, recompense, defrayment, amends; retaliation, retribution, paying back
quietness, repose, calmness, serenity; reconcilia
undisturbed, placid, peaceful, quiet. Antonyms: belli
y, adv.
able, tranquil, p
rcessor, pacificator, make-pe
iatory, intercessory, propitiatory,
, intercession, propitiation, pacation, compromise, int
n. atonement, re
olloq.) tell
Juno, Pavo. Associ
summit, crest, spire, p
(Cottoq.) sickly, th
nd, reverberat
oundnut, eart
el, gem; baroque pearl;
ing, a. marg
s, pearlaceous, pe
ped, a.
q.) lively, acti
. rustic,
pulse; hastings. Asso
ed, a. p
t, nag, tease,
n, n. emb
r, n. em
, eccentric, erratic, queer, odd, exceptional, unique,
ic, trait, attribute, idiosy
v. haw
kster, vender, chapman,
's pack
. huckstera
ancestry, descent, e
, v.
.--v. pare, decorti
cheep, pule; p
h, mate, compeer; no
le, incomparable, unsurpassed, superlative,
ulous, captious, spleeny,
n; pretext, support,
orderly, confusedl
ter, beat, a
ine, coop, e
losure, hutch, paddock, poun
nt, retribution; for
cided, unsettled
eable, pervious. An
rate; comprehend, understan
btile, penetrant, sharp; acu
oration; acuteness, discernmen
a, n. ch
, glans, urethra, chordee, erection, orgasm, corpus s
epentance, remorse, compunc
remorseful. Antonyms:
iary, n.
calligraphist, chirograph
ing, calligraphy, p
seudonym, n
unious, indigent, d
ecuniosity, indigence
t; groat, sti
r, n. hack,
my, lackadaisical, introspec
. Whitsunday
se, n.
ned, restraine
ingy, niggardly, parsimon
citizens; populace, commonalty, rabble, can
, n. c
t; irascible, hot-
observe; apprehend, compr
discernment; sensation, fee
, n.
rhaps, peradventur
n. pl. I
oze, strain, fi
filtration, stra
uin, wreck, des
erpetual, undyi
inviolate, impeccable, infallible, correct, mature, id
mmate, elaborate,
tlessness, consumma
, a. See u
, faithlessness, disl
e through, pierce
; hole, opening, pertusion, aperture.
r, n. cep
evement, accomplishment; trick,
uilibrist, tumbler, contortionist, aer
r; attar, musk, patchouli, frankincense, civet, myrrh, pastil, pulvillio
hance, peradventur
n. See
hazardous, imperiled, un
, n. i
impermanent, mortal. Antony
ed words: suborn subornation, subor
trim, spruce,
ity, imperishability,
able, unchangeable, abiding, indestructible. Anton
e, pervious, pervadible
rmit, authorization, warrant. Antonyms: refusal, deni
e, let, authorize, indulge, license, empower.
ant, license, l
rious, harmful, noiso
q.) finical, particul
ght, vertical. Antonym
a. See ev
, pose, confuse, mystify, di
dered, confused, pu
ing, confusing, carking
on, disconcertion, doubt, uncertainty, predicamen
tyrannize, torment, dragoon, im
ppression, molest
iligence, constancy, indefatiga
v. persis
indefatigable, pertinacious, unremitting, indom
, v. pe
doggedness, pertinacity, obs
evering, insistent, pertinacious,
ity; reflection, stricture
, adv. ind
e, v. im
n, n. impe
ion, n. S
re, v.
de, v.
incitement; creed, belief. Antonym
ve, a. p
pper, nimble; forward,
, v. ap
resolute, deter
teness, persistence, d
licability, propriety. Antony
ite, applicable, proper. Anto
xcite, disturb, agitate
omposure, distress, disconcertion, worry. An
distressed, worried,
l, n.
e, v.
ed, vitiated; intractable, obstinate, stubborn, con
ment, vitiation, corr
debase, vitiate; misuse, misappl
able, penetrable.
loq.) vexatiou
gloomy, forebo
, scourge; curse, nuisance,
harass, harry, tease, torme
n. lazaretto
ous, contagious, pestil
plague, scourge
t, a. pe
, darling, favor
dle, fondle, cosse
vorite, pe
. (Slang)
ntreaty, suppl
entreat, supp
suppliant, appl
ication, petrescence, la
. lapidify
n. underski
t, a. S
pectre, appar
, a. spectr
, n. apotheca
othecary, druggis
disconcert, disturb,
. uncultured,
face, visage, count
m, n.
, sluggishness, col
nemotional, cold
h, n. gra
ph, n. h
hy, n. he
iom; diction,
st, n. cra
gy, n. c
ine; cathartic,
c, v.
a. materia
n, n. Se
n. pian
anda, portico,
ck out, select, ch
; choice; spike
, paling; sentry, guar
loq.) dilemma, predica
purse, chevalier d
ate, sketch, draw,
ph, pasticcio, tableau, portrait, illustration, cyclorama, silhouette, carte-de-visite, minette, caricature, vignette, draught, aquarelle, thermotype, tintype, ambrotype, cabinet, heliograph, chrysotype, pho
, v. t
onsiderable, insignificant
appled, pied, pintado,
lipping, chip, hunk, hunch, fragment, fillet, s
atch, repai
potted, piebald, da
t, n. r
rf, dock, je
, impale, gore; penetrate
tto, eyeleteer, g
ating, keen, sharp,
n, perforation, impalem
ctity, godlin
ifling.--v. t
g, a. t
inock; hog, swine. Associated words: porcin
, n. dove-co
pig pen, s
a. stubborn
sty, pigst
l, n.
ap, stack,
ap, stack,
n. hemo
v. filch
filching, th
rer, traveler, so
urney, expedition
s staff.
ndering, rapine, spoliation;
plunder, despoil
haft, post, obelisk, monol
. cushion
, helmsman; directo
guide, ste
r, bawd, pander.
ruption, pap
skewer, spilikin, s
, n. apr
, tweak, twitch;
twinge, tweak, gripe, nip; cr
. (Slang
sham, spurio
cers, tweezers, plie
ng, compressing, n
nguish, waste; yea
nguishing, fa
n. feath
v. s
, summit, top, ap
ut, saintly, righteous, r
. seed
be, conduit
e; nargile, nargileh; hubble-bu
a. tu
ped, a.
orable; shrill, acute; s
sharpness, spiciness;
ungent, spicy
sure, resentment,
uccaneer, picaroon, cors
flag. Jol
l, a. pr
e, n.
on, cavity; abyss; parquet; qu
in a flutter
lope, decli
throw, fling, heave, chuck;
g, ewer, jar,
haped, a.
lang) attack,
ate, merciful; mournfu
n. snare,
gist, heart, es
, piteous, lamen
lenient, ruthful, clement; lamentable, piteous, sad
a. See u
ce, n.
rcy, ruth, commiseratio
ty for, condole
rative, sympathetic
pin. p
adside, poster,
ocality; rendezvous, tryst; duty, func
ut, set, station, establish, attribut
tween. i
n. pes
tease, badger, pester, twit,
.) troublesome, ve
heckered, c
h of Scotl
teppe, llano, champaign, campagna, heath, mo
omely; flat, level, even, smooth, plane; unaffected, simple, artless, outspoken, undesigning, ingenuous, unreserved, direct; frugal, homely; unvaried, unfigured; mere, absolute, unmistak
distinctly, bluntly,
aling, n
regorian chan
rank, candid, unre
f, n. co
us, melancholy, sad
her, ruffle, gauffering, p
braid, p
a. pleate
ct, intend, devise, co
rium, n
, herb; pl. flora (
ow; settle,
rs, n. pl.
orous, phytivorous, pla
ing, n. p
. chlorophy
aphid, aphidian; p
ive, creative; imp
. braid
n. table-
. rostrum,
de, n.
a. banal, tri
, n. tr
plause, acclai
ty, n. spe
b, fluent, oily, smooth-ton
vel; wanton, dally, toy, twiddle; impersonate, personate, act; perfor
e, employment, practice, exercise; comedy, drama, melodrama, farce, burlesque; dalliance, toying, twiddling; liberty,
y, n.
tragedian, comedian, imitator, impersonato
rolicsome, prankish, jo
ign, simulat
. bauble, gi
n. playwrig
apology, vindication, inte
ue; apologize; defend
tercessor, def
d-humored, pleasurable. Antonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, uncongenial, re
lery, witticism, joke, jest, joculari
ght, gratify, cheer, elate; satis
lightful, gratifying, del
delight; amusement, recreation, diversion; will, choice, prefer
, n.
, security, hos
, impawn, hypot
s, a. pl
l, sufficient, lavish, replete, unstinted, prolific. Antonyms:
ufficiency, plenitude.
ance, superfluity, exce
y, limberness, ductility, malleability. Antony
ome, lithe, flexile, malleable; irresolute, yielding
tate, dilemma, predicam
n, pledge; pro
. trudg
. hardworki
on, cabal, complot; plat; imbroglio (com
trigue, cabal, complo
iguer, intrigant, machinator,
arable. Anton
n. arable,
. plower,
ull, draw;
energy, spirit, s
pirited, indomitable, re
pple, bung, tampoon,
pendicular, u
prink; pride, vau
hubby, fat, portly, stout; bl
y, spoil, loot,
. pillage,
er, robber, spoiler,
merse, submerge, dip
sack, pouch, pla
. purse, walle
kpitted, pockfrett
e, legume, bur
dyl, madrigal, epic, ode, georgic, cid, rondeau, epilogue, epigra
ersifier, rhymster, poetas
ymster, verse-mo
a. metrica
hometry, versification, prosody, poetics.
pricking, pie
oignancy, sting; degree, step, stage; ferrule; zenith (hig
rect; show, indicate, de
rect, plain, unqua
peaked, tapering, conical
n. indica
ing; punctuation; de
poise, balance
e. Associated words: toxicology, toxicophobia, toxicomania, toxiferous, t
on; autotoxication (self-poisoning
s, noxious, baneful, virulent, malign
icity, venomousness,
cket; thrust, punch, j
xcite; punch, thrus
(Colloq.) rid
n. pyrography,
slow, dull, tiresom
realis (northern); auro
bergstock, alpenstock; poy (rope-dancer's pole);
ar, polar star, Polar
. burnish
, sheen, glaze, glazing;
glistening, bright; co
, suave, urbane, deferential debonai
rtesy, civility, suavity, urban
us, discreet, shrewd, astute;
, statist; demagogue (un
n. tadpole
x. capi
ate, corrupt, infect, debase
ntamination, corruption, inf
coward, cra
nd, maul, belabor, c
eantry, para
sing, august; pretentious
ake (small
te, reflect, rumi
vy, cumbersome; dull, spir
v. (Collo
aunt, thin, haggard, scrawny, angular, peaked, rawboned, pinched; inferior, mean, shabby, seedy, tacky, worthless; barren, sterile, effete infecund, inarab
n. almshous
iated words: papal, papacy, paparchy, popish, see, popedo
. dandy, cox
mmonalty, prole
, a. ap
vor, esteem, appr
n, n. inh
toop, veranda, port
ted words: trich
able, pervious, percolable.
dish. p
e, embrasure; larboard; deportme
ken, bode, presage
ous, premonitory; m
colonnade, a
ce; allotment, quota, share, c
ng, stately, commanding; fle
depict, picture, draw,
description, account, rec
assumed).--v. attitudinize;
sture; situation, place, job; rank, standi
tagorical, unmistakable; confident, certain, sure; verita
oq.) crowd, thr
e, hold, occupy; sei
occupancy, tenure, fruit
, proprietor; occup
iality, contingency. A
posse, contingent, practi
, perhaps, perchance
, seat, station; office, employment, statio
acard, anno
placard, bu
ubsequent, ensuing, su
, n. autops
ay, put off, procrastin
deferring, delay,
, n. at
, nosegay, bout
amber-pot, jorden,
. menial,
, forcible, cogent,
on, commotion, flu
v. trifl
heel. jigg
, sack; paunc
e, n. c
pulverize, bray, triturat
ounces (avoir.); twelve oun
r, n.
v. d
n. deca
ecuniosity, pauperism; deficiency, paucity, infecundity, dearth, lack, meag
ulence; cosmetic, rouge
ize, triturate, c
oose; dusty, pulverize
; armipotence, omnipotence; influence, sway, comma
nse, strong, dynamic, puissant, effective, omnipotent,
a. impotent
n. sy
lity, n. f
al. Antonyms: impractic
e, habit; exercise, appli
se, apply, do, trai
, éclat, plaudit, compliment, acclamation, puff, flattery; worship, homage, glorification; p?an. Anto
gyrize, applaud; magnify, glorify. Antonyms: co
, panegyrist, extoll
ommendable. Antonyms: illaud
, v. c
ick, antic,
frolicsome, sportive,
bble, clatter, chatt
ter, gabble, b
ate, entreat, implore, b
inst. de
supplication, obsecration; litany, rogation, ros
, v. e
r, predicant, pulpiteer; missi
y, exhortation. Associated
ertain, insecure,
g, a. fo
nt, maxim, rule, adag
ensive; valuable; dear,
ne. jewel, g
mal, punctilious, part
tness, accuracy; f
. predaceous
n. foreordinatio
prognosticate, forebode, porte
soothsaying, divination
inant, overruling,
ogue, prelude. S
dgment, bias; harm,
, ridiculous, irrationa
y, auspice, portent; fo
donation, largess,
. conserve.
urge, crowd; express; embrace, hug
er. compact, s
rgent, importu
aim; simulate,
pretension; simulation, affectat
nable, considerable. Antonyms:
, preclude, obviate, forestall, inte
ting, interruption, hindrance, pr
nt, prophylactic, obvi
foregoing, antecede
booty; victim, quarry, captive;
on others.
gad; sting, compunct
, perforate; goad, spur, i
gnant, sharp, pi
. thorn, s
orny, spiny, b
erciliousness, contumely, conceit, vanity, priggishness, lordliness, impe
, a. sac
vestments, canonica
l, precise, de
, n. h
rimeval, primal; antique, quaint, old
chief, cardinal, para
ography; (for th
us, former, ante
ecedence, anteri
nk, bastille.--v. imprison, incarcerate. Associated words: mittimu
lusion; retreat, solitude,
al; secret, secluded, covert,
. genitals. See
, degradation; destitutio
ight, franchise, preroga
er-closet, ba
palm, trophy, laurels, re
. value,
hter, n.
hting, n.
elihood, verisimili
ikely, credibl
, trunk; haustellum
, cavalcade, cortège,
, v. See
get, obtai
, n.
eful, extravagant
, desecrate; debase
unsanctified, unholy; blasphemous,
wledge, avow, adm
edgment, avowal; vocat
a. expert, a
dend. Associated words: pernor,
lucrative, gainful, beneficia
deep; abstruse, recond
ression, advancem
, v. See
t; conspicuous, salient;
s, a. indi
role, plight, betrothal, tro
dge, covenant,
ward; exalt, elevate, ra
ltation, advancement, further
expeditious, ready
enunciation. Associated words: diacritical marks, mac
, attestation, certification, confirm
y, support, brace, ful
brace, stay, suppor
nt, conformable, consistent, apposite; decorous, conventional, for
estate, wealth, chattels, goods
ing, divination, soothsaying, pro
te, foretell, divine, au
vaticinator, soothsayer, d
, n. sibyl
redictive, fatidical, oracu
s, well-being. Antonyms: ad
arlot, whore, st
social evil, whoredom; perv
l, tiresome, tedious,
end, guard, fortify, sc
d, shelter, tutelage, refuge,
defender, gu
lious, cavalier, overweening, disdainful, imperious, lo
. granulati
, a. dem
e, substantiate, demonstrate
ism, maxim, saw,
nish; stipulate, covena
isher, caterer, p
instigate, rouse; exasperate,
ravery, intre
. discretio
s, circumspect, provident. An
everage.--v. pri
s: puberal, pubescence, pub
im, circulate, blazon, announc
iption. colophon,
, corrugate, cock
n, cockle, wrinkle; (Colloq.)
, a. as
pool, pla
childish, si
v. v
haul, tow, drag; p
turate, comminute
errogate, qu
n. pa
ke; pierce, bore,
prick, perf
tinging; poignant, shar
se, castigate, ch
etribution, infliction. Antonyms: immunity, impunity, acquittal, exoneration. Associated words: pena
n. paro
l, undersized, diminutive,
disciple, catechumen, neophy
n. nonage,
whelp; coxcom
able, a
, immaculate, virgin, incorrupt, impeccable, inviolable; unadulterated, unalloyed
sic, purgativ
on, expurgation, defecati
tor, n.
, refine, expurgat
stity. Antonym
fication, import.--v. mean
ject, design, inten
ntend, design
, provider; procurer
rds: purulent, maturate, maturation, sup
. shove
n. s
tedness, enterprise, aggressiven
getic, intrusive, forward, off
ous, a. Se
Colloq.) pu
ore, reinstate; retard,
ween. i
ell, suppress, repress, vanq
terpolate, interpose, thru
, evasion, subter
ff; delay, defer, po
, dislodge; extend, protrude; extinguish; issue
pother, trifle, fri
ay, retardation; replacement
rtion, injection
practice. a
deferment, postponem
titure; assumption, arrogati
possession, expulsion, ousting; exti
loq.) arranged,
pose, nonplus, perpl
ze, crux, riddle, rebus, poser; confusion,
plexing, inexplicable, inscru
ostensorium, mon
an, empiric, pret
rical, charlat
m, charlatanism, charl
, queachy, swamp
gh, swamp, marsh,
n. bo
cower, flinch, qu
imsical, odd, curious,
tremble, shake,
trembling, shaking,
, n. F
on; endowment, ability, eligibility, capability, fitness, compet
limited; competent, el
fit, prepare, equip; modulate, vary, temper; d
racteristic, peculiarity, trait, property, attribute, attri
; compunction, r
h, a. n
predicament, dilemma, p
ty, n.
awl, affray, fray, variance, bickering, contention
e, contend, squabble, bicker, spar, ja
ntentious, irascible, choleric,
stone pit;
lodging; posts, stations
n. silic
, extinguish, quell, su
ent, quelling, suppressi
embling, quiver.--v. s
n. w
n. huss
n. co
que, whimsical, bizarre, strange, grotesque, fantastic, unconventional, nonde
dicule, banter, rall
due, suppress
ppression, repr
e; extinguish,
s, a. unq
ul, petulant, discontented,
n. qu
, pursuit, request, desir
ion, dispute, gainsaying, scruple, cavil; inquest, debate, discussion, disquisi
ise, examine, inquire of, pump, heckle
btful, debatable, problematical, moot, contr
interrogator, inquisito
quisitive, quizzical, inquisitori
igtail (of
e, quip, tau
asion, cavil, sophism
ricate, equivocat
. caviler,
asive, prevaricative, cavi
live; animated, sprightly, lively, spirited, agile, brisk, nimble, prompt, deft; irascible,
stimulate, incite, actuate; accelerate, expedite, hasten, advance, f
ion, revivification, animation; excitement, stimulat
g, a. acc
pidity, celerity, alacrity, agility, di
nd, n.
, n.
cavil, quibbl
oiseless, inaudible; demure, meek, inoffensive, gentle, retiring, modest, unobtrusive, unassuming, undemonstrative, staid, reserved, sedate; sequest
e, pacify, becalm; assuage, alleviate, mollify, moderate, reliev
t, repose, calmness, tranquillity, sereni
rlet, bedquilt
gibe, tau
. gibe,
hift;, quibble, prevarication, e
icky, disingenu
k off; abandon, leave, forsake, evacuate, surrender, res
crouch grass
mble, shake, s
bling, tremulous,
n, impracticable, c
le, banter, c
, conundrum, po
lang) quadr
, n.
ormer, someti
, share, allotmen
n. citati
marks. g
, repeat, para
e, coney, bunn
ry, n.
ob, rabblero
furious; intolerant, fanati
iated words: rabid, rabietic,
nography, ethnologist, ethnic, racial, et
ring, circus, career, hipp
n. co
gony; amble, pacing; crib
n, torture, agonize; ha
(Colloq.) des
or, blare, noise, hullabaloo, hilarity, voci
d, piquant, fresh and lively. Antonyms: insipi
nce, refulgence, bri
ent, refulgent, br
hine, beam, g
d, a. d
, irradiation; divergenc
thorough-going; primitive. Antonyms: conserv
. root, et
adv. fund
. heap,
, n. l
ran; (Slang) lot, mult
tter, shred, patch,
. tatterdemal
n. mopse
ssion; (Colloq.) vogue,
storm, fu
azzled; rough, jagged; ra
g, infuriated, wroth, fre
er, n. c
id, reproach,
uperation, reproach, upbra
ter, pleasantry,
d, n. r
. (Colloq.)
n. See
zle, mizzle, mist, misle;
ow, n
meter, pluviometer, pluviog
ery, wet, pluv
r; elevate, advance, exalt; enhance, augment; excite, a
hoisting; erection, rearing; exaltation, el
her, debauchee, roué, w
dissolute, libertine, i
recover, recuperate; assem
ck; (Astro
am, stuff,
ge, stroll, stray, s
roll, wanderi
er, wanderer, r
andering; discursive,
ring, leap,
debauchery, passion,
rampant, unrestrain
k, wanton, excessive; uncontrollable,
fication, bulwark
. dilapidated
sty, tainted,
ctiveness, hatred, virulenc
vindictive, malignant, h
rd, chance, stray,
class, classify; rove,
ass, scope, latitude; order, class,
xtreme, excessive, immoderate, gross; rancid, musty, frowzy,
ries; grade, class, order, division; posit
rrange, dispose, cla
g, inflammation; hear
k, v.
, liberation, rede
em, rescue, lib
im, spout, rav
ade, ranting, voc
, a. bo
.--n. knock,
eous, ravenous; avaricious, gra
ty, rapaciousness,
ion, defloration, r
constuprate, vi
t, expeditious, cursory, qu
, celerity, velocity,
swiftly, fas
g, sack, pillage, sp
.) rascal, rogue, scoun
nated, transported, spellb
, transport, deligh
beatific, delightful,
curious; exquisite, fine, incomparable, recherché; sparse,
rd. rar
delicacy, ti
. infrequen
mp, knave, villain, miscreant, varlet, tr
icanery, improbi
discreet, inconsiderate, impulsive, temerarious
hema, eruption
ecipitancy, indiscretion,
grate, fi
ppraise; assess; scold, cen
mation, sanction, subst
, sanction, substa
lowance, port
udicious, wise, reasonable, equitable. Antonyms: ir
xplanation, exp
prate, babble, prattle; dis
hatter, babble, pratt
giddy, rattle-br
illage, devastate, sa
, devastation, spoliation,
rage, ran
v. un
ous, insatiable, pr
ious, rapacious, r
defile, clough,
l, delirious, maniac
sport, enraptur
, ecstatic, transportin
cstasy, transpor
immature, unripe; galled, sore, sensi
a. gaunt
sociated wor
ar. cas
. beam
ace, rase; overthro
, v.
. attainable
ighest poin
; resist, oppose
v. p
le. Antonyms: unre
, n. p
facility, alacrity. Antony
rusal; recitat
e. Antonyms: fictitious, unreal, spuriou
ty. Antonyms: unreality, ph
. fulfillment,
, v. ef
lly, truly, indeed
minion; domain, regio
n. rea
enty quires
a. hin
ft, elevate; erect
levation, rai
, rationality, logic, account. Associated words:
, syllogize; argue, re
ogical, just; conscionable
r, n. l
ion, syllogism, discursus; (sophistical
lariat, la
uction, discou
urgent, revol
. revolt
insurgency, mutiny, sediti
nsubordinate, refractory. Antonyms: dutiful, sub
il, ricochet; re
, resilience, repercus
istance, opposition, re
ulse, resist,
pbraid, censure, repr
, censure; chastis
ract, recant, rescind, repeal
rescission, repeal, r
g, a. re
. retract
etraction, abjura
ate, v. s
ion, n. sum
reception; formula, rec
ept; admit, allow; we
; beneficiary; receptacle; fe
a. new
n. container
ng; levee, soirée, function; a
irement; intermission; alcove, nich
. formula
iver, beneficiary,
. reciprocatio
itation, narrat
arsal; cantillation (recitati
recount, repeat,
indful, thoughtless, temerarious, rash, u
alculate, count, enum
, calculation, enumeratio
tame, domest
reclaiming, reco
, leaning, lying.--n. r
. solitary
tary, eremite, a
n. seclusio
nd, react; flinc
ct, v.
remembrance, memo
v. commen
tion, n. c
se, v. S
pacify; harmonize, adjust, settle. A
ciliation, pacificatio
, a. See
inute, memorandum, note, annals, document, munim
egister, regis
pl. annals
trieve, repair, recoup, recruit
le, a. re
ecuperation, regaining, r
ess, mean-spiritedness,
usillanimous, cowardly, crave
ement, relaxation, diversion
v. correc
, integrity, uprightn
astor, clerg
n. rectorate
, n. pa
cerise, garnet, vermilion. Associat
, ruby, ruddy, rubicund, blowzed,
; regain, recover; ra
ransomer, del
ase; ransom, salvation
fortunate, au
dable, terrible; vali
ontribute, co
r. cayenn
tion, amends, inde
nimize, depress, debase; humble, conque
ization, decrement, debasement; subjugatio
abundance, superflui
undant, superfluous,
ation.--v. reverber
por, exhalation,
my, vaporous,
v. s
, v.
utable, ascribable,
ire, judge, arb
arify, sublimate, subtilize, su
e, well-bred, courtly, cultured; pur
fication, sublimation, subtility, clarification, tenuity. Anto
d, revert; meditate, rumin
contemplation, rumination
reforesting, reaffor
v. reaffore
aim, regenerate
orrigible. Anton
rm, reclamation, bet
on, n. d
ry, a. S
, curb, check; forbe
nliven, reanimate; re
reanimating, cooling, r
llation, lunch, re
covert; shelter, protection, security,
. fugitive
repay, retu
ial, non-acceptance, neg
decline; reject
fag-ends, recrement, riffraff, lees, dross,
onfutable. Anto
n. confutati
. confute
. recover
. kingly
east, entert
n. pl.
heed, obser
t, reference, relation; heed, attention, observation, n
dful, heedful, at
, careless, unmindful,
pl. complime
quarter, locality, ne
ll, schedule, roster;
record, enrol
registry, enrollm
w, compunction,
re, be sorry for
ematic: steady, uniform, methodical, constant;
, constancy, order, system, method. Antonyms: ir
n. réc
dominion; regnancy, sway, pow
n. pl
d; refuse, decline, rebuff,
clination, rebuff, repuls
t; gladden, cheer, deli
gladness, exultatio
recount, na
nate, akin, kindred; consanguineous; co
ndence, relevancy; affinity, consanguinity, kindred, kinship, cognation, filiation; tellin
red, affinity, allian
od. consanguinity;
p by marria
respecting, pertaining; particul
an, connection; cognate, agnate. Associ
acken; abate, dimini
ng, slackening; divers
. reinfo
acquit, extricate, disengage, relinquish, ab
eliverance, acquittance, extrication
implacable, unrelenting
tinency, applicab
ertinent, germ
y, n. trus
ustworthy, trus
ependence, con
. confiden
s; memorial, souvenir, memento, trophy, keepsake. A
t, n.
succor, palliation, assuagement, help; redress, r
remedy, ease, mitigate, palliate, succor, extri
asive, palliative, remedial, e
t, righteous, devotional; strict,
, waive, forego, renounc
surrender, abando
a. palatab
illingness, disinc
ined, unwilling, aver
, v. S
mnant, balance, rest, sur
residual, rema
relics, debris,
mit, send back.-
serve, heed, see, not
hy, striking, extraordi
ble, incurable, desperat
air, relieve, redress, all
ive, panacea, alterant, carminative, medicament, arcanum, prescript
v. recolle
ouvenir, keepsake, memento, memorial, trophy, reminde
nto, souvenir, keepsa
, n. rem
erelict, careless, slac
, acquittance; abatement, assuagement, mitigation,
nder, residue, res
xpostulation, prot
v. expostul
a. expostulator
sorrow, regret, penitence;
acable, ruthless, me
, a. d
ss, n. d
nce, expulsion, elimination, dismissal, discharge
ge; dismiss, discharge, divest, dispossess,
tion, n.
a. profitabl
rive, lacerate,
late, interpret, construe; extra
tion; contribution, surrender; t
ing asunder, lac
nt, backslider, turncoat; reb
rebuild, remodel, reconstruct, revamp, re
storation, redintegration, reconst
sown, repudiate, reject;
ion, abnegation, repudiati
tion, renewal, rehabil
ity, repute, fame
t, far-famed, illustrious. Antonyms: un
n. lesse
ion, denial, disownment,
revamp, darn, cobble, remodel; indemnif
toration, reconstruction,
retrievable. Antonyms: i
abilitation, instauration, reno
e, n. b
eimburse; recompense, requit
eimbursement; recompense, re
evoke, resci
cation, resciss
rate, reiterat
ion, iteration, reite
lse, rebuff, r
repulsion, rebu
a. repulsiv
ontrition, compunction, rem
, penitent. Antonyms:
recurrence; verbigeration; tautology; e
. complai
restore, r
. restoration,
ss, superabundance
er, respond, r
response, rejoinde
ion; fame, repute, reputation; sound, noise, repercussion, detonation, d
be; bruit, circulate, promulgate, publis
vity, motionlessness; c
ository, storehous
mbolize; personate, impersonat
, vicarious; typical, figura
agent, substitute, vicegerent, surrogate, regent, c
ue, suppress, overpower
pression, restrain
braid, rebuke, reprimand
ity, contumely, invective, od
opprobrious, abusive; shamef
ved, profligate, incorrigible.
ndemn, denounce,
mnation, denunciation
duplicate, imitate; gen
, copy, imitation; generatio
n. See
censurable, reprehensible
v. See
t, renounce, disavo
l, rejection, abjuration
reluctance, unwillingne
ry, refractory, adverse, offe
v. repe
n, repelling, reject
lent, offensive, fo
pute, name, credi
eputation, e
, a. pu
on, demand, instance, prayer,
ate, petition, beg, entr
aim, exact, need, want
requisition, requisite;
ary, required, essen
remuneration, retributi
munerate, repay, pay, reta
ration, salvation, ransom, e
liberate, recapture, redeem,
similitude, similarity,
dgeon, umbrage, d
straint, uncommunicativene
d, excepted; uncommunicative,
ciliation, abode, habitancy,
en, inhabitant, dw
emnant, residuum, rest,
cate, withdraw, surren
cation, demit; forbearance, for
ered; uncomplaining,
nd, impugn, oppugn, defy,
enitence, recalcitration, op
resisting, opp
s, a. irr
nwavering, unflinching, st
ersistence, steadfastness, constancy; resolve, purpose
olvable, resolub
etermine; dis
, determination, inten
, n. reve
resounding, r
. echo, re
. resonator,
ng, a. r
sort, expedient
n. pl. as
, deference, reverence, homage, obeisance; reference,
, venerate, revere
e, honorable, estimable;
ite, obeisant, reverent. Antonyms: disresp
. relative; p
sons. partiali
. compliments,
ejoinder, retort, repartee, a
accountability, lia
rable, amenable. Antonyms: irrespo
a. respondin
ntiphone, antiph
cessation, abeyance, intermission, respite, reprieve, pause, recess, sabbatism; c?sura, pause; support, stay,
esist; repose, recline, lie;
eating-house, chophou
keeper. r
avansary (in Ea
eclining, lyi
else. superincumbent.
ation, return, indemnification; r
ent, fidgety, intractable, u
dgety, agitated, unquiet
the fidgets, uneasiness, agi
reparation; repatriation; renewal, renovation, redintegration, re
ate, redintegrate, remodel; replace, refund, retu
nstrain; abridge, circumscribe, limit, restrict, narrow
nt, check, suppression; limitation
limit, confine, repre
straint, confinement, repressi
end, eventuate, redoun
issue, event, outcome, eventuati
pitulation, sum
g) disentomb, disin
n. resurgence,
keep, hol
nt, n. r
. avenge, re
revenge, requi
, v. i
g, n. re
ous. Antonyms: unret
rve, uncommunicati
iturn, reserved,
train, suite
retreat, recede, retr
d, sequestered, unf
withdrawal, sec
nt, shy, coy, shrink
ant, rescind, r
ecantation, resc
hdrawal; refuge, asylum, se
retire, with
lessen, diminish, ab
nution, curtailment,
retaliation, rep
rocede, recede, de
gradation, decline, reg
lace; recur, regress, reappear, revert
ital, retribution, redress; recurrence, regress, rev
current, recurri
se, unveil, expos
usal, festivit
rouse; luxur
sure, divulgement, ex
bacchanal, roysterer,
arousal, wassail, satur
nge, retaliate,
ctive, implacable, r
e, n.
e, v. reso
n, n. resona
rate, reverence
e, n. ve
v. revere
. reverenti
w, subvert, overturn; revoke
trary, counterpart; rever
succession; at
sider, revise, r
ion, reconsideration,
duce, asperse, reproac
traducement, aspersion, repro
vituperative, contumeli
vision, emenda
evisal, recens
, a. resu
nimation, resuscitation, restor
st, n. e
quicken, revivify, reinspirit, re
uscitation, reanimatio
, repeal, reversal, a
recant, rescind, abrogate, c
, uprising, mutiny, insurrecti
utiny; disgust, nau
urgent, rebel, m
ng, repulsive, fulsome
tation, gyration;
ate, turn; devolve; brood ove
n. pistol,
ating, gyratory, rotatory
emuneration premium, bonus, bounty, douceur, meri
. jingle
ter, versifier, r
d words: costal, interco
ate, gross, indece
bscenity, inde
ge of hono
rtile, luxuriant, prolific, exuberant, teeming, productive; sumptuous, luxurious; delicious, luscious, hearty
wly rich) No
n. pl. S
r?oeus, Dives, plu
ofusion; luxuriance, sumptuousness, costliness, eleganc
, n. ra
ckle, dilapidated,
e, clear, d
en, relieve, disencum
iverance, relief
zle, problem, rebus, c
rseman; equestrienne (fe
n. cres
, jeer, burlesque, railler
ff, rally, banter, burlesque, lamp
erous, absurd, farcica
oots. to
back. equestria
ng, prevalent, p
fleece, despoil,
e, crack, gap, crevice
ip; bedizen
ess, tackle, e
rate, reasonable, ethical, condign, appropriate, proper, suitable, seemly, rel
ectify, emend; make
ive, privilege, im
stice, morality, virtue, equity; title, claim; authority. Associate
nuously, constantl
traightway, right off, ins
ious, devout, godly, saint
ess, holiness, sanctity.
ded, a. d
ss, n. dexteri
unyielding, unpliant; rigor
ness, inflexibilit
.) nonsense, flummery
, austerity, severity, asperity,
ringent, strict, unyiel
oq.) roil; ang
mlet, rivulet,
olloq.) roi
ge, brink, verge, border
n. hoa
in, peel. A
everberate; toll, knell, c
nnulet. Associated words: annular, annularity, annulate, signet, dactyliolog
; clique, cote
reverberation, tolling, clang, chi
. tress, c
circular he
mult, uproa
veler, carous
strained; seditious, tumultuous, tu
. rent
lang) harr
summate, complete, perfect; s
, completeness, consu
e, v.
increase, grow, enlarge; emerge; proceed, spring, ema
beginning; increase, advance, appreciat
nny, ludicrous
rise, levitation, levee, eme
rrection, resurgen
nger, peril, jeopardy
nger, peril, imperil,
afe, perilous, jeopardou
liturgy, co
tor, antagonist.--a. compet
petition, emula
eft, split,
al, levee, wady, estuary, fluviatic, fluviatile, bayou, pothole, dredge, fluvico
ek, streamlet, runnel
ane, passage, artery, roadstead, boulevard, esplanade, turn
. highwaym
e, stray, rove
bellow, b
; boom, peal, r
torrefy, parch;
fleece, despoil, rifle, sa
ootpad, filibuster, forager, desperado, corsair, freebooter, highwayman,
ring, piracy, peculation, depredation, briga
, n.
a church. ves
wy, muscular, brawny, s
. bowld
orse, n.
e, stick; pole, p
ck; ova, spaw
eant, scamp, rascal, s
ng, knavery, fraud
ricky; waggish, sporti
make turb
urbid, mudd
ter, record; convolu
spin, trundle, circumgyrate; inwrap, infold, convolve;
iled, convolu
. cylinde
circumrotary; undula
heeling, circumrotation
ractical, chimerical, pictu
pe, latitude; apartment, chamber, c
, n. l
ious, capaciou
, n.
ticleer; cockerel (you
x, taproot, spur; rootle
mon, stem, r
ated; implanted,
cation; burrowin
ooting, eradicat
r, tow; pl. shrouds, ratlines. Associated words: marline, marli
funambulist, equ
ion. Associated words: funa
er, n. eq
ingy, tenaci
iated words: a
a. roseate,
wer, n.
ash. r
. rosariu
n. co
lored, roseate,
corruption, putridity. Antonyms: preservati
. turning
on. Associated words:
volve, turn,
rning, revoluti
scent, carious, corrupt, decompos
Associated words: antiseptic, imputr
, spherical, glo
ess, sphericity, cir
, n.
ric oxide, cr
stere, abrupt, gruff, boorish, uncourtly; boisterous, tumultuous, tempestuous, stormy; harsh, hard, severe, inclement, drastic, violent; harsh
bully, ruf
ed, globular, annular, discoid, rotund; cylin
on, series, succession; rung, rundl
ect, tortuous; encircling, ambie
anguage. cir
ding or ro
. rondeau, r
icity, rotundity, cylindricity, globosity, an
v. See
stirring; (Colloq.)
fiture, vanquishment: clamor, tumu
nquish, def
urse, way, r
custom, ro
ramble, stragg
n. See
roil, affray, rumpus, squa
k, line, fi
ruffian, rough, bull
erial, monarchical, palatine
gnty, regality, regency; sove
nt, obstruction, pinch, difficulty; s
t; embrocate; massage; graze, scour, smoo
vershoe, galoshe, galoche; eraser. Ass
ion, attrition, chafing, fr
asure, oblitera
, lumber, refuse, debris,
a. ruddy
, obliterate,
rnish, sco
, crease; (Collo
, florid, rub
vilized; inelegant, inartistic, artless; uncivil, discourteous, inurbane, impolite, rompin
nt; embryo; pl. el
ntal, elementary, init
ul, sad, lugubr
ster, villain,
flounce, furbelow; pertu
derange, disarrange, disorder; agitate, dis
inclement, tempestuous, turbulent, boisterous, wild; (Colloq.
bane, pes
ion, disorganization, perdition, ruination, sub
ubvert, destroy, wrec
ion, n
a. dest
, touchstone, brocard; maxim, law, canon; norm; government, sway, regency, domin
ain, influence, sway, prevail, d
burgrave, procurator, Pharaoh, interregent, despot, regent, dominator, arbiter, viceroy, vicegerent, autocrat,
ing; predominant, dominat
) queer, odd,
ditate, muse, p
on, n. m
e, v.
strange, odd, fr
rsay, gossip,
n. but
chbone, edgebo
mple, wrinkle,
mple, pucker,
sturbance, quarrel, aff
r, scuttle, flee, race, pace, gallop, trot; proceed, flow; me
course, series, repetition pressur
, rill, strea
pursue, f
gade, deserter, a
, absconder, deserte
ugitive, absc
escape, desert
with. a
riorate; decry, belittl
, rime, rundle
to. co
r, sprinter; me
secutive; flowing, easy, cu
rtion, fleeing, ab
e, deterioration; de
into. co
ion, extension, expa
d, spread; expatiate,
er. ov
(Colloq.) f
. dwarf
er, dissipate; tran
n. breach
isruption, br
try, countrified, past
uralness, rura
e, v. r
e, trick, stratagem, m
. press
sianize, Russification, russify, Russophi
asant. muz
ugo, verdigris; mildew
degenerate (in i
countrified, uncouth, rude, rough; coarse, plai
farmer; boor, churl,
te, v.
. whispering
reasty, rancid, musty, fusty, milde
e; roaring (o
t, ?struation. Asso
tenderness, com
ul, tender, compa
, truculent, relentless, imp
lence, implacability,
stful, salacio
d words: ergot, e
ge, plunder, rapine, havoc
er, pillage, ravage, desp
allowed; venerable, saint
ty, holiness; inviola
lation; surrender, loss, giv
, immolate; surrend
secration, profa
. impious, prof
my, melancholy, disconsolate, dejected, touching; calamitous, deplorable, grievous, dire, afflictive, wretched
ss, dishearten;
, saddle-tree, croup, crutch, chapelet, tilpah, tapadero, housing, l
pathos, sorrow, gravity,
stworthy, reliable, sure, secure, invulnerable, i
onvoy, guard, esco
urity, palladium, protecti
uard, defend, p
anship, care, custody,
ity, custody; im
lligent, knowing,
ce, shrewdness, clevern
ise, embark.--n. saili
e, a. n
vas, duck, tarpau
cumnavigation (sailing roun
ator, seaman, seafarer, t
s song.
, hagiolater, hagiography, Hagiographa, dulia, legend, diptych, feretory, philatory, r
ious, saintly, cons
e. chorea. Associa
marketable. Antonyms:
ous, lecherous, concu
sociated wor
ion, market; au
nt, conspicuous, no
n, insalivate, insalivation, salivant, salivary, ptyalism, salival, sal
; sortie; witticism, j
hop, barroom, gr
savor, taste; piquancy, wi
linity, salinen
sium nitrate, nitre
ackish, saltish, sal
reet, hail, welcome,
mption. Associated
rate, embrocation, emo
, embrocate, hea
te of ammonia, salts of
m, analogous, similar, cognate; isomer
y, correspondence, uniformity, analogy, parity,
le, illustration, exemplif
, ratification, authoriza
irm, ratify, appr
s, saintliness, invio
anctum, adytum; Holy of
words: dune, downs, arenicolous, burst, sabulosity (sandiness),
uck, nerve, courage, fear
, psammotherapy, inh
s, n. ho
Associated word:
us, gritty, aren
, rational, sound,
, murderous; cruel, t
sanatorium, h
saneness, r
mine, subvert; exha
Slang) simple
succulent; (Low) sill
, n. al
al, taunting, ironica
n. g
, Asmodeus, Prince of Darkness, Archfiend,
n. handba
t, pall, glut, ove
ion, surfeit, cloy
arcasm, ridicule, l
sarcastic, ironical,
lampoon, ri
comfort; reparation, indemnification, requital, reimbursement, re
nt, satisfying, conclusiv
tent, appease, satiate,
iness, impertinence,
insolent, pert, impud
er, straggle, lounge, st
, a. sa
ravenous, fierce, untamed; brutal, fell, trucu
ociated words: agri
e, keep; reserve, hoard, garner; economize, husband
nj. except, exce
ive; frugal, thrifty, economical, provident, sparing, choice, chary.
reservation, salvation, rescue, redemption, de
t, providence, economy, chariness. Antonym
le, toothsome, fragrant. Ant
and, comprehend.--n. unde
adage, apothe
n. (Nickna
, n.
ation, serratur
serrate, serra
ll, articulate, recite, rehearse; state, assert, affirm, alleg
ciation, mention, assertion, affirmation, citation,
pothegm, aphorism, adage, dictum,
har, incrust
bbed, scaly, s
taging, scaffo
, rogue, scapegrace, miscreant, sc
a, leprosity, lamella,
ol-fa. Associated words:
) squamula, lod
quamate; climb, ascend,
alance; steelyar
inked; crenate,
, squamoid, scurvy; (Low) mean, lo
, wabble, shamble;
Colloq.) sl
e, miscreant, caitiff,
away, scud, hie, ru
opprobrium, disgrace,
end, displease; disgrace;
, slanderous; infamous, disgraceful,
insufficient, inadequate
imit, strai
owness, inadequacy, insuffici
inadequate, meager; spari
gue, scamp, black
ement, flaw. Associated words: cicatricial, cicatrisi
re, unplentif
iency, insufficiency, lack
cow, appall, startle, affright, alarm, browbea
alarm, terror, pan
. guy, effig
, neckcloth, neckerchief,
n. epidermi
timid, apprehensive,
, disperse, dispel, s
giddy, thoughtless
a. scatter
sipation, dispersi
show, exhibition, d
view, landsc
smell, perfume;
royal mace,
list, catal
chination, intrigue, cabal; outline,
xcogitate, plan, mac
riguer, machinator, intr
g, Machiavelian, tricky, wily, insidious.
tious, heretical, dis
rmist, dissenter, separ
udent, learner, disci
cholarlike, eru
on, learning, knowledge
college, gymnasium conservatory, univer
ain, educate,
on, training, nurture
st, n.
whit, particle, mite, bit
endant, heir;
dicule, mock, sneer,
culer, mocker, sneerer, s
kery, derision,
, blame, reprove, brawl, lecture, reprehend
en, virago, termagan
re, rating, reprimand, repr
ding, censorious, shrewish
avity, hollow; str
portunity, space, room, liber
e, char, torref
on; motive, account, reason, sake, cons
, scratch, cut;
sdain, derision, contu
eject, contemn, disr
ful, contemptuous, c
, n. G
t, Scotsman, Cale
n. Scotia,
ogue, caitiff, reprobate, cheat, swindler, lib
llainy, turpitude,
ction, infliction
out, contemn, scorn,
t, n
er, frown, low
en, glowering, fr
craggy; scrawny, lank,
le, clamber; strugg
morsel, crumb; excerpt,
. commonplac
ficulty, predi
p, grate, rub; gather,
r, n.
entary, disconnec
; scribble; erase,
ng) haphazard, c
, n. s
ular, lank, meager, scrag
screech, squeak.--v.
riek, screech
shriek, sc
dant, unmelodious,
irade, diatr
e, traverse, fender; mask, disguise; sieve,
protect, cover, conceal,
ch, force, squeeze; o
r, scrivener, am
mish, scuffle, scr
mit, straiten
, a. s
il. Associated words:
tic cord, pneumatocele, gubernaculum, cirsotomy, dartos, uroce
ngle, thicke
dwarfed, undeveloped,
fine, elegant, excellent
itation, doubt;
tious, exact, strict, p
struggle, encounter,
on, n.
re, n.
ment, refuse, waste,
t, scurrile, opprobrio
ry, scamper, s
ble, abject, low,
n. sco
. coal hod
cuddle, hurry
ociated words:
one, n.
m, looming, submarine, ultramarine, rote, frith, estuary, fiord, kraken, Triton, haliography, h
seashore, seaside, be
natee; dugo
naval battl
pirate chief,
ciated words:
ication, confirmation; cachet (seal of a letter); breloque (je
, authenticate,
. passport
atification, authentication
e, commissure;
mermaid, sea
r, salt, sea dog, Jacky, beachcomber; merman; midsh
y, withered
, seek, overhaul; rummage, ransac
uest, resear
er, n.
earchable, impenet
d, cauterized; cal
ization, cauterizing. Associated words
seacoast, sea
, n. nausea
den, accustom, acclimatize, accl
une, timely, suitable
, spice, relish, sauce,
uttocks, bottom, breech; chair, sofa, tête-à-tête, div
v. u
fucus, rockweed. Associated words: algology, algous, fucivorous, fucoid, f
d, isolated, retired, w
ion, isolation, solitude
porter, assistant.--v.
nate, second, inferio
e, deputy, delegate, pro
a. inferior,
ociated word: s
rophetic vision
ught. reco
privacy, retirement,
pl. genitals; pl. penetralia. Associated words
se, unknown, latent; secluded, privy, withdrawn, retired, covert, private, sequestered; stealthy, underhand, c
e; writing-desk, escritoire, scrutoire. Associ
ide, conceal, shrou
n. concealm
nicative, taciturn, r
ity, reserve, silence, unc
e. cryptology,
name. c
fidences, mysteries
nce. esoter
sturbation, ona
ography, cipher, steg
ool, party,
, a. deno
part, division, segme
mporal, worldl
fast, immovable, stable, indemnified.
; fasten, moor; guarantee, ensure, insure, ass
warranty, surety, indemnification, pledge, indemnity,
demure, imperturba
omposing, soot
thetic, narcotic,
e, dregs, lees, settlin
evolt, insurrection, riot
ious, insubordinate,
tice, tempt,
n. seduction
, n. Lo
cement, temptation
uring, attractive
rve, note, notice, observe, understand, grasp; watch, regard, look after; accompa
erm; first princip
seminific, spermophyte, angiosperm, pericarp, angiospermous, carpolite, germinate, germination, ache
shabby, tacky, thr
ng; discernment, observation, comprehension; sight, vision
, hunt; aim at, str
, show, semblance, spe
v. apparently
uitable, proper, appro
v. per
, vaticinator, p
a. boiling
portion, piece; (Biol.) m
, gripe, grasp, grapple; arrest; confiscat
n, grasping; capture; c
. infrequen
cull, single out, elect.--a. choice.
a. elective
ence, pick; collection, assortment. An
sociated words: egoism, egoist, egoi
ation, onanism, secret
ing, a.
tism, overweening, p
vain, overweening, priggish, o
mption, n.
n. Associated
cation, n.
, self-sacrifice, abstemiousness. Antonyms:
sacrificing, unselfish
, a. axiomat
n, n. introspec
ocracy; autonomy. Antonyms: subjectio
ing, a. i
pompousness, pomposi
pompous, vain, opin
rous, narrow, illi
ledge, n.
r, n. suicid
mposed, unruffled, se
equanimity, calmness, aplomb. A
, a. pharisaic
ency, n. sel
erson. autodi
, n. autolat
change; betray; (Slang) d
ition, cheat, hoax, de
n. vende
dition, barter,
e, n. l
aspermatism, aspermia, seminific, seminiferous, spermatoid, spermatozoid, spermi
le, n. h
commission, delegat
eturn, reman
rn, remand, remand
repit, feeble,
otage, decrepi
. eldership,
iology, sensorium, sentient, sensific, sensory, sentiency, insentient, sensifacient, s
dramatic, emotional,
; wisdom, sagacity; judgment, notion, opinion, sentiment, view; conviction, consciousness. A
lloq.) percei
s; absurd, silly, nonsensical, inept
sibility, unconsciousne
bility, sensitiveness, d
pressible, conscious, cognizant, aware; wise, judicious,
tible, impressible,
, sensuous; voluptuous, luxurious, sybar
voluptuary, epi
rnality, sybaritism; wantonness,
ensual. Antony
nation, judgment; axiom, maxim, precept
erse, pithy, laco
ve, conscious, susceptible. Anto
ment, notion, opinion; maxim, saying
emotional, lackadaisical. Antonyms: uns
atchman, picket, vidette, per
etachable, severable, part
draw, rend, dissociate, disengage, isolate, disunite, eliminate, disintegrate, segreg
ined, separated, apart, distinct, isolated
issolution, disengagement, disintegration, insulation, isolation, rupture, dissociation, div
nformist, dissenter,
n, conclusion, consequ
series, following; resu
red, a.
dry, with
ne; (burlesque) cha
d, composed, tranquil,
omposure, tranquillity;
thrall, slave, bon
, slavery, subjection
taid, sober, demure, saturnine; momentous, import
ty. Antonyms: levity,
igious), discourse. Associated word
y, ophiophagous, ophiography, herpetology, ophidian, ophiologic, ophiomorphous, herpetologist, herpetotomy, he
ike, subtle, sinuous, w
retainer; domestic, maid, menial, drudge, valet, flunky, groom, coistril, la
ribute, conduce to; subserve; treat, requite; satis
s, function, ministry; ritual, ceremony, rite; advan
, cringing, groveling, obse
n. bondage,
ocate, station; adjust, regulate, ada
ate, inflexible, unyielding; regular, uniform
class, party, coterie
backset, check, repu
set; countercla
quipage, rig, turnout;
determine, decide; sink, subside, fall; precipitate;
ination, installation; colonizati
. pioneer,
, dregs, lees, precipitate
est, conflict, encounter,
eptenary, septuple, septette, septenat
ld, a.
s. Associated
a. heptagonal
gure. heptagon
words: septuagenary, se
iated words: septuag
ssociated words: septennia
disunite, separate, disj
s, diverse, manifo
istressing, afflictive, sharp, acute, violent, intense; inexorable, stern, exacting, peremptory, un
y; seriousness, gravity; violence, intensity, acuteness; auste
iated words: se
oman. se
sexual, unisexual, epicene, hermaphrodite, h
a. asexua
r (of a church),
immoderate); nymphomania (morbid in women); (of animals) ?strus, rut, heat, ?struation. Antonym: anaphrodisia. Associated words: aphrodisiac, antaphrodisiac, anap
s) tread. Antonyms: continence, chastity, virginity. Associated words: venereal, incontinence, incontinent, unchastity, copulatory, gonorrhea, clap, syphilis, cenogamy, infibulation, intromitten
nery, amorousne
(female external) vulva, pudendum; (internal) womb, uterus, ovaries, vagina, clitoris. Associated words: agamic,
y; fecundity. Associa
ility, invirility, emasculation, eviration; (
, tacky (Colloq.); mean, des
abond, tramp, loafer; h
handcuff, ma
le, hamper, fette
etreat, seclusion; screen, protection, curtain, awning, blind; spirit
ure, dim, obfuscate, c
ion; prefiguration. Associated words: sciagrap
n; adumbrate, typify, s
antial, visionary,
ferous; sheltered, screened; (Colloq
umn, obelisk; handle, helve; spire,
ss, jounce, dodder, tremble, trill, shiver, t
hivering, jolt,
agitation, disturbance
, shaking; (Colloq.
; superficial, fr
n, imposition, mockery, fraud, im
ious, pretended, dummy, un
tend, imitate, pers
iscredit, opprobrium, scandal, disgrace, obloquy; mortificat
, disconcert; disgrace, degr
bashful, diff
ous, disgraceful, reproachful, ignominious, infam
elicate, indecent, unblushing, audacio
, n. c
. hut, ho
hion, frame; adjust, regul
, figure, guis
, unsymmetrical, unshap
al, well-formed, come
on, divide; parta
ent, quota, dole, proport
pator, partaker; d
per, trickster, cheat, s
rimonious, acrid, cutting; sagacious, clever, perspicacious, ingenious, bright, discerning, resourceful, astute, shrewd, apt, smart, long-headed, acuminous;
aggravate, quicken; h
stone, hone, oilstone,
swindler, knave, cheat,
edge; asperity, acrimony, impatience; acumen, sagacity
ce. trickery
le-eyed, acute, persp
er, demolish; di
ving; spokesh
ase, scabbar
iate, spread; cast, exuviat
use, lean-to,
shells, etc.) exuviat
ezebel, fury, v
luster, gloss, br
ether; (leader of the flock) bellwether; hoggerel, hogget. Associated words: bleat, braxy, gid, mutt
n. collie,
bashful, shy,
; roan; (Cant) diploma. Associated words
ed, pure, unmixed; precipit
ce; bracket, console; ledge
sperm, spermoderm. Associated words: scler
ell; exuviae (cast-off); conchite (fossil). Associated words: conchology, conchologist, malacology, testaceous, cockled, mollusk, c
k; bomb, torpedo,
ck, shale, enucleat
l. Mollusks, Mo
agua, peag, colcol, kop
hield, defense, covert, security, lee; a
t, defend, screen, ensconc
a. protec
list. Associated words: buco
n. watchword
avise, scutum; defense, protection, palladium, bul
protect, safeguar
haped, a
turn; quirk, quibble, pa
evasion, stratagem, trick, dodge; resourc
nstable, varia
hrifty, thriftless, wasteful.
adv. irresolute
lution, indecision, vacillation, wav
waver, trifle, dally, vaci
n. s
r, disturbance, riot, ro
radiate, glisten, glow, glitter, f
s, sheen, radiance, resplenden
liking, fancy; c
brilliant, lucent, bright, sleek, glazed, glistening, spl
etween. i
ound. cir
ted words: barratry, hyp
deport; (Colloq.)
er, n. sh
ping, transportat
. bottomry, h
pment, transport
ruin, subversion, miscarriage. Associated words
ed person
avoid, eva
, chemise, shif
sliver; shivering,
ow, sandbank, b
rify, frighten; stook; astound, stun,
oncussion, onset, brunt, clash, perc
appalling, offensive, o
nd a. calced
lloq.) sham, s
. rag woo
l, slipper, creedmore, Creole, stogy, chopine, brogan, blucher, b
crispin, cordw
nder. c
n. shoelac
te, shute, fl
cker, sprout, offsho
jaculate; protrude, project, extend, jut; germi
a. darting
actory; store; wareh
. Associated words: littoral, circuml
brace, buttres
clipped; divested
ary, epigrammatic, pithy; limited, inadequate, insufficient, deficient, scanty; abrupt, curt
ficiency, inadequacy, deficit,
. brevirostral,
ct, imperfection, fa
tomize, contract, retrench, condense, diminish; limit
bridgment, contraction, curtai
d, a. brach
gged, a.
ephemeral, mushr
iseness, laconism, inadequacy, deficie
c, near-sighted; unwise
a, near-sightedness; unwisd
hted pers
ed, a. bre
jectile, bullet, ball;
t, shrug, espauliere, scapular, scapu
jostle, push;
ade. scapul
halloo, outcry, call, ho
e, yell, halloo, ca
splay, spectacle, ostentation, parade, pomp, flourish, splurge, pageantry, s
manifest, divulge, evince, proclaim; direct, guide, usher, cond
estation; direction, guidance, ushering; explanation, expounding, illustration, interpretation
y, meretricious, gorgeous, flashy, bedizened, gay, conspicuous, tin
nt, tatter, rag,
wler, termagant, vix
p; cunning, crafty, wil
n, astuteness, sharp
ish, termagant, br
screech, ye
iercing, acu
, decrease, dwindle; flinch,
ntraction; (Coll
hy, diffident, bashf
g-sheet, grave-cl
sk, screen, c
. shrubbery, thick
usk, pod, shale.--
.--v. tremble, sha
ix; equivocate, prevaricat
evasion, prevarication
id, elude, e
reclude; (shut up) confine, impri
retiring, diffident, wary, cau
ence, coyness, tim
ng) knave, impos
ed, morbid; nauseated, queasy, squeamish, qualmi
ick on, in
disgust, pall, surf
ng, disgusting, fulsom
d, a. falcat
althy, ailing; unwholesome; pale
isposition, invalidism, disease. Associated words: morbidity, morbific, malinger, mal
ach. nausea, qua
laterally, collateral, bilateral, equilateral, quadrilateral, longilateral,
ral, collater
ociated words: apposition, juxta
. entrée,
cent, declivity,
a. lateral
n, n. p
unt; (Colloq.) s
dewise, askance, o
dv. sideway
k, turnout; clapboa
ent. Associated words: obsidional, besie
ifter, bolt, bolter,
ribrate, cribro
cribble, ridd
g; (Pharm.) cribra
cynosure; (Colloq.) great number, many, multitude, great quantity. Associated words: optics, optical, op
omely, attrac
symptom, index, emblem, symbol; trace, vestige, ensign, signal, beacon; gesture, motion; signature. Assoc
mark, indicate,
ign, beacon. Associa
le, remarkable, no
ph, sign-manual. Asso
ing, import; conseque
indicative, significative. Antonyms: i
meaning, import, a
ate, betoken, den
uietness; taciturnity, m
sh, quiet, suppress,
iseless, inaudible; tacitur
ulture, mulberry, cocoon, filature, cocoo
rility, stupidity, inanity, inaneness
mbecile, half-witted; stupid, unwise, inept, a
ciated words: filigree, platinum, desilverize, desil
rgent, argentine, arg
esponding, resembling,
homogeneity, likeness, s
comparisosert wind, kh
r, n.
in, unaffected, artless, na?ve, unsophisticated; credulous, gullible, silly,
nce, numskull, lackbra
v. prete
tense, feint, feig
ntemporaneous, sync
fense, peccancy, unrighteousness. Associated words: ponerology, hamartio
ong, trespass
ine, unfeigned, undissembli
ctedness, frankness. Antonyms
tendon; mu
ng, immoral, wicked, depra
uity, immorality, d
le, chant, hymn, hum
sweal, swa
trel, chanter, cantatrice, cantor, prima donna,
ed, sporadic, solitary; unmarried, celibate; sim
choose, select, separ
a. sincere, ho
. artless, undes
otone.--a. monot
, unwonted, rare, extraordinary, exceptional, odd, whimsical, ecc
ndividuality; curiosity, freak, abnormality,
ucky, inauspicious, ev
, decline, fall; immerse,
, n. p
idence, fall, de
iltless, undefiled, perf
elinquent, miscreant, tr
tching, fascin
words: sororicide, sor
n. loc
ed words: sedentary,
job, location, site, station, position; circums
ath. h
ry, hexaplar, sextant, sextuple,
a. hexangula
s. hexa
ssociated words: sexid
, a. se
ted, a.
ted words: half-yearly, semi-
cubic, hexahed
ody. cube,
d figure
ted words: sexage
iated words: sexag
ated words: sexen
me, dimensions, amplitud
un away, flee, decamp,
. unbeliev
disbelieving, incredul
edulity, infidelity; Pyrrh
line, plan, drawing, de
t, portray, draw,
drag, clo
, proficiency, expertness, facility, deftness, knack. Antonyms:
masterly, proficient, deft, able, efficient, competent,
q.) scamp, sligh
(Colloq.) s
, epicarp; pellicle, film; episperm, testa, tegmen; slough, exuviae (cast-off-skin); parchment, vellum. Antonyms: pulp, flesh. Associated words: dermatology, dermatologist, dermic, dermatic, dermal, cutaneous, dermatitis, dermatography, dermatoid
e; pare, peel; (Slang)
p, a. su
r, niggard, curmud
ciated, gaunt,
isregard; caper, gambo
gambol, caper, ho
ea-captain; c
irt); kilt; fustanella; kirt
tion, jeer, gib
ous, shy; volatile
sneak, s
cranial, craniology, phrenology, trepan, trephine, fontanel, sphenoid,
p, a. c
e heavens. Associated words: meridian, zenith,
a. azure
a. et
d; remiss, negligent, carele
, reduce; loosen, relax; diminish,
ligence, remissness, carelessness, s
cinders, recremen
; slack; abate,
og.) violently, forci
duce, asperse, vilify, calumnia
libel, vilification, scandal, abuse, tradu
y, malicious, vituperati
e, inclination, obliqui
blique, slant.--n. obli
buffet.--v. box
ddenly, violently, unce
loq.) carelessly, at
cision, gash
llaceous schist; grapholi
ered, enrolled (f
il, drab, trollop, niop
lattern, untidy,
. butchery.
se, n. abatto
thrall, serf, captive, helot; drudge. Associated w
inthrallment, captivity, bond service, vassal
ehouse. b
vile, menial, a
flimsy, t
eigh, sledg
. smooth
(Low) easily
se; doze, drowse; lie d
ism, narcotic, opiate, dwale, somniloquence, somniloquism, somnial, somniferous, hypnophobia, hypnogogic, stupefacient, mesmeric, soporific, dormitive, soporiferous, soporous, somnific, somnolent, somniloquous, antihyp
erer; drone, slug
n. drowsines
asleep, slumb
akeful, insomni
wakefulness, insom
titropism. Associate
ulist, noctambulist, so
lance, noctambulism, noctambulation. Associated words:
mniferous, soporific, dormitive, narcotic, somnific,
ssociated wo
ed, sledge, bobsled,
demain, magic, conjury. Associated words: prestidi
ng; delicate, feeble, fragile, frail, tenuous; trivi
p, collop; ra
sleek, sle
ip; flume, s
, glide, lapse
gnificant, trifling, petty, paltry; desu
ct, inattention,
ook, neglect, di
what; superficially
pare, spindling, meager; slight, in
ud, mire, o
olloq.) flims
e; err, trip; omit,
n, peccadillo, mistake; twig, cutting, scion, sho
hoe; (Oriental) b
smoothness, gli
; inconstant, unstable; l
lovenly, carel
gash, i
, n. s
rool, slabber, slaver
war cry, ra
. slant,
n, slant, obliquity,
ue, slanting; acc
. slush,
gishness, indo
azy, indolent, supine,
louching, ung
ire, bog, morass
n. ecdysis,
idy, disorderly,
eady, phlegmatic, lingering, torpid, sluggish, slack, leisurel
, relax, moderat
lazy, slothful; ina
Colloq.) de
disparage, traduce,
mark; innuendo,
. slosh,
emaledog); slatte
owing, shrewd, cunning, wily, artful; subtle, stea
te; kiss, bus
brisk, smar
nappreciable, undersized, atrophied; miniature; trivial, insignificant, trifling, frivolous; mean, narrow-minded, illiberal, sordid, ung
ssociated words: vaccination, vaccine, virus, variolation, vaccinate, po
sting, pri
energetic, forcible; fashionable, pretentious, trim, elegant; fresh, smacking, brisk; agi
h.--n. destruction, ru
sciolist, su
sciolism, super
daub.--n. smooch, s
dauby, stic
ms: inodorousness, scentlessness, anosmia. Associated words: olfactory, reek, fume, perfume, inodorous, malodorous, odoriferous, odorous, o
scent; sav
olfaction, os
e, carbonate of ammonia. As
ling; propiti
utch, discolo
. simper
et; blast, destroy; af
olloq.) atoms, fragmen
asted; afflicted, chastened; enamore
ft, chemise,
smoothfaced, gi
ge (dense smoke). Associated words: c
infumate; fumigate;
fuming; fumigation; in
my, sooty, reeky, f
smutch, sta
sleek, flatten, planish,
sleek, glary; unruffled, placid; voluble, fluent; suave, oily, blan
a. beardles
levelness, sleekness; vol
liate, gloze, ex
ued, adulatory, plausible, gl
stifle; extinguish, rep
n. contr
ch; mildew, blight; obsce
blacken, sully
ne, lewd, ribald
pent, reptile
n. madston
, winding; insinuati
ch, clasp; fillip, crack, smack, fico; (Collo
irascible, testy, pet
e, trap, gin, lure,
ot; confuse, enmesh, insnare; growl, gnarl.
entanglement, intricacy,
er, grumbler, fau
rasp, gripe, wrest,
ulk, slink,
kulking, slavish, under
scoff, flout, jeer, de
, scoff, jeer,
n. Associated words: ste
giggle, titt
ricky, deceptive, d
scent, smell.--
n. muc
pretender, parve
ntious, assuming,
ssociated wor
el, mucus (fr
nively, mean
a beast), muzzle,
y, sleet, spoondrift, drift, flake, igloo, slu
ight, ignor
light, che
accaboy, ra
cealed, close; com
v. nestle
ate; absorb, imbibe; m
enched, satur
ponify, saponification, sapon
s, n. sa
iment. o
ne, n.
a. sapo
nintoxicated; solemn, grave, demure, sedate;
n. soberne
panionable, genial, social, unreser
civic; sociable; f
vil. pro
Fourierism, Saint Simon
club, confraternity, guild; verein (Ger.); co
g) poser, facer, sett
sward, t
ed, seethed; so
e-à-tête, di
pliable; bland, emollient, grateful, delicate, subdued; flexible, flaccid, facile, co
. bitumin
nuate, qualify, modify, relax, mitigate, emoll
ent, assuasive, emollient, re
essibility, plasticity, flacc
body. Associated
nt, blarney, palaver, buncombe,
and, loam, mold; dirt, pollution, defi
besmear, contaminate, taint, be
ntry; cohort; sepoy; chasseur; zouave; volunteer; conscript; myrmido
a. martia
ess. uniform
under, impropri
grave; impressive, awe-in
ity, gravity, impres
. ask, see
quest, instance, en
ous, concrete, substantial; unanimous, united, undivided. Antonyms: p
rmness, compactness, stabi
y, n. mo
ecluded, lonely; single, ind
luse, anchoret,
, eremitism, retirement; wilderness. Associat
ion, resolution, disintegration; disentangle
struum, dissolv
lt, n. s
intervals, now and
ilial, filiation, unfilial,
hansonnette, lyric, lilt, lied, p?an, cantata, ari
resounding; high-soundi
, n. fi
. crock
ranquilize, pacify, a
lient, demulcent, gratif
prophet, diviner, h
, augury, divination, pr
cy, paralogy, fal
a. fallacio
fallacy, paral
nflated, bombast
n. descan
ecromancer, magician, en
, magic, enchantment,
w, degraded,
, inflamed, irritated; distressing, grievou
er, blain, gathering; (venereal sore) chancre, chancroid. Associated words:
ously, sorely, s
eaviness, rue, unhappiness, contrition, dolo
mourn, regret, depl
ul, a.
d; abject, despicable, miserable, mean, paltry, contem
es, character, descr
e, select, cull; consort, associate, frat
sable, tolerable, medio
per, drunk
ic, psychological, psychomachy, transmigration, metempsychos
al; severe, hard, heavy; sane, rational; profound, undisturbed, unbrok
trait, narr
, try, test, probe, explore; pro
onetism, phonology, polycoustics, diacoustics, diaphonics, phonic, soniferous, sonification, megaphone, sonorescence, diacritical, harmonics
examination; proclamation
sonorous, res
ble, abysmal; silent, n
ucing, a.
consommé, pottage, purée
ish. t
ty; curdled, loppered; imbittered, morose, misanthropic, una
y, lopper, spoil, acidu
gin, spring, f
sharpness; rancidity, mustiness; asperity,
douse, immerse,
e, n.
er, n. s
ghts. auror
nd. Aust
psake, reminder,
paramount, predominant; contro
, n. rule
on, supremacy, sway, e
te, disseminate
val; interspace (intervening space); interstice; abys
(narrow, with
words: Hispanicism, Hispani
inches; team
bear, refrain
, poor, gaunt, meage
nious, chary; scanty, scarce, meager; compassio
court, woo
ruscate, glisten, scint
lation, glitter, gl
uscant, glistening, lambent, scintillant, glistering; spirite
tered, thin, in
y, undaunted, co
ulsion, paroxy
ntermittent, fi
quarrel, disp
. gaiters, s
eggs (of fishes, fro
dress, declaim, harangue, preach, lecture, rant, descant, expatiate; accost, address
, spokesman, prolocutor, mouth
ne. monologu
her. conferenc
arpoon, assagai, trident, j
ular, especial, sp
oin, cash, m
, class, kind, br
cise, specified; character
te, particularize,
ple, sample, mode
lausible; obvi
stain; atom, mit
v. speck,
a. spotted
e, sight, show, ex
r, witness, bystander
rition, shade, ghost, man
. phantomli
ize, meditate, conj
supposition, conjecture;
lative, meditative; the
tirade, screed, rhapsody, philippic, invective, rant; soliloquy, monologue; dialogue; colloquy; trialogue; interlocution; improvisation; toast; equivocation, prevarication, quibbling; ambages, pseudology, amphibology, amphiboly, dilogy. Associated word
umb, mute, aphas
ess, muteness, obmutesce
ition, dispatch, posthaste; impetuosity. Associated words: tach
rate, expedite, quicken, dispat
fast, rapid, fleet, has
ntation, exorcism; pe
decipher, read, unravel
inated, charmed, en
phonetic, glossic, nomic, homographic, homography, homog
aster, spender, p
sted, tired, co
. cachelot, sp
it, beat, purview, compass, circle; station,
diment; piqua
, fragrant; piquan
words: arachnology, arachnologist, araneidan, araneiform, web, arachnoid, ara
stopper, pl
revolve, gyrate; prot
ssociated wor
ord. mye
ed, a. fusoi
a. tall a
Vertebrata, Invertebrata, vertebra, vertebrate, cyrtosis, chiropra
, a. inve
n. whirlin
cochleate, helical,
oot, stalk, blade, sp
nt; animus; vivacity, energy, life, ardor, enthusiasm, zeal, force,
te, encourage; spirit away
lively, ardent, mettles
torate; spawl,
ociated words: salivary, salivous, sa
ice, rancor, hate, resen
us, malign, malignan
n. expec
n. cuspido
, spatter, dabble.-- n
. Associated words: splenic, splenetic, splenography, splenology, spl
, petulant, choleric,
rand, superb, imposing, sumptuous; illustrious
gnificence, pageantry, pomp, grandeur;
rweave, unite,
n. slive
rend, divide, separate, rift, bu
re, rift; (Colloq.) breach,
, divided, sundered, r
ing, sundering, rupture disruption.
, smudge, smutch,
; corrupt, vitiate, debase, mar, demoralize, deprave, sophisticate, infect,
loot; waste, robbery, devastation, sacking, ra
adius, ray;
ral, nuncupa
peaker, mouthpi
bsorb; expunge, effa
site, hanger-on,
oid, spongiform, incompa
ssociated words: sponsorial, spo
tinctive, voluntary
it, specter, appariti
.) silly, sentiment
k, trail (of a
separate, sin
e, jollity, pleasantry, hilarity, gayety, merriment; derision, mock
caper, disport; (Colloq.
merry, boon, frisky, spri
k, dapple, blotch, smutch; stain, reproach, blemish, fla
te, mottle, speckle, blo
potted, stainless, unsullied
flecked, freckled, spotty, soiled, piebald, mottled, blotched, pinto, pie
ebro-spinal mening
uirt, gush; rant, h
t, trough, adjutage; wat
eclaimer, ran
. blowhole
ue, declamation, ma
twig, spri
, atomization, atomizer, spoondrift
open; disseminate, bruit, circulate, propagate, promulgate,
compass, reach; (Co
stic, boastful, magni
semination, propagation, promulgation, diffusion,
debauch, revelry, orgies, ba
hoot, slip,
on, liveliness, vivacity,
isk, animated, debonair,
lt; emerge, rise, arise; rebound, recoil, fly back;
nce, elasticity, springiness; fount, fountain, source;
ssociated wo
n. batule,
ent, rebounding, recoiling;
er, strew; besprin
. aspersion,
er, n.
lin, pixy, fay, spe
late, bourgeon, grow, veget
chit, sucker, scion; aer
g, n. ge
y, jaunty, neat
mble, quick, brisk
ouchwood, p
loq.) spirit,
oq.) mettlesome,
ncitement, stimulus, goad, incentive, instigatio
te, urge, stimulate
t, sham, false, mock, a
, scorn, contemn
ection, disda
outing, jet, ejection
issary (disguised
. espiona
stout, fat; unfle
le, dispute, alter
, gang, knot,
ilthy, foul,
ess, n.
drature; block, area; eq
honest, impartial; even, balance
suit; balance, settle;
ds: tessellate, tessellated, t
. crouch
; (Colloq.) betr
ell; (Slang) tell
ipe, pinch; oppress, ext
on, pressure; (Colloq
.) crush, silence,
tire, lampoo
ross-eyed, cock-e
. strabismus
wriggle, wr
el ski
sigmoid, sigm
rust, gore, transfi
rust, wound
permanence, constancy, steadiness.
m, immovable, unwaveri
ws. Associated word
, n. groo
n. pile
ane; truncheon; mace; c
, n.
boards; degree, step, point; drama. Associated words: histrionic, histrio
tage, omnibus, d
otter, sway; shock,
s, standing, quiet; in
atrical, assu
te, demure, se
il, sully, d
taint, discolo
a. immacula
tairway); caracole (spiral staircase). Associated words: baluster, ba
post; pledge, wager, bet
, risk, hazard, w
at, insipid, mawkish; trite, comm
, mustiness, insipidit
iole, pedicel, peduncle,
stand; seat. Associated
brawny, muscular, redo
r, strength, stu
ess, imprint;
ion, imprint, die
xtinguish, c
ilately, philatelist, philatelic, t
adfast, constant, tru
suffer, tolerate, yield to, abide, submi
ion, location, position, post; stall, booth; quandary, pe
pe, pattern, norm; gauge, measure
-bearer, color-sergeant,
vindicate, advocat
stagnant; lasting, p
ng, n.
jecting, protuberant, juttin
erance, bulge, protrusion; conspicuousness,
fense, justificatio
, be advantageous, con
ure, tolerate
of, refrain; refuse
verhang, jut out, bee
. point of vi
ort, espouse, champion, ad
latry, astrolater, astrogeny, astrology, astrologer, astrological, astrometry, astromancy, sidereal, astral, horoscope, constellation, z
v. bes
remonious, prim, forma
ylaceous, amyl
astral, stellar, stella
go, initiate, launc
scare, surpr
on, n. f
, v. f
, quality; pomp, grandeur, magnificence; commonwealth; canton. Associated words: federal
firm, aver, allege,
use, n.
dignified, august, pom
rmation, specification, avowa
, rank, status; depo
on. Associated words: sculpture, statuary,
ding, rank, sta
iated words: statutabl
prop, buttress, brace, uphold, strengthen; delay, obstruct, hinder
endence, support, upholder; impedimen
constant, unswerving, unw
remitted, constant, uniform, undeviating. Antonyms: int
rate, plunder, crib, pillage, rapine loot, thieve, embezzle, peculate, plagia
, n. Se
e, depredation, surreption, piracy, plundering, pillage, embezzlement, peculation, shop lifting, plagiarism.
ne, sly, secret, furti
fume, emanation, effluv
rgan. c
erotechny, siderurgy, bessemeri
fortify, b
ving, n. si
pt, sheer, perpendicular: (
cliff, abrupt declivi
k, macerate,
ire, tower, tu
de, pilot, co
e, a. di
. Associated words:
helmsman, pi
edicel, petiole, stalk, culm; roo
withstand, brea
n. fetor
n. phonograph
ootmark, track; grade, degree, gradation; measure,
. pace,
. Associated
. stairs; st
fecund, unproductive,
dity, unproductiveness. Associate
igorous, exacting, s
terity, severity,
.) confusion, ag
major-domo; senescha
n, n.
tick; club, cudgel; goad, gad; gambrel, garrot, ferule, skewer, batlet; s
ue, attach, affix; cleave, cling, adhere, remain, abide; stall; hesitate, scruple; adhere, agglutinate, g
, glue, cement, mucilage, paste, ag
s, viscosity, tenacity, co
erence, coherence, cleavin
truding, prominent.--n. proje
le, scruple, haggle, higgle, chaffer; trim, pr
haggler, higg
pertinacity, persistence, per
lloq.) assert and
s, viscid, mucilaginous, gl
able; pertinacious, obstinate, tenacious, uncompromising, incompliant; constrained, formal, starched, affected, unnatural, precise, prim, cere
int. anc
ntumacy, intractability,
intractable, perverse, contu
traint, precision, formality; tension. Antonyms: pliability, l
lose, oppressi
, quiescent, inert, stationary, placid, t
compose, quiet
nt, n. s
pompous, grandiose, h
ant; provocation, s
ncite, instigate, arous
eus, prick; go
ty, penuriousness, closeness, avaric
nurious, miserly, avaricious, close-fisted, s
. stench
alodorous, offensive,
. anthraconit
raint, restriction; a
trict, restrain, con
words: stipendiary, sti
. move,
commotion, flutter, ado, activity, c
, lively, strenuous,
, merchandise,
plenish, sup
bing, n.
n. pl. ho
(Colloq.) s
uffed, disten
heavy, coa
, spoil, plunder, pillage
l, impassive,
ke; (Colloq.) bear, brook
, rumen, reticulum, psalterium, manyplies, ab
rennet, tripe, stomachal, stomachic, alvine, gastrectomy, pylorous, gastroscope, g
e, n. (Coll
ndocarp, pit, nut, putamen. Associated words: petrify, petrifaction, lithology, lithography, lithic, lapidary, lithoglypher, lithoglyptic, litholatry, lapidescence, lapidescent, lapidify, lapillation, lapidification, lapidific, lapilli, catapult, quarry, petrography, l
hyacinth, carbuncle, amethyst, pearl, coral, bijou, doublet, carnelian, briolette, cabochon, chatoyant, rhinestone, amphibole, aquamarine, tourmaline, rhodolite, spinel, bufonite. Antonyms: paste, strass, gewgaw, gimcrack, tinsel, pinchbeck, gaud, bauble, foil stone. Ass
pit. q
ffin. sa
ing, n. s
s consumptio
y, adamantine, petrous
k, ottoman, tabouret, buffet; tripod
; condescend,
sion, descent; porc
deter, interrupt, suspend, thwart, preclude, intercept, impede; halt, pause, stagnate, stand; refrain from,
pause, suspension, intermission, interception,
rest, stopping,
. stopple,
ation, stock, abundance
ish, save, hoard, garne
, repository, depot, sto
nyms: calm, subsidence,
ttack, besiege, expu
cy, tempestuousness, bo
rugged, impetuous; violent, furious, wild; agit
apologue, chronicle, record, history, narrative, narration, yarn, rehearsal, re
ler, n. r
ring, durable, tough; portly, fleshy, corp
e, v. b
ndeviating, unswerving; square, honest, equitable, honorable; (Slang) unmixed, clea
) unqualified, thoroughgo
ediately, at once,
n, wrench; percolate, filter, defe
ion; sort, kind; overexertion, effort; tens
tural, forced, artificia
colander, f
l; dilemma, difficulty, pi
ict, narrow, confine, con
stricted, embarra
omising, rigorous, stric
wrecked, agro
ional, singular, peculiar, rare, erratic, unique, bizarre, eccentric, inexplicable; unaccustomed, unfamiliar
rottle, suffocate; sti
on, choking, suffocation,
thong, str
stalwart, able-bodied,
vice, machination, maneuve
ulm; litter, mulch
. thatch,
a. str
rove, roam, swerve
n. estr
ipe, wale, whe
ky, whelky, striated, whelk
race, run, rivulet, rill, runnel; drift,
r, gush, run;
gn, pennon, banne
y, avenue, thorou
rolley car; t
way. tramwa
y, validity, conclusiveness, cogency, efficacy; support, stay; intensity, vividness; virility; vehemence, violence, force, impetuosity; fortitude; robus
e, steel, fortify, harden; intensify,
vigorating, roborant
ent, valiant, intrepid, vi
, intrepidity, earnestness, s
mphasis, accent; severity, incl
te, lengthen, spread; over
er, n.
ension, extension, porrectio
ent, exacting, rigid. Anton
madversion, criti
uggle, contention, emula
ock, beat, thump, whack, cuff, sl
, noticeable, astonishi
series, chain, concatenation, row; chord; leash, l
restrictive, rigid, s
. sleeper,
ilamentous; ropy, visc
, fillet, batte
lunder, desolate, devastate, pillage, sack, fleece,
, wale, wheal, whelk, r
oq.) sort, liken
treaked, stri
mantling; plunder, desolation, devastation, depredation, despoliation,
e, try, endeavor,
rove, range, stra
nomadic, itinerant, rov
sinewy, stalwart, thewy, able-bodied; violent, forcible, impetuous, vehement; potent, cogent, influential, urgent, convincing, conclusive; ardent, eager, zealous, strenuous, stanch, unwavering, determined; spirituous, intoxica
rt, fortress, muniment, don
rank, frowzy, rancid, mal
conflict, con
trive, cope, g
stump, co
eddish, ro
cile, headstrong, inflexible, intractable, perverse, contumacious, imp
ogant, haughty, vain, overbearing
, n. a
lucubration, cogitation; étude (Mu
con over, lucubrate, e
th; trash, refuse, rubbish; goo
m, press, sto
ling, forcemeat,
lty, obstruction, hindrance
oq.) dare, chal
me, stupefy, du
ing, stupefying; aston
. dwarf,
atrophied, undevelope
tupefacient, na
, benumb, hebeta
itted, doltish, undiscerning; prosaic, vapid, prosy, humdrum, uninspiring tame; lethargic, comatose,
nsibility, unconsciousnes
stubborn, pertinacious
. hord
ogue, fashion; ma
hionable, in vogue, á l
iated words: S
courteous, debonai
banity, courte
ject, overpower, subjugate, crush
ished, conquered,
able, amenable; subservient, subordinate.
. subordin
, subordinate; topic,
tion, conquest, subord
grand, magnificent,
se, sink, submerse; overfl
rgence, submersion,
der, resignation, obedience; meekness, submissi
meek, resigned, passive. Antonyms: insubmissiv
acquiesce, comply, tolerate, stand. An
nate, subject, inferior
ecrease, sink
n. decreas
verify, corrobora
orroboration, confir
v. exchang
utenant, delegate, vicar, envoy, locum tenens; makeshift
n. exchange,
fice, evasion, shif
ine, ethereal, deli
, ethereality; refinement; ar
g, sly, designing, crafty
ulness, guile, craftiness;
virons, purlieus,
a. subsequen
rity, triumph, vic
erous, victorious, t
ence, consecution;
e, a. con
n. Antonym:
ssistance, h
mbibe, abs
ler, scion, sprout; e
gull, cully, greenhorn;
xpected, abrup
. pros
gony, misery, pain, disco
quacy, competence. Antonyms
ate. Antonyms: insuf
e, stifle, smother
n. smothering
, ballot; testimony, atte
; maltose (malt sugar); lactose (milksugar); inosite (muscle sugar); invert sugar; cassonade (raw sugar); caramel (burnt sugar).
hint, intimate, insinua
, hint, allusion, proposa
, self-destruction; sel
lawsuit; retinue, suite; petition, solicitation, entreaty, r
t; please, gratify, satisf
ant, proper, becoming, congr
ue, staff, trai
len, morose,
e, unamiable, su
, n. br
acid. oil
l, aggregate, sum to
up, add, comp
tulation, epitome,
ed words: ?stival,
umé, recapitula
acle, zenith, apex,
r, n. a
mmarize, r
on, parhelion, halo, heliocentric, actinometer, actinometry, heliacal, heliograph, equinox,
h. inso
tanned, blo
d's day. Associate
otheric, gnomon, gnomonics, gnomo
n. par
everal, dive
l, pleasant, cl
om. so
parasol; aw
ath. ec
ots. f
olation, siriasis
n. heliolat
iper, n.
. supern
erfluous, redundant,
ificent, grand,
abundance, surplusage
bundant, redundant, ex
upervisor, custodian, intendant, manager
ellent, surpassing, p
minancy, pre?minence,
raculous, preternat
replace, displ
, heedless, listless
remove, displ
ble, pliant, lit
tion, appendix, postscr
afford, yield, reple
; verify, substantiate, ratify, corroborate, confirm; vindicate, defend, maint
tenance, sustenance, subsistence, finding, livelihood; base, foundation, basis; assistance, esp
nt, defender, pillar, paraclet
ecture, presume, imagine
assumed, pres
conjecture, surmise, assumpt
othetical, conjectura
r, put down; check, repress,
verthrow; repression, restr
, pre?minent, superlativ
gle, n
ced; unfailing, infallible, unerring, inerrable, abiding, stable, trustworth
vitability, assurance, cert
pledge, guaranty; bondsman; substitute, ho
terior, outsid
repletion, satiety; su
se of instru
y, n.
crabbed, unamiable, gruff,
e, conjecture, sus
ition, conjecture,
rtop; conquer, o
, conquerable. Antonyms: i
exceed, outdo, ou
superior, pre?minent, tr
ge, excess, overplus
amaze, asto
nishing, amazing, a
sh, yield, abandon, ca
inquishment, capi
le, encompass, environ, hem
ient, encompassing, encir
n. pl. environ
y; geodesy. Associated words: t
tive, impressionable,
t, distrust, doubt;
n. pl. gallo
inty, wavering, hesi
cy; delay, respite, p
distrust; surmise, conjecture, supp
booty, boodle, lo
lustering, boast
, absorb, submerge, engulf, overwhelm; accept, believe, credit; appro
n, ingurgitation, absorpt
sh. Associated words: paludine, paludinous, paludism, pal
gulf, overwh
enny, marshy, sloug
(male); cyg
olloq.) exc
, v.
g, a. t
heavy, viol
inion, domin
curse, imprecate, u
oath, blasphemy, expleti
. perspi
doriferous, sudoral, sudorific, sudatory, diaphoretic,
sudatory, sudato
eous; dulcet, melodious, harmonious, mellifluous, silvery, symphoni
ad, n. p
lcorate; purify, disinfe
e, spark, swain, suitor; (female) ladylove, mistre
. confectione
t, redolent, balmy, aromat
uff up, tumefy, intumesce; increase, augmen
ation, increase; protuberan
elegant, distinguished, exqui
umid, enlarged, bloate
inence, protuberance, bump, node, blain, dis
cient, tumid, turgid; grandi
te, deflect, div
t, rapid, fast
velocity, speed, rapidit
gwash, swill
; transnatation, supernatation. Associated words: na
, n. Se
ogs. Associated
vibrate; sway, bran
free course, liberty
illatory, oscill
(Slang) steal, plu
zer, Helvetian
al Council.
hip, flog; s
d, tumefied, blo
, cutlass, Damascus blade, spadroon, creese. Associated words: scabbard, sheathe, unsheathe
n. fencing
r, n. fence
aped, a.
ness, fawning, truckling,
wner, toady, flu
sequious, fawning,
ompendium, abs
. typical,
v. typify,
shapeliness. Antonyms:
sionate, commiserating
thy, commiserate, condole
assion, condolence; accord, agreement, rapport, concord. Antonyms:
sociated words: symptomatic, rymptomatology, semeiology, sem
compendium, abstract, s
der. Antonyms: chaos,
orderly. Antonyms: unsystem
v. methodiz
ccount, reckoning,
is, index, list; trivet (three-leg
ateau, mesa (Sou
zenge, troche
iction, prohibit
erdict, prohi
d, forbidden, inter
plements, equipment
sive; (Colloq.) dowdy,
, n. po
y; (Slang) flattery,
al, dock, scut, prehensile, cau
a. acaudat
ssociated wo
e, n. ap
rrupt, infect, vitiate, sully,
ntamination, vitiation,
ntaminated, defiled, imb
tch; confiscate, appropriate, usurp, arrogate; de
act, recall, revoke, re
encompass, comprehe
position, fraud, decepti
d, captivated, ena
remove, divest
cature, burlesque
upplant, supersede,
f. assume, undertak
fascinating, winning,
, apprehension; re
, retraction, resumption
apologue, legend, fable, narrative
er, busybody, quidnunc, tatt
t, faculty, gift, f
gifted, end
; babble, prattle, prate, chatter, gabble, gibber, bla
quy, monologue; palaver, buncombe, blarney, blandishment, flattery, flummery; chaff, banter, raillery, persiflage, badinage, asteistn; chatter,
cative, voluble, unreserved. Antonyms: reser
, communicativeness multiloquence. Ant
t; interlocutor; chatterer,
ofty, high
ch, counterpart; sc
agree, correspond, coincid
aim, break; discipline, su
ted, gentle; prosy, dull,
v. meddl
le, material; substantial, e
oil, insnare, entrap, involve, perplex, enme
ricacy; imbroglio, perplexity. Anto
omplicated, tangly, snar
orment, plague,
, plug, spigot,
v. br
ical, taper, pyr
?niafuge, t?niacide, t?nioid, t?niid, proglo
tory, reluctant, behindhand, l
sully, besmirch
assignment, stint; s
sapidity; liking, fondness, appetite, appetency; tincture, infusion, dash, soup?on; discernment, discrimination;
avory, relishable, tooths
sipid, flat, unp
, n. insipidi
Antonyms: dowdy, tawdry,
ell, divulge
er, gossip, quidnunc,
ride, mock, reproach,
erision, jeer, reproa
ling, derisive, j
eretricious, showy,
vy, tribute, custom, duty, impost; c
ss; exact, d
, a. as
hea, theism, samovar, caddy, theifo
line, train, indoctrinate, school, enlighte
ocile, tractabl
pedagogue, preceptor, preceptress, gove
ing, indoctrination. Associated words: pedagogy, pedagogics, didactics, paideutics, prop?
n. spa
rent, fis
dilacerate, sunder, dismember;
achrymose, we
ceration, lancination,
rymal, lachrymation, lachrymatory, l
gue, tantalize, hector
ple, pap, du
, wearisome, irksome
be prolific, abou
, abounding, replete
esaw, titter,
angs. Associated words: odontology, dentist, dentistry, dental, odontography, dentiloquy, denture, cement, t
. dentition
nephalist, to
, abstinence (from spirit
disclose, bruit, divulge, proclaim, expose, apprise, peach, communicate, acqu
sing, communication, relation,
ctive, cogent, p
e, n. t
ess, presumption, recklessne
, modify, moderate
, disposition,
stitution, nature,
sobriety, nepha
ispassionate, calm; abste
m, tumult, commo
us, a. Se
tuary, tabernacle; teocalli,
r, worldly; tempora
transient, temporal, imper
decoy, allure, induce; p
rement, enticement, attraction
seducer, s
nticing, allur
imal, decimate, decimation, d
e; cohesive, tough; pe
; cohesiveness, toughness;
ibute; attend, accompan
on, proclivity, proneness, pr
le; pathetic, touching, plaintive; sympathetic, pi
; offer, proposal, o
er, present, p
nacle, marquee, tilt, wi
ithe, tithi
riad. Associated
m, decennary. Associated wo
ions, conditions; term
. esplanad
rrible, frightful, dire, grewsome, nefarious; (
imidate, daunt, horrify
province, re
sternation, dismay, p
; standard, touchstone
try, prov
, geld, spade, eunuch, varicocele, scrotum, orchitis, suspensory, orchotomy, sarcocele, hydroce
ose, attest, as
credential, cert
n, deposition, corrobora
itable, chole
ringworm, h
, pericope; subj
, web; grain, stru
l, a. g
tude. Antonyms: unthan
ul, ungrateful; unacce
l. gramercy
; odeon, lyceum; aren
ic, histrionic, sceni
n. See
n. hyp
inspissated, grumous, incrassated; compact, turbid, r
ondense, inspissate, cur
ng, a. i
tion, condensation, coa
se, chaparral, grove, bosc
ephalic, pachycephalous
, n. blo
s; grossness, crassitude, consistence; intim
chydermatous; obtuse
a. pachyglossal
ator; embezzler, defaulter, peculator; pla
rceny; embezzlement, p
ered, pilfering, predat
shaft (of
enuous, delicate, fine; incompact; dilute, rare, rarefied, subtile, attenuated; sheer, flimsy, sleazy, unsu
ce, attenuate, rarefy
. object
ances, belongings, goods, luggage, accessories, chatt
ood, reflect, muse, consider, speculate, ruminate, op
vable, cogitable, im
ve, reflective, contemplativ
ion, meditation, con
eagerness; tenuity, delicacy, fineness; incompactness; rarity
enuation, rarefaction, subtilization.
odermic; sensitive, i
a. te
t. Antonym: adipsy. Associated word
iated words: tricen
ckle, brier; torment
a. spineles
ry, prickly; vexatious
und. Antonyms: superficial,
on, imagination, brown study, contemplation, deliberation, introspection, retrospection,
ive, cogitative, wistful, pensive, preoccupied, a
ss, unmindful, remiss, rash, inadvert
millennial, chiliad, chiliasm, chiliarchy,
, v. t
men, staple, pile, raveling, li
ess, pileworn, seed
atening, commination, f
ugur, forebode, porten
nt, ominous, impending
logue, triarchy, triplicate, triplication, triplicity, trinal, triarchy, tripartition, tripod, tri
ored, a.
d, a. triflor
ld, a.
a. trisulcat
y. Associated words: tercentenar
. Associated wo
a. trifoliat
d stand. tr
s. triphthon
ssociated words: trimestra
ted, a. t
a. tricuspida
nted spea
a. triangular
ed figure
d, a. triden
m. Associated words:
ld, n.
economy, thriftiness,
ful, improvident, ex
cal, provident, frugal; thri
moving, exciti
. flouris
ourishing, thri
iated words: guttural, gutturalize, gargle, faucal,
tion, palpitation.--v. p
lsating, palpita
enthrone, dethrone, dorsal, abdicate, ab
g, cast, toss, sling, heave
ander; reject,
by. di
ociated words: m
ion, expulsion; evi
el; reject, di
it; discharge, excrete, eject, egest, voi
ign; vomit, p
, n. a
shove, allonge,
ce, impel, shove, st
ffian, roug
Thor, brontorneter, brontograph, fulmine
on, denunciation.--v.
. dumfounded, as
ate, baffle, foil
llate; please,
ifficult, crit
elicacy, dai
ords: ebb, flood, flo
, fasten, bind
g; bond, obligation; (
lose, penurious, stingy, parsimonious; (Colloq.) string
, v. st
rds: tegular, mosaic,
v. cul
a. arable,
, slope, incli
horography, horometry, chronology, chronological, anachronism, anachronistic, synchronology, synchronal, synchronous, synchronism, synchronize, synchroncity, chronometry, gnomonics, contemporaneous, coexistent, coexistence, cont
nctual, opportune. Antony
clock, watch, hourglass, chronograph, chronoscope,
n. temporiz
a. temporizi
diffident, meticulous,
ence, shyness, timo
Associated words: stannary, stann
ne. st
ing, meretricious,
e, pinchbeck, gli
n. whitesm
; careen, capsize, keel, overturn
Colloq.) pin
be, invective, bi
ry, jade, fag, bore,
earisome, fatiguing, te
ff, cloth, texture; we
ter, n.
ociated words: ra
n. fungus
nt, toad-eater, f
nicotinism, canaster, cavendish, plug, cud, quid, f
dly, jointly, concer
y; toils, snare, trap.-
, symbol, inde
, endurable; passable, m
, toleration, sufferanc
, forbearing, charitab
, suffer, brook; al
e, endurance, sufferanc
t, vault, ossuary; mauso
(Colloq.) h
ring one buried elsewhere). Associated
q.) folly, trifling,
cadence, modulation;
ubdue, moder
irated, surd, at
lingual, fur, tchick, barb, papill?, lick, lap, hy
voluble, fluent, lo
ent; cat's-paw, puppet, hireling. As
entile. Associated words: denticulat
talgia. Associated
gomphious, eden
atable, delicious
vertex, pinnacle, zenith, cul
mount, over
kard, sot, ine
theme; division,
t, n.
a. turbinate
beau (flaming
distress, torture; bane,
, tease, tantalize, harry; to
nt, lacerat
rricane, cyclo
unfeeling; lethargic, dull,
ness, lethargy, in
meet, impi
pation; dash, sprinkling, soup?on, infusion; animadversion, censure, stricture, reflection, slur
ascibility, petul
hetic, affecting
respecting, conc
terion, test; basa
punk, tinder,
rritable, petulant, tes
e, adhesive; obdurate, refractory, stubb
y, trip, excurs
lloq.) disorder
ng, n.
turret, cupola, dome; tourelle, barbican, pylon, mar
overtop, r
ing, trinket, kickshaw,
stige, sign,
, footprint, footmark, f
ted words: colpor
ociated words: technical, technology, technicals, technicality
e, barter, traffi
er, dealer, merchan
t; artisan, craftsman, mechan
al, mercantile; vena
ack, wake, spoor, f
ent, prostrate. Anto
, suite, attendan
urture, drill; accustom
ticed, disciplined, compe
ipline, nurture,
dious, treasonable,
march, tru
ond, landloper, walletee
ush; scorn, sp
procedure, affai
nsfigure, metamor
ansfiguration, metamo
violate, infr
violation, infring
ing, transitory, te
construe, rend
. rendering, i
(Colloq.) transfoty, translucency. Antonyms
translucent, pellucid. Ant
gin, springe, pitfal
ap, ensnare,
r, n. h
hernalia, frippery, gear, rigging, o
. pl. Se
bbish, refus
rumpery, rub
rney, itinerat
urney, tour,
rant, voyager, pilgrim, tour
ring, itinerant, wa
rummer, agent, t
esque, parody, ca
er, waiter, p
traitorous, perf
son, perfidy, disl
itory. Associated words: trea
ast; negotiate; beha
sition, dissertatio
greement, compact, con
culturist, sylviculturist, dendrologist, arboreal, arbor, arboreous, arborescence, arborescent, arborist, arborization, dendrography, dendrophilous, sylvan
e, lattice-work, e
shudder, dodder, quaver,
ivering, quaver, trepida
dering, shaking,
, gutter, trough
n. te
croach upon, in
riterion; effort, exertion, endeavor; adversity, hardship, tribulation, affliction. A
ght, hoax, maneuver, wile, feint, chicane
raud, cozen, impose upon; dre
, artifice, duplicity, Machiaveli
bble, drip, per
gue, cheat, impo
h, knavish, unprin
iviality, bag
, dally, pother,
r, dawdler, dallier
try, piddling, insignific
rivolity, piffle, dallia
ruce, smart
sh, embellish, bedeck, trick; prune, clip, lop;
rnish, decoration; (Colloq.) c
ickknack, gewgaw, gaud; bijou; p
e, misstep. Associated words: itine
, n. tr
kneyed, banal
ry, conquest; exu
me, prevail, succe
exultant, jubil
, frivolous, insigni
. unimportanc
battery, squad, b
distress, inconvenience,
n, calamity, misfortune; vexation, annoyance, inconveni
burdensome, afflictive, har
olloq.) flog,
ons, breeches; trews; spatterda
ociated word:
n. ar
inge, knuckle,
e, actual; veracious, truthful; loyal, stanch, steadfast, unwavering;
lloq.) incorrupt
m, n.
e, palm off, ob
ption; rubbish, trash.--a. w
ar (Heb.). Associated w
v. devise,
le, stock; probosc
ack, compre
; credit, tick; assurance, confidence; duty, commission, charge.
ely upon; give credit to
. fiduciar
icious, confiding,
stworthy, fait
tness; verity, fact; truism, axiom; fidelity, constancy, loyalty, fealty
us, undissembling, i
ssay, endeavor; purify, refine; hear, ad
essay, trial, exp
tressing, hard, irksom
lace, n. r
eeler, keelfat, k
. pipe;
ubiform, fist
bunch, clump;
race; pul
ve, toss, roll
(Colloq.) dilapi
acrobat, c
arcinoma; lipoma. Associate
otion, hurly-bu
sorderly, turbule
; order, harmony, un
une, modulat
armonious, disco
n. funne
rd, sod, gre
n, uproar, tumult, t
veer, shift, swivel; deflect, inflect; revers
, detour, deflection, crook, sweep; fa
vert, avert, d
away. a
ion; eversion, extroversion; flexure, flexion, in
otary, rotating, gyrator
ng, deviation, divers
nward. in
backward. inve
pivot. Associated wor
e down. inver
ide out. extrov
aped, a.
y, n.
down. inve
gle, contest, sc
ery, balderdash,
n, dodecahedral, dodecahedron, duodecimal, d
d words: vicenary, vigesima
Associated w
ay, branch,
ng. Associated words: cr
twine, encir
, wink; flash, sp
kling, scintillati
, squirm, convolve, perve
ed, awry, tortuous,
olution, writhing, torsion, w
unt, upbrai
ing, vellication.--v. j
n. chirp,
words: dual, duality, double, dualism, duplex, duplicate, duplication, bifarious,
ssociated wor
words: dichromatic, d
. Janus-face
Associated wo
. double,
ted, a.
ed anima
ifurcated, bifur
a. bimanous;
d animals
d, a. bic
sociated words: bicen
words: bilingual, diglot
ged, a.
: biliteral, biliteralism, di
ssociated wor
ated words: biparti
partible, bipartite, bipartitio
iated words: bip
. double-fac
Associated words: bi
iated words: bie
model, exemplar, phototype, archetype. A
compositor; typ
ever. ent
e, representative, indicative. Antonym
her, n.
hy, n. p
tocratic, imperious, absolute, dictato
domineer, pers
, absolutism, oppress
utocrat; oppressor,
e, neophyte, p
s, a. omn
, n. omn
ssociated words: e
ossgrained, ill-natured, unamiable, inaffable, surly, refractory, vicious, indocile,
osthume, pustule, ulceration. As
suppurate, fe
final, fart
ly, adv.
a. ex
, n. re
ree, judge, arb
a. inc
. scarce, def
bjectionable, unwe
comprehensible, inex
. unfamiliar, u
, a. unfamil
dent, unwise, indis
hed, unimpressed; artless, na?
ted, unappalled, un
a. immutable,
. unenterprisi
ungracious, surly,
unison, acco
. irrefutable,
tiate, insatiable, un
ble, a. im
e, a. inacces
nseless, unguard
olicited, volun
egnable, invincible,
ixed, promiscuou
. inexpiable,
achievable, impract
supposititious, uncanonica
nugatory, ineffectual,
evitable, unpreven
onscious, unmin
olerable, insuffer
opriate, unseemly, un
n, a. sel
skepticism, doubt, infid
incredible, impla
, skeptic, infidel, fr
edulous, doubtful, s
d, v.
unyielding, rigid, unpli
d, impartial, unjaundice
uninvited; spontaneous
ess, inculpable, irre
s, unabashed, brazen-fa
confess, rev
less, unlimited, limitless, imme
gible; inviolable (sai
n. infrangibili
le, a. irr
d, uncurbed, uncontrolled
iolate, inviolated; undisturbed
combustible, asbe
hume, disento
mation, disentombm
a. weir
a. apocryphal
sant, perpetual, pe
informal, unconstr
problematical, insecure; equivocal, ambiguous, indefinite, i
certitude; irresolution, variableness, inconstancy, capriciousness; a
e, changeless, stereotyped, unalterab
a. unvarying
al, intolerant, ungenero
tinent, impure, le
wantonness, lechery, licent
unrestrained, unhampere
v. excom
s, rude, churlish, boor
age, barbarous, unr
able, a. n
sociated wor
filthy, nasty, uncleanly; tref (J
nge, odd, anomalous, exceptional, abnormal, variant, nond
reserved, taciturn,
spontaneous, gratuitous,
ned, patient, forbearin
unflattering, fran
lexible, irreconcilabl
ence, nonchalance, apa
ent, nonchalant, cool, a
ute, unqualified, unres
a. disagreeab
ected, separate, isolat
e, insuperable, impregnable
easonable, inordinate,
insensible; comatose; i
ss, n. insens
ntaneous, uncompelled
ncontrovertible, indis
a. ungovernabl
ng, a. inc
connect, detach,
gawky, ungraceful,
msy, rude, ungainly, lou
sclose, reveal
uent, ointment; fervor, em
d, a. until
nlettered, ignor
erly, a.
anthine, perennial, undying, fade
abuse, disillusio
disillusion, d
ending; wavering, irresolu
rable, a.
indefinite, obscure;
staid, quiet, demure
ble, unquestionable, indubitable, irref
below, subordinate,
ate, subaltern, in
n. undergr
nean, subterraneous, sub
anded, surreptitious
stinely, covertly, sec
rt, clandestine, sur
e, v. un
ordinate, inferio
a. fundame
erestimate, under
mprehend, apprehe
a. comprehensibl
ment, apprehension; accord, entente, har
etly, privately, con
te, vilipend, despise;
ine, subaquatic, su
. undercloth
v. insure;
a. unmerit
unworthy, unmeri
emeditated, uninten
. artless, gui
ient; objectionable, un
ed, irresolute, wavering
re, abeyant, embryo, imperfect; atrophied, d
immaturity; atroph
y, unbecoming, grovelin
, a. unabate
a. imperceptibl
vertible, incontestable,
nsoluble, indissolv
gate, neutralize, invalidate; loose, u
lment, invalidation, abrog
ble, unquestioned, unc
re, confident, sa
be, strip, divest
n. disrobing
mmoderate, exorbitant, ex
. disobedien
. deathles
cover, disclos
rnatural, preternatural,
, inquietude, perturbation,
restive, anxious, p
. inedible,
literate, benight
al, a. ph
. intolerable,
anced, disproportioned, incommensurate, inequitab
le, superior, pre?minent, peerless, unsurpassed
lity, unevenness, disp
ndelible, ineras
re, unfailing, infallibl
a. inevitable
nessential, immate
d, rough, hummocky, hump
ualed, unsurpassed,
. imperturbabl
a. exhaustless,
oreseen, unanticip
a. inexperience
explicable, inscruta
inexpressible, unu
, a. unquenchabl
ial, amaranthine, p
in, constant, inexhaustib
ial, unconscionable, in
injustice, ineq
e, apostate, recreant, derelict, false, treacherous, traitorous, t
sy, recreancy, inconstancy, treachery, treason
steadfast, unwav
med, strange, novel; inc
atherless; basta
abyssmal, immeasu
cal, unpropitious, inauspiciou
a. unfledged,
apathetic, impassible, impassive; stoic, callous, cruel
impassivity, torpidity, numbness, apathy; unkind
ine, sincere, unaf
ed, a. i
ble, inappropriate, unqualifi
ualify, incapa
unsuitableness, incompetency,
callow, unfe
ing, a.
roll; disentangle, unravel, resolve;
t, expansion, unrolling; disentang
eous, voluntary, opt
npardonable, irrem
mplacable, irremi
unsuccessful, disastrou
a. baseless
ostility, disfavor, antipathy, disaffectio
, malign, unamicable, disaffected, alienated,
tive, effete, unprolifi
ky, ungraceful, lumbering
ral, narrow, sordid,
v. deg
impious, irreverent,
actory, intractable, mutinous, impotent, ir
rtly, clumsy, uncouth, lumber
eful, unthankful; dis
ness, n. i
l person.
seless, unprotected
, v. d
lation. Associated
a. unsanctif
venient; clumsy,
elicity, misery, di
disconsolate, woeful, distressed, heart-sick, mournful, lugubrious; deplor
inviolate, uninjured, un
armonious, discordan
a. insanable
insalubrious, unsanitary, unh
n. insalubrity,
me, pestiferous, pernicious, unsanitary, unhygienic, morbid, morbifi
dented, exceptional
sregarded, igno
unconsecrated, profane,
orious, unsung, un
a. See u
ating; consonant, consistent. Antonyms: diverse, di
ivery, dress,
regularity, equableness, conformity, consonance, c
-of-fact, prosaic, liter
riality, insignificance
aterial, insignific
pressionable, impassib
ental, unpremeditated,
onjunction, amalgamation, coalescence, junction, league, confederacy, federatio
ple, yoke, splice; consolidate, merge, amalgamate, f
d, confederate, affiliated, unified, blend
; concord, harmony, agreement
guage. pasila
writing. p
inequitable, iniq
ndefensible, inexcu
ustere, rigorous, incompas
utality, severity, incompa
cognoscible, unascertainable, u
ingly, ignorantly, uncon
ed, nameless, undistinguished; unascertai
son. strang
. hoidenish,
illicit, contraband, i
ned, a.
ned bre
t, diverse, sundry, variant, he
. improbability
larity, dissimilitude,
s, illimitable, infini
isburden, un
pected, unanticipated
y, homely, plain, un
e, luckless, ill-starr
oidenish, rude,
ishearten, discourage, unnerve, i
, intractable, refractory, fr
owardly, mean; womanis
ite, discourteous, b
ion, castration; debili
a. single
bachelor, cel
d woman.
s, matchless, incompara
led, matchless, inco
ess, senseless; insign
a. unin
ant, harsh, dissonant,
le, a. i
ing, stern, unrelenting, ruthless, brutal, incompassionate,
ous, inadvertent, in
alpable, obvious, patent, ev
e, a. im
ess, n. im
. fixed, sta
ionate, indifferent, unst
variant, preternatural, exceptional, irregular; artifi
less, needless, uncalled for, ex
ciable, exclusive, di
nheeded, unnote
ble, a. unex
procurable, unattai
unpretentious, u
ox, a. h
placable, unappeasa
nding, payable, d
iable, unatonable, irr
le, a. i
mpenetrable, imper
a. imperforabl
ed, a.
. disagreeabl
ed, a.
liked, obnoxious,
odium, disestee
impractical, vis
. uncommendable,
impartial, unbi
temporaneous, offhand
rusive, modest, unpret
ous, a. un
a. unavoidabl
ed, a. uns
, a. unfruit
ional, a.
rative, profitless; futil
nlikely; inauspic
petent, ineligible; a
akable, insatiate, in
le, irrefutable, incontestable, i
, a. undoubt
gle, extricate, rave
le, a. in
le, a. i
ry, unsubstantial, shadowy, chimerical,
e, preposterous, senseless; excessive, exo
laimable, irretrievable
gnored, disregarde
ic, incompatible, irreconcila
erable, irreparable, irre
orfeited, unrans
a. irreformabl
implacable, inexorable, remo
rustworthy, undepe
le, a. irr
atigable, persevering
ble, a. i
a. impenitent
rankness, cando
sembling, candid, ingenuous
le, a. irr
assive, submissiv
restlessness, uneasiness
ncurbed, riotous, impotent, saturnalian,
reedom, liberty,
nlimited, unfetter
. irrevivable,
oly, evil, iniquito
matchless, inimitable,
unfold, unf
ding, unfurling, ev
pragmatical, matter-of-f
subordinate, fractious, insurgent, indocile, disob
perilous, dangerous, hazar
ty, danger, risk, per
a. disappointi
, a. insatiab
unpleasant; insipid, savorless
ecall, retr
ed, unconscientious, dishon
ble, a. i
pportune, ill-timed,
adv. malapro
becoming, impro
, unnoticed, unobserved, clandestine, sur
mous, disinterested,
nanimity, altruism, b
er-of-fact, prosaic, p
bleness, n
er, derange, upset,
ted, controvertible, disputable; irresolute,
a. misshape
a. exposed,
alced, barefoot
unflinching, det
a. offensiv
practiced, unski
adroit, inexpert,
ncompanionable, inaffab
. insoluble,
lterated; innocent, guile
aired; sophistical, fallac
, ungrudging, profuse
effable, unutterab
, a. spot
, unsteady, irresolut
table, inconstant,
precarious, wavering, var
d, a. pl
oraneous, extempore,
a. insubordina
unprosperous; abortive, fruitless, un
ppropriate, incong
ed, a. d
able, a. i
s, transcendent, superi
a. unimpression
ous, gullible, credulous,
a. untenable,
. unravel,
. scot-fre
a. indocile
ul, a. u
ness, n. i
orderly, slatt
le, a. i
ed, a.
unseasonable, inopportun
le, unceasing, tireless,
a. trackles
, mendacious, false, u
ehood, fiction,
inveracious, me
. mendacity, inve
nravel, disen
s, rare, odd, unique, extrao
a. unspeakabl
nvariable, mono
se, uncover, re
nviolate, inviol
a. unjustifiabl
a. steadfa
, a. inde
le, a. im
aneful, insalubri
onderous, cumb
nt, indisposed, loath
t, injudicious, ine
nknowingly, undesig
ious, undeserving, des
n, a. tr
ant, indomitable, insubmissive, tenacious, unimpressi
scold, chide, rate, re
g, reproach, reprimand
cending, accl
ort, sustain, v
n. mai
vamp (of
vantage, mastery,
oq.) aristocracy
loq.) proud, ar
erpendicular, vertic
ularity, verticality, ere
acas, clamor, tumult,
lamorous, obstreperous, bo
invert, overthrow; disconcert, discomp
result, issue, out
verted; disorde
parvenu, sno
Slang) knowing
ding, acclivous
, exhort; impel, force;
ure; importunity; exigency, s
e, insistent, exigent, importu
urinal, urinate, urination, micturition, urethra, uric, uretic, uriniferous, enuresis, anur
tment; custom,
tage, usefulness, service; custom, usage, practice. Antonyms: disuse, obsolescence, desuetude, inutility. A
behave toward; practice, exercise; consume, ex
ceable, advantag
n. utility
worthless, unavailing, bootless, in
utility, futility,
t; introduce, forerun,
stomed, conventional, prevailing,
arily, generally, c
te, seize, appro
rrogation, seizu
nutility. Associated words: utilit
use, emplo
, extreme, last; greate
ical, visionary, f
eak, pronoun
te, perfect; unconditional
n. speech,
completely, wholly, unco
extreme, utm