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Putnam's Word Book

Putnam's Word Book by Louis A. Flemming

Chapter 1 No.1

ice, n. Associated words: igloo, iceberg, glacier, floe, icicle, frazil, avalanche, curling, skate, skee, skating, skeeing, brash, glare, serac, crampoons, calk, glaciate, glaciation, creeper, anchor ice.

iced, a. chilled, frappe.

Iceland moss. lichen.

icy, a. glacial, glacious.

idea, n. conception, notion, opinion, fancy, impression; intention, design.

ideal, a. faultless, consummate, perfect.

idiocy, n. imbecility, foolishness, fatuity, folly, senselessness

idiot, n. imbecile.

idiotic, a. imbecile, foolish, fatuous, senseless.

idle, a. leisure; vain, unavailing, futile, ineffectual; indolent, slothful, inactive, lazy, otiose.

idleness, n. indolence, sloth, inaction, laziness; futility, vanity. Associated word: Cocagne.

idler, n. sluggard, drone, lounger, loafer, dawdler, donothing.

idol, n. image (of a divinity), effigy, graven image; Juggernaut. Associated words: idolater, idolatrous, idolatry, idolize, iconoplast, iconoclast, iconodule, idolomania, iconography, iconology, idoloclast, iconomachy, ting, iconolatry.

idolize, v. deify, worship, adore.

ignis fatuus. Will-o'-the-wisp, Jack-with-a-lantern, decoy.

ignoble, a. humble, plebeian, untitled; base, dishonorable, low.

ignominious, a. dishonorable, shameful, infamous, disreputable.

ignominy, n. disgrace, dishonor, reproach, obloquy, shame, humiliation.

ignoramus, n. dunce, illiterate, sciolist, wiseacre, dullard, simpleton.

ignorance, n. illiteracy, inerudition, unenlightenment, nescience; quackery, charlatanry.

ignorant, a. illiterate, inerudite unenlightened, uninformed, unlearned, untaught, uneducated, unlettered, nescient; quackish, charlatanic. Antonyms: educated, instructed, schooled, trained, proficient, learned.

ignorantly, adv. unknowingly, unconsciously, inadvertently, unwittingly.

ignorant person. ignoramus, illiterate.

ignore, v. disregard, slight, connive, overlook.

ill, a. ailing, sick, unwell; evil, unfavorable, adverse, bad.

ill at ease. uneasy, uncomfortable, anxious.

ill-boding, a. ominous, inauspicious.

illegal, a. illicit, unlawful, contraband, unlicensed, illegitimate.

illegality, n. unlawfulness, illegitimacy.

illegitimate, a. bastard, adulterine; illegal, illicit; spurious.

illegitimate, v. illegitimatize, bastardize.

illiberal, a. ungenerous, parsimonious, stingy; narrow-minded, bigoted.

illiberality, n. parsimony, stinginess; narrow-mindedness, bigotry, intolerance.

illicit, a. prohibited, unlawful.

illness, n. malady, sickness, disease.

illogical, a. fallacious, sophistical, unsound.

illusion, n. mockery, hallucination, chimera, phantasm, delusion, glamour.

illusive, a. delusive, illusory, chimerical, mocking.

illustrate, v. elucidate, picture, demonstrate, exemplify.

illustration, n. elucidation, exemplification; comparison, example, simile.

ill-will, n. malice, resentment, grudge, rancor, malevolence, antipathy, hatred.

image, n. statue; effigy, figure; ikon, eikon; idol.

image breaker. iconoclast, idoloclast, vandal.

image breaking. iconoclasm, vandalism.

image worship iconolatry, iconoduly.

imaginary, a. fancied, visionary, chimerical, illusive, phantasmal.

imagination, n. fancy, conception, notion, conceit, figment, phantasm.

imagine, v. conceive, fancy; think, suppose, opine, apprehend.

imbecile, n. idiot, witling, fool.

imbecility, n. idiocy, fatuity, foolishness, amentia.

imbedded, a. enfonced.

imitate, v. copy, ape, counterfeit; personate, impersonate, mimic, simulate; parody, caricature.

imitation, n. copy, counterfeit; mimicry, impersonation, mimesis; pasticcio; parody, travesty, burlesque; onomatop?oea.

imitative, a. apish, copying, mimicking, mimetic; onomatopoetic.

imitator, n. copyist, follower, mimic, mime, ape, echo, impersonator.

immanence, n. inherence, indwelling.

immanent, a. inherent, indwelling.

immature, a. undeveloped, embryonic, crude, unripe, premature, untimely.

immediately, adv. instantly, forthwith, directly, straightway, at once, now, instanter. Antonyms: hereafter, by and by, after a while.

immense, a. vast, infinite, illimitable, immeasurable.

immerse, v. submerge, plunge into, dip, immerge, douse; engross.

immersed, a. submerged, plunged into; engrossed, absorbed, occupied.

immersion, n. submersion, immersing; engrossment, absorption.

immoderate, a. excessive, exorbitant, inordinate, intemperate, unrestrained.

immodest, a. indecorous, indelicate, shameless; lewd, unchaste, obscene.

immodesty, n. indecorum, indelicacy, impudicity; lewdness, unchastity, obscenity.

immoral, a. licentious, dissolute, vicious, profligate, loose, illicit, rakish.

immorality, n. vice, licentiousness, depravity, profligacy, obliquity.

immortality, n. deathlessness, athanasia; perpetuity.

immovable, a. fast, permanent, impassive, firm, steadfast.

impact, n. collision, forcible contact; force.

impart, v. communicate.

impartial, a. equitable, fair, disinterested, unbiased, unprejudiced.

impartiality, n. fairness, equity, disinterestedness, justice.

impassable, a. impenetrable, pathless, impervious.

impatient, a. restless, restive, fretful, eager, impetuous.

impede, v. retard.

impediment, n. obstacle, barrier, obstruction, stumblingblock.

impending, a. imminent, threatening.

impenetrable, a. impervious, imperforable.

impenitence, n. incontrition, obduracy, impenitency.

impenitent, a. incontrite, unrepentant, obdurate, incorrigible, recusant, relentless.

imperative, a. binding, compulsory, obligatory, imperious, peremptory.

imperfect, a. defective, faulty, deficient, undeveloped, abortive, fallible, frail, errable.

imperfection, n. defect, blemish, shortcoming, infirmity, foible, deformity, disfigurement, vice, frailty, fallibility.

imperious, a. despotic, magisterial, domineering, dictatorial, tyrannical, imperative.

imperishable, a. permanent, indestructible, enduring.

impersonate, v. personate; personify.

impersonation, n. personation, impersonating; impersonification.

impersonator, n. mimic, personator, mime, actor.

impertinent, a. irrelevant, inapplicable, impudent, saucy, rude, insolent, malapert, flippant.

impervious, a. impermeable, impenetrable, imperviable.

impetus, n. momentum, force, impulse, incentive.

impish, a. malignant.

implacable, a. unappeasable, vindictive, pitiless, irreconcilable.

implant, v. instill, inculcate, ingraft, infix.

implied, a. tacit, inferential.

implore, v. beseech, supplicate, entreat, obsecrate.

imploring, n. supplication, obsecration.

impolite, a. discourteous, inurbane, rude, uncivil, disrespectful, saucy, insolent, impertinent, churlish, brusque, unamiable, surly, gruff, boorish.

impoliteness, n. discourtesy, inurbanity, incivility, impertinence, insolence.

importance, n. moment, materiality, consequence; pomposity, self-importance.

important, a. momentous, material, essential; pompous, consequential.

impose upon. delude, dupe, deceive, victimize.

imposing, a. impressive, stately, majestic, august.

impossibility, n. impracticability.

impossible, a. impracticable, unfeasible, unattainable.

impostor, n. pretender, cheat, charlatan, mountebank, quack, deceiver.

imposture, n. fraud, imposition, charlatanism, deception.

impracticability, n. unfeasibility.

impracticable, a. impossible, unfeasible.

impregnate, v. fecundate.

impregnation, n. fecundation.

imprison, v. incarcerate, immure.

imprisonment, n. incarceration, durance, immurement, duress, confinement, commitment.

impromptu, a. improvised, offhand, extempore, extemporaneous.

improper, a. indecorous, unseemly, indecent, inappropriate, wrong, solecistic.

impropriety, n. unsuitableness, unfitness, indecorum, barbarism, solecism.

improve, v. amend, ameliorate, rectify, better, mend; utilize, use; gain, get better.

improvement, n. betterment, amelioration; meliorism; utilization.

improving, a. ameliorative, beneficial, amending.

impudence, n. insolence, impertinence, effrontery, rudeness.

impudent, a. insolent, impertinent, flippant, pert, brazen, saucy.

impulse, n. motive, incentive; impulsion, impetus.

impulsive, a. passionate, capricious, hasty; impellent, propulsive.

impure, a. tainted, defiled, contaminated, polluted, vitiated, infected; adulterated, alloyed, sophisticated; unchaste, lewd, indelicate, indecent; barbarous, vulgar, hybrid.

impurity, n. defilement, contamination, taint, pollution; adulteration, alloy, sophistication; unchastity, lewdness, indecency, indelicacy; pl. garblings, garbles.

inability, n. incompetence, impotence, incapability, incompetency, inefficiency, disability.

in a body. altogether, en masse.

inaccuracy, n. inexactness, incorrectness, impropriety.

inaccurate, a. incorrect, inexact, erroneous, faulty, wrong.

inaction, n. inactivity, inertness, stagnation, idleness.

inactive, a. inert, motionless, quiescent, dormant, inoperative, sluggish, stagnant, dilatory, latent, passive, torpid.

inactivity, n. inaction, passivity, inertia, lethargy, dormancy, stagnation, torpor, latency, sloth, Fabian policy.

inadequate, a. insufficient, deficient; defective, incomplete, imperfect.

inappropriate, a. unsuitable, unbecoming, inapplicable.

inapt, a. irrelevant, unsuitable, inept, inapplicable.

inattention, n. inadvertence, abstraction, heedlessness, disregard, neglect, remissness.

inattentive, a. heedless, absent-minded, inadvertent, unmindful, careless.

inbeing, n. inherence.

inborn, a. congenital, inherent, innate, instinctive, ingenerate.

incapable, a. incompetent, disqualified, unfit, insusceptible.

incarnation, n. incarnification, Avatar; personification.

incautious, a. unwary, inconsiderate, indiscreet, thoughtless.

incense, n. Associated words: thurible, censer, thurification, thurify, frankincense, cense, thurifer.

incentive, n. motive, spur, incitement, stimulus, inducement provocation.

incident, n. event, happening, episode, occurrence.

incidental, a. casual, accidental, oontingent, fortuitous; subordinate, collateral, accessory.

incite, v. instigate, stimulate, arouse, goad, spur, impel.

incitement, n. stimulus, instigation, incitation, spur, incentive.

incivility, n. discourtesy, rudeness, incomity, inurbanity, disrespect.

inclination, n. leaning, slant; tendency, propensity, proneness, penchant, predilection.

incline, n. slant, slope, ascent, descent, grade.--v. lean, tend, dispose.

inclose, v. surround, encircle, circumscribe, encompass, enclose.

inclosure, n. surrounding, closure, barrier, fence, corral, stockade.

include, v. comprise, comprehend, inclose.

inclusion, n. comprisal.

income, n. revenue, proceeds; tontine, annuity. Associated word: fructuary.

incomparable, a. peerless, matchless, transcendent, inimitable unrivalled, unapproachable.

incompetent, a. inefficient, unqualified, incapable; inadequate; unfit, unsuited.

incomplete, a. unfinished, defective, imperfect, deficient, partial, inchoate.

incomprehensible, a. inconceivable, abstruse, unfathomable.

inconsiderate, a. thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, careless.

inconsistency, n. discordance, incoherence, contrariety, incompatibility.

inconsistent, a. disagreeing, incoherent, contradictory, discrepant, incompatible.

inconstancy, n. fickleness, mutability, variableness, instability.

inconstant, a. fickle, changeable, volatile, flighty, mercurial, variable.

inconvenient, a. unhandy, incommodious, inopportune, untoward.

incorrect, a. inaccurate, erroneous, inexact, wrong; ungrammatical, solecistic.

incorrectness, n. inaccuracy, inexactness, error; impropriety.

increase, v. augment, advance, enlarge; multiply, be prolific, wax; aggravate, enhance, extend, augment, intensify, exacerbate, amplify, magnify, heighten, accelerate.

increase, n. augmentation, accretion, increment, accession, amplification, addition, accrument.

increase of motion. acceleration.

incremate, v. cremate, incinerate.

incremation, n. cremation.

incumbent, a. obligatory, imposed, binding.

incumbrance, n. hindrance, impediment, incubus; mortgage, claim, lien.

incurable, a. insanable, irremediable, immedicable; irremedicable, irreparable.

indebtedness, n. obligation; debts, liabilities.

indecency, n. immodesty, indelicacy, shamelessness, obscenity, ribaldry, lewdness.

indecent, a. immodest, obscene, indelicate, shameless, ribald, lewd, unchaste.

indecision, n. vacillation, indetermination, irresolution, wavering, inconstancy.

indecisive, a. inconclusive, vacillating, hesitating, irresolute, wavering.

indefatigable, a. untiring, persistent, unremitting, sedulous, unflagging.

indefinite, a. vague, indeterminate, equivocal, ambiguous, inexplicit, inexact.

indelicacy, n. unrefinement, rudeness, indecorum, immodesty.

indelicate, a. unrefined, indecorous, immodest, unchaste, rude, vulgar.

indemnity, n. security, insurance; restitution, reimbursement, indemnification.

indentation, n. bruise, notch, depression, indenture, serrature, jag, engrailment, crenellation.

independence, n. freedom, self-government, liberty, autonomy; opulence, affluence.

independent, a. self-governing, autonomous; self-reliant; exclusive, irrespective; affluent.

Indian, n. (aboriginal American) red man; (of mixed blood) metisse, ladino, mestizo, guacho, griffe, mameluco, half-breed. Associated words: tepee, wigwam, tomahawk, lodge, wickiup, sachemdom, pueblo, calumet, totem, totemism, powwow, roanoke, coup, gens, Manito, pogamoggan, potlatch, chinook, runtee, travail, travois, strouding.

Indian blanket. stroud.

Indian chief. sachem, sannup, sagamore, brave.

Indian child. papoose.

Indian money. wampum, seawan, suckanhock, colcol, peag, hiagua, kopkops.

Indian prince. Maharajah, Rajah.

Indian princess or queen. Rani, Ranee.

Indian woman. squaw, mahaly.

India rubber. caoutchouc.

indicate, v. designate, betoken, signify.

indication, n. designation, signifying; symptom, evidence, sign, token, manifestation.

indicator, n. (as in a hotel) annunciator.

indictment, n. accusation, charge, arraignment, crimination.

indifference, n. apathy, coolness, negligence, unconcern, nonchalance, insouciance; mediocrity, inferiority; neutrality, impartiality, disinterestedness.

indifferent, a. disinterested, unconcerned, nonchalant, perfunctory, apathetic, insouciant; neutral, impartial; mediocre, passable, tolerable.

indirect, a. roundabout, circuitous, tortuous.

indiscreet, a. unwise, imprudent.

indiscretion, n. unwisdom, folly, imprudence; misstep, lapse.

indisposed, a. averse, disinclined, unwilling, loath, reluctant; sick, ill, unwell.

indisposition, n. disinclination, averseness, reluctance, unwillingness.

indisputable, a. undeniable, incontestable, indubitable, incontrovertible.

indissolvable, a. indissoluble.

indocile, a. intractable, refractory, unruly.

indolence, n. idleness, laziness, indulgence, sloth, inactivity, faineance.

indolent, a. lazy, slothful, supine, dronish, listless.

inducement, n. incentive, incitement, motive, stimulus.

indulge, v. satisfy, gratify, luxuriate; humor, pamper, cocker; grant, allow, permit. Antonyms: mortify, deny, suppress, restrain.

indulgence, n. humoring, pampering, gratification; kindness, favor, lenity, forbearance; absolution. Antonyms: mortification, denial, restraint, non-indulgence.

indulgent, a. forbearing, kind, lenient, lax, merciful.

industrial science. technology, polytechnics.

industrious, a. assiduous, diligent, sedulous, persistent, hard-working. Antonyms: idle, indolent, inactive, lazy.

industry, n. assiduity, diligence, activity; labor, work, exertion, efforts.

indwelling, n. immanence, inherence.--a. immanent, inherent.

ineffective, a. ineffectual, unavailing, inefficacious.

inefficient, a. ineffective, inefficacious; slack, remiss, incompetent.

inelastic, a. inductile, inextensible, rigid.

inelasticity, n. inductility, inextensibility, rigidity.

ineligible, a. disqualified.

inequality, n. disparity, disproportion, unevenness, irregularity; unfairness, injustice; inequation.

inexcusable, a. unpardonable, indefensible, unjustifiable, unwarrantable.

inexhaustible, a. exhaustless.

inexorable, a. unyielding, relentless, implacable, unmovable, unrelenting.

inexperienced, a. untrained, unpractised, undisciplined, raw, unskilled.

inexpert, a. maladroit, unskillful, bungling.

inexpressible, a. ineffable, unspeakable, unutterable.

infallibility, n. inerrability.

infallible, a. inerrable, unerring, sure, certain, undeniable.

infamous, a. disreputable, ignominious, scandalous, opprobrious, odious, heinous.

infamy, n. disgrace, ignominy, odium, obloquy, opprobrium.

infancy, n. babyhood; minority, nonage, pupilage.

infant, n. baby; minor.

infantile paralysis. poliomyelitis.

infatuate, v. enamor, charm. Antonyms: repel, disgust, disillusionize.

infection, n. contagion, contamination, vitiation, pollution.

infectious, a. contagious, pestiferous, epidemic, vitiating.

infer, v. deduce, imply, gather.

inference, n. deduction, conclusion, illation, corollary.

inferior, a. poorer, lower, subordinate, menial, minor, mediocre, subaltern.

inferior, n. subordinate. Antonyms: peer, equal, superior.

inferiority, n. subordinacy, mediocrity, deficiency.

infidel, n. free-thinker, atheist, unbeliever, skeptic.

infirmity, n. See weakness.

inflammable, a. combustible, accendible; irascible, irritable, excitable.

inflammation, n. phlogosis; phlegmasia. Associated words: phlogistic, phlogogenous, antiphlogistic, demulcent delitescence.

inflammatory, a. phlogistic; seditious, incendiary.

inflate, v. expand, enlarge, distend.

inflated, a. distended, blown up; bombastic, pompous, grandiloquent, declamatory.

inflation, n. distention, expansion.

inflection, n. modulation, accent.

inflexibility, n. rigidity, stiffness; firmness, pertinacity, obstinacy, steadfastness.

inflexible, a. unyielding, rigid, impliable; immovable, resolute, steadfast.

influence, n. sway, control; persuasion, restraint; authority, ascendency, prestige.

influence, v. move, persuade, induce, sway, control, prevail upon, actuate, impel.

informal, a. unceremonious, unconventional, easy, natural, unconstrained.

informality, n. unceremoniousness.

information, n. knowledge, intelligence, instruction; (Law) complaint, accusation.

infringe, v. violate, transgress; encroach, trespass, intrench.

infringement, n. transgression, violation, breach, encroachment, trespass, intrenchment.

in full. unabridged, at length.

ingenious, a. inventive, resourceful.

ingratitude, n. unthankfulness.

ingredient, n. constituent, element, component, part.

inhabitant, n. dweller, denizen, residentiary, resident, citizen. Antonyms: sojourner, pilgrim, visitor.

inherent, a. innate, adhering, inexistent, inborn, inalienable.

inheritable, a. hereditable.

inheritance, n. heritage, patrimony, legacy.

inhuman, a. savage, barbarous, fiendish, brutal, cruel.

inhumanity, n. cruelty, brutality, barbarity, mercilessness.

injection, n. immission, injecting; enema, clyster, lavement.

injure, v. damage, harm, hurt, impair, disfigure, maim, mar, wound.

injurious, a. hurtful, harmful, detrimental, pernicious, deleterious, baneful, noxious, maleficent, prejudicial; defamatory, derogatory, detractory.

injury, n. damage, detriment, harm, hurt, wound, impairment, mutilation, defacement, violation, lesion. Associated words: vulnerable, vulnerability, invulnerable, invulnerability, inviolable, vulnific.

injustice, n. inequity, unfairness; grievance.

inkling, n. hint, intimation, allusion.

inkstand, n. standish.

inky, a. atramentous, atramental, atramentarious.

inlaid work. marquetry, parquetry, mosaic.

inland, a. interior, internal.

inlet, n. entrance, ingress; bay, recess, bight, estuary, cove, frith, bayou.

inmate, n. occupant.

inn, n. lodging house, tavern, hotel; cabaret, caravansary, khan.

innate, a. inborn, inherent, native.

inner, a. internal, interior; obscure, esoteric, innermost parts, recesses, penetralia, sanctuary.

innocence, n. blamelessness, guilelessness, guiltlessness, impeccability, inoffensiveness.

innocent, a. blameless, guileless, guiltless, impeccable, inoffensive, sinless, artless, inculpable, irreproachable, irreprehensible, inerrable, irresponsible, virtuous, unsophisticated.

inquiring, a. curious, inquisitive.

inquiry, n. question, query, interrogation; research, investigationm scrutiny.

inquisitive, a. inquiring, mousing, curious, intrusive, prying, meddlesome. Antonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested.

insane, a. demented, crazy, mad, deranged, delirious, dementate; paranoiac. Antonyms: sane, rational.

insane asylum. bedlam, bethlehem, madhouse, retreat.

insanity, n. dementia, alienation of mind, madness, lunacy, craziness, derangement, frenzy, delirium, mania, hallucination, aberration of mind, bedlamism; paranoia, monomania. Antonyms: sanity, rationality, lucidity. Associated words: alienist, alienism.

insatiable, a. unappeasable; voracious, rapacious, omnivorous.

inscrutable, a. incomprehensible, inexplicable, unsearchable.

insect, n. Associated words: entomology, entomologist, entomologic, chrsalis, pupa, cicada, cocoon, credpitaculum, entomophilous, entornophily, entomtaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopterist, larvarium, stridor, stridulate, stridulation, silphology, stridulatory, nymph, horismology, imago.

insect-eaters, n. pl. Insectivora, Entomophaga.

insect-eating, a. insectivorous, entomophagous.

insect powder. insecticide, pyrethrum, entomologic, chrysalis, pupa, cicada, cocoon, crepitaculum, entomophilous, entomophily, entomotaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopterist, larvarium, stridor, stridulate, stridulation, silphology, stridulatory, nymph, horismology, imago.

insect-eaters, n. pl. Insectivora, Entomophaga.

insect-eating, a. insectivorous, entomophagous.

insect powder. insecticide, pyrethrum.

insecure, a. risky, unsafe, precarious, rickety, unstable, dangerous.

insecurity, n. unsafely, risk, instability, precariousness.

insensibility, n. unconsciousness, torpor, coma, narcosis, lethargy, numbness, narcoma, insusceptibility, an?sthesia, stupefaction, stupor, carus.

insensible, a. unfeeling, numb, insensate, torpid, unimpressible, unsusceptible, unconscious; imperceptible, gradual, imperceivable.

inseparable, a. indivisible, indissoluble.

insert, v. interpolate, intercalate, interject, ingraft, inosculate.

insertion, n. interjection, interpolation, intercalation, inosculation.

inside, a. internal, inner, interior.

insides, n. pl. entrails; penetralia, recesses.

insight, n. discernment.

insignificance, n. unimportance, pettiness, immateriality, triviality, inanity.

insignificant, n. meaningless; unimportant, immaterial, petty, trivial, paltry.

insincere, a. disingenuous, dissembling, false, hypocritical, affected, deceitful.

insincerity, n. duplicity, disingenuousness, hypocrisy, dissimulation.

insinuation, n. innuendo, intimation; ingratiation.

insist, v. persist, press, urge, contend.

insistence, n. persistence, pertinacity, importunity, urgency, contention, instance.

insistent, a. persistent, importunate, insisting.

insnare, v. ensnare, entrap, seduce, inveigle, allure, entangle.

insolation, n. sunstroke, siriasis; sun bath.

insolence, n. impudence, contumely, impertinence, contumacy, effrontery, disrespect.

insolent, a. impudent, contumelious, overbearing, disrespectful contemptuous.

insoluble, a. indissoluble; unexplainable, insolvable, inexplicable.

inspect, v. examine.

inspiration, n. inhalation (breathing in); divine afflatus, theopneusty.

inspiring, a. inspiriting, elevating, promethean.

in spite of. notwithstanding, despite, nevertheless.

install, v. instate, induct.

installation, n. induction.

instance, n. persistency, request, solicitation, urgency; example, case, illustration.

instantly, adv. immediately, forthwith, at once, instanter, urgently, persistently.

instep, n. metatarsus, acrotarsium.

instruct, v. teach, indoctrinate, edify, enlighten, coach.

instruction, n. nurture, tuition, teaching, information, indoctrination, inculcation, education, admonition; edification, enlightenment; prop?deutics.

instructive, a. edifying, didactic, preceptive, mentorial; prop?deutic.

instructor, n. teacher, preceptor, tutor, master, coach, mentor, counselor, monitor, trainer.

instrument, n. tool, utensil, implement; agent, means, medium.

insufferable, a. intolerable, unendurable; detestable, offensive.

insufficiency, n. deficiency, inadequacy.

insufficient, a. inadequate, deficient, incommensurate, lacking.

insult, n. indignity, affront.

insult, v. offend, affront, flout.

insulting, a. offensive, contemptuous, contumelious, scurrilous.

insurance, n. assurance, indemnity.

insure, v. assure, indemnify; underwrite.

insurgency, n. revolt, rebellion, insubordination, mutiny.

insurgent, a. rebellious, mutinous, insubordinate, insurrectionary.

insurgent, n. rebel, revolter, mutineer, insurrectionist.

intaglio, n. diaglyph. Antonym: cameo.

intelligence, n. knowledge, discernment, insight, acumen.

intelligent, a. clever, discerning, astute, bright, knowing, apt, sensible.

intemperance, n. excess, immoderation, debauchery.

intemperate, a. immoderate, excessive, unrestrained.

intend, v. design, purpose, propose, contemplate, plan.

intended, n. fiancé (male), fiancée (female).

intense, a. extreme, excruciating.

intensify, v. aggravate, exacerbate, heighten.

intention, n. design, plan, purpose, aim.

intentional, a. deliberate, premeditated. Antonyms: unintentional, inadvertent, accidental.

intercede, v. mediate, interpose, propitiate.

intercession, n. mediation, interposition, propitiation.

intercessor, n. mediator, interceder, propitiator, make-peace.

interchange, n. reciprocation, reciprocity, permutation; alternation.

interest, n. concern; share, portion, part, participation; advantage, benefit, weal, behoof; usury. Antonyms: boredom, ennui, indifference, unconcern.

interested, a. concerned; prejudiced, partial. Antonyms: disinterested, unconcerned, bored.

interfere, v. clash, conflict; intermeddle, interpose, intervene.

interference, n. clashing, collision; intermeddling, interposition, intervention.

interlining, n. interlineation.

interloper, n. intruder, interferer.

intermediate, a. intervening, interjacent; interlocutory (Law).

intermittent, a. remittent, periodical, recurrent.

internal, a. inward, interior, inside, inner; esoteric; intrinsic; inherent.

interpret, v. construe, translate, render.

interpretation, n. rendering, rendition, translation; exegesis, exegetics, hermeneutics, isagogics, anagogics, dittology.

interrogation point. eroteme.

interval, n. interstice (space between); interim, meantime

intervening, a. intermediate, interjacent.

intervention, n. interference, interposition; mediation, intercession.

intestines, n. pl. entrails, bowels, inwards, guts; omentum, caul, vermiform appendix, colon, rectum, hindgut, enteron, c?cum, ileum, ileus, volvulus, jejunum, duodenum, alimentary canal; chitterlings. Associated words: enterology, splanchnology, enterography, splanchnography, enteropathy, enteroplasty, enterotomy, enteralgia, enterolith, enteritis, intestinal, enteric, crypt, peristalsis, vermiculation, alvine, viscerate, visceration, eviscerate, evisceration, disembowel, disembowelment.

intolerable, a. insufferable, unendurable.

intolerance, n. bigotry, dogmatism, illiberality.

intolerant, a. bigoted, unforbearing, illiberal.

intrenchment, n. earthwork, fortification; encroachment, infringement, invasion, inroad.

intricacy, n. complication, entanglement, complexity.

intricate, a. complicated, entangled, involved, labyrinthian, mazy.

intrigue, n. conspiracy, machination, cabal, plot; amour (illicit love affair), liaison.

intrigue, v. plot, scheme, machinate, cabal.

intriguer, n. machinator, plotter, schemer, Figaro, intrigant, intrigante (female).

intriguing, a. scheming, Machiavelian, wily.

intrinsic, a. inherent, innate, real, genuine. Antonym: extrinsic.

introduction, n. preface, proem, exordium, prelude, prolegomenon, prologue, foreword; presentation; interpolation interposition, initiation.

introductory, a. preliminary, proemial, prefatory.

intrude, v. infringe, invade, encroach, obtrude, interlope.

intrusion, n. encroachment, obtrusion, infringement, interloping.

intrusive, a. obtrusive. Antonyms: unintrusive, unobtrusive, retiring.

intrust, v. commit, confide.

invade, v. infringe, encroach, trespass, intrench, trench.

invalid, a. null, void, of no efficacy; baseless, unfounded.

invalid, a. valetudinary.

invalid, n. valetudinarian.

invalidate, v. annul, abrogate, cancel, quash, nullify.

invalidation, n. nullification, abrogation, annulment.

invalidism, n. valetudinarianism.

invasion, n. irruption, foray, raid, aggression; violation, infringement, encroachment, intrenchment.

inveigle, v. wheedle, seduce.

inveiglement, n. wheedling, seduction.

investigate, v. probe, sift, examine.

investigation, n. examination, inquiry, research.

invidious, a. objectionable, offensive.

invincible, a. indomitable, unconquerable.

invisible, a. imperceptible, microscopic, evanescent.

invitation, n. bidding, call, summons.

invite, v. bid, ask, summon; allure, induce, entice.

invocation, n. prayer, supplication.

involuntary, a. uncontrollable, instinctive, automatic, compulsory, forced.

inwards, n. pl. entrails, intestines, bowels, guts; viscera; giblets, inmeats, umbles.

iota, n. scintilla, tittle, atom, mite, jot, whit, bit, particle.

Ireland, n. Erin, Emerald Isle.

iridescent, a. prismatic, nacreous.

iris, n. flower-de-luce, fleur-de-lis, flag.

Irish, a. Hibernian.

Irishman, n. Hibernian, Milesian, Teague, Pat, Paddy.

iron, v. smooth; mangle.

irons, n. pl. fetters, chains, handcuffs, shackles, manacles, hampers, gyves.

ironworker's pneumonia. siderosis.

irrecoverable, a. irretrievable.

irregular, a. inconformable, abnormal, anomalous, exceptional, unsymmetrical, unusual, erose, baroque, aberrant.

irregularity, n. inconformableness, abnormality, asymmetry, anomaly, aberration, intermittency.

irreligious, a. ungodly, impious, godless, sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane.

irresolute, a. wavering, vacillating, inconstant, fickle, double-minded.

irresolution, n. indecision, vacillation, inconstancy, fickleness.

irresponsible, a. unaccountable, unanswerable, unreliable.

irritable, a. irascible, fretful, spleeny, choleric, petulant, fiery, captious, splenetic.

irritate, v. intensify, stimulate; provoke, vex, annoy, offend, chafe.

isinglass, n. fishglue, ichthyocol, ichthyocolla; mica; carlock.

island, n. isle, eyot, holm, islet; atoll. Associated words: insular, insularity, archipelago, lagoon, coral, maroon, marooner.

isolate, v. insulate, segregate, dissociate, detach, separate.

isolated, a. insulated, separate, solitary, segregated, sporadic.

isolation, n. insulation, segregation; loneliness, solitude.

issue, v. gush, disembogue; sally forth, debouch; proceed, emanate, ensue, follow, result.

Italian laborers. Associated word: padrone.

Italian paste. macaroni, vermicelli.

itch, n. psora, scabies; prurigo; sycosis (barber's itch); eczema; pruriency.

itching, a. tingling, prurient.

ivory, n. Associated words: eburnean, eburnine, eburin, eburnification, eburnation.

ivy, n. Associated words: hederaceous, hederal, hederic, hederiferous, hederose.


Jab, n. (Colloq.) thrust, punch, dig.

jabber, n. gibberish, chatter, gabble, babble.--v. gabble, gibber, babble, chatter.

jackass, n. donkey; dolt, simpleton, witling, ignoramus, fool.

jacket, n. coat, jerkin, blouse, spencer, bolero, pea-jacket sontag, blazer, sweater, reefer, jersey, jumper, cardigan jacket, grego, garibaldi, camisole, temiak (Eskimo); cleading.

jade, n. nephrite, jadeite; nag, plug; hussy, wench, quean.

jag, n. notch, cleft, barb, protuberance.--v. notch.

jagged, a. cleft, jaggy, notched, serrated, erose, sharp.

jail, n. prison, lockup, calaboose, workhouse, limbo.

jail bird. prisoner.

jailer, n. warden, turnkey, sheriff.

jail fever. typhus fever.

jam, n. preserve, conserve; crowd, throng, crush.

jam, v. squeeze, crowd, press, wedge in, bruise.

jamboree, n. (Slang) carousal, revelry, carouse, spree.

jangle, n. clashing, clang, discord, dissonance; wrangling, quarrel, dispute, altercation.

jangle, v. clash, clang; quarrel, wrangle, dispute, altercate.

jangling, a. discordant, dissonant, clashing, inharmonious.

janitor, n. doorkeeper, porter, concierge; (female) janitress, janitrix.

Japan, n. Nippon, Flowery Kingdom. Associated words: Japanese, geisha, coolie, Mikado, samurai, shizoku, heimin, kwazoku, Mongol, Mongolian, kimono, Dairi, daimio, saki, Tycoon, Shogun.

japan, n. lacquer, varnish, enamel.

jar, n. crock; gurglet; shock, jolt, vibration.--v. jolt, jounce, shock, discompose, unsettle; grate.

jargon, n. gibberish, drivel, babble, gabble, twaddle, bosh; cant, slang, flash, argot, dialect.

jaundice, n. icterus.--v. prejudice.

jaundiced, a. prejudiced, biased, warped.

jaunty, a. airy, showy, finical, affected, fine.

jaw, n. Jawbone, jowl; maxilla (upper jaw); mandible (lower jaw).

jaw, v. (Low) scold, upbraid, berate, clamor, rail at.

jawless, a. agnathic, agnathous.

jaw muscle. masseter.

jayhawker, n. guerrilla.

jealous, a. suspicious, distrustful.

jealousy, n. suspicion, distrust.

jeer, v. mock, deride, ridicule, taunt, jibe.

jeering, n. mockery, derision, ridicule, scoffing, sneer, taunt.

jellylike, a. gelatinous, colloid.

jeopard, v. imperil, risk, expose, endanger, hazard.

jeopardize, v. jeopard.

jeopardy, n. danger, peril, hazard, exposure.

jerk, v. twitch, yerk.

jerked beef. charqui.

jerky, a. abrupt, unconnected.

jest, n. joke, witticism, quip, jeu d' esprit, Joe Miller.

jest, v. joke.

jester, n. joker, wag; buffoon, merry-andrew, clown, harlequin, zany.

jesting, n. joking, jest, raillery, banter, persiflage, facetiousness, badinage, jocularity.

jesting, a. waggish, jocular, facetious, sportive.

jet, v. spurt, spout, gush; protrude, project.--n. spouting, spurt, gush.

Jew, n. Hebrew, Israelite, Judahite, Judean, Semite, Yid; Rabbi, Sadducee, Pharisee, Levite. Associated words: Yiddish, ghetto, kosher, tref, Talmud, kittel, sephardic, Sanhedrim, synagogue, Jewry, Judaism, judaize.

Jewish, a. Hebrew, Judaic, Israelitish, Hebraic, Semitic.

Jewish beggar. schnorrer.

Jewish marriage broker. schatchen.

jewel, n. gem, brilliant.

jewelry, n. jewels; bijoutry.

Jew's pitch. asphaltum, bitumen.

Jezebel, n.virago, she-devil, fury, Gorgon, termagant.

jibe, v. (Colloq.) agree, harmonize, fit.

jiffy, n. (Colloq.)moment, instant, second, trice.

jill, n. coquette, flirt; sweetheart, gill.

jilt, n. coquette, flirt.

jingle, n. tinkling, jingling, tintinnabulation; rhyme.--v. tinkle.

job, n. task; situation, position.

jocose, a. facetious, waggish, sportive, merry, jocular, humorous.

jocular, a. jesting, jocose, sportive, merry, waggish.

jocularity, n. jesting, waggishness, waggery, facetiousness, drollery.

jog, n. shake, jolt, jar, shove; hitch, break.

jog, v. push, shake, jostle; suggest to, notify, remind.

johnny cake. hoecake, corncake.

join, v. connect, couple, unite, combine, associate, add, append, annex, link, conjoin, mortise, dowel, splice, knit, dovetail, mingle, coalesce, unify, confederate; abut. Antonyms: disjoin, disconnect. See separate.

joiner, n. link, coupling, bond; woodworker, carpenter.

joint, n. gimbal joint, dove-tail joint, joggle joint, mortise joint, miter, dowel, scarf joint, rabbet joint.

joint, n. articulation; suture, commissure, knuckle. Associated words: arthrology, arthrography, synosteology arthrectomy, synovia, articular, bursa, synovial, internode, internodal, anchylose, dislocate, dislocation, luxate, luxation.

joint, a. combined, joined, united.

jointed, a. articulated, hinged; knotted, gnarled.

jointless, a. acondylous, anarthrous, inarticulate.

joke, n. jest, witticism, jocosity, sally, jeu d'esprit, quip, quirk, Joe Miller.

joke, v. rally, banter, jest.

joking, n. jesting, rallying, banter, persiflage, jocularity, waggishness.

jokingly, adv. sportively, jestingly, waggishly, jocularly.

jolly, a. jovial, vivacious, congenial, convivial, mirthful, sportive, gay, facetious, boon, waggish, jocular, jocose, witty, blithe, sprightly, cheery.

jolly, v. (Colloq.) make good-natured, joke, jest, cheer, encourage.

jolt, n. jar, shock, jounce, jolting.--v. shake, jar, jounce.

jot, n. iota, point, tittle, bit, mite, atom, scintilla, ace, particle, whit.

jotting, n. memorandum, note, entry.

jounce, n. jolt, shake, jolting.--v. jolt, shake, jar.

journal, n. day-book, daily register, record; diary; periodical, publication, magazine, gazette, ephemeris.

journey, n. trip, tour, pilgrimage, excursion, travel, jaunt, peregrination. Associated words: itinerary, itinerancy, viatic, viaticum.

journeyman, n. handicraftsman, artisan. Antonyms: apprentice, amateur.

joust, v. tilt.

Jove, n. Jupiter.

jovial, a. jolly, mirthful, gay, merry, sportive, hilarious, gleeful.

joviality, n. gayety, jollity, sportiveness, liveliness.

joy, n. gladness, exultation, jubilation, mirth, festivity glee, elation, merriment.

joyful, a. joyous, glad, elated, jubilant, exhilarating, happy, buoyant, merry, encouraging, felicitous.

joyous, a. joyful.

jubilant, a. joyful, exultant, triumphant.

jubilation, n. rejoicing, exultation, triumph.

Judas, n. betrayer, traitor.

Judas, a. traitorous, treacherous, disloyal, perfidious.

judge, v. adjudge, adjudicate, try; discern, distinguish, discriminate, decide; esteem, think, consider, reckon, deem, regard; arbitrate.

judge, n. justice, judger; arbitrator, arbiter, umpire, referee; connoisseur, critic; puisne; deemster (Isle of Man). Associated words: judicial, judicially, judicable, judicatory, judicature, judiciary.

judges, n. pl. judiciary.

judgment, n. decision, adjudication, arbitrament, arbitration, adjudgment; sentence, decree, verdict; discrimination, discernment.

judgment-seat, n. court, tribunal, bar, judicatory.

judicial, a. judicative, judicatory, juridical, judiciary.

judicious, a. prudent, discreet, well-advised.

jug, n. pitcher, ewer, demijohn, flagon; bellarmine, long-beard.

juggler, n. prestidigitator, magician, conjurer; cheat, impostor; jongleur.

jugglery, n. sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation, magic, conjuring; imposture, trickery, hankey-pankey.

juice, n.. sap, lush; must.

juicy, a. succulent, sappy, lush, luscious. Antonyms: juiceless, sapless, dry.

jumble, v. confuse, disarrange, entangle, mix

jumble, n. disorder, confusion, disarray, mixture, entanglement, chaos, hodgepodge.

jump, v. spring, bound, leap, hop, caper, vault; bounce, jolt.

jump, n. leap, spring, bound, hop, vault, caper, jolt.

junction, n. union, coalition; juncture.

juncture, n. joint, seam; crisis, conjuncture, point, exigency.

jungle, n. thicket, brake, boscage, brush.

junket, n. delicacy, sweetmeat; feast, banquet.--v. feast, banquet, regale, entertain.

junta, n. council, tribunal, assembly, convention.

junto, n. secret council, cabal, clique, faction.

jury, n. Associated words: impanel, panel, venire, venire, facias, tales, talesman.

juryman, n. juror.

just, a. upright, honest, conscientious, honorable, straightforward; condign, merited, deserved, due; reasonable, conscionable, equitable, fair; unbiased, impartial correct, exact, accurate, proper, appropriate. Antonyms: dishonest, inequitable, undeserved. See unjust.

just, adv. precisely, exactly; closely, nearly, almost; barely, scarcely, only.

justice, n. justness, quity, impartiality; judge. Antonyms: inequity, injustice.

justifiable, a. warrantable, defensible, vindicable.

justification, n. vindication, exuplpation, exoneration, defense.

justifier, n. justificatior, vindicator, defender.

justify, v. vindicate, warrant, excuse, exonorate, exculpate, absolve, defend.

justle, v. clash, bump, jostle, collide.

justly, adv. honestly, fairly, equitably, impartially.

justness, n. justice, fairness, equity, impartiality, condignness.

jut, v. jut out, project, protrude.--n. projection, jutt.

jutting, a. projecting, protruding.

jutting out projection, projecture, protrusion

jutty, n. pier, mole, jetty.

juvenile, a. youthful, young, immature.

juvenility, n. youthfulness, immaturity.


Keel over. (Colloq.) overturn, capsize, tip over.

keen, a. sharp, acute, trenchant; penetrating, shrewd, astute, discerning; piercing, poignant, excruciating, a crimonious, mordacious, bitter, intense, severe; eager, ardent, ravenous, vehement.

keep, n. custody, charge; maintenance, support; stronghold, donjon; condition, case.

keep, v. detain, restrain, hold, retain, repress, withhold; preserve, conserve; maintain, continue; guard, shield, defend, protect, screen, preserve; entertain, harbor; observe, adhere to, fulfill; commemorate, celebrate, solemnize; support, sustain, provide for.

keep back. reserve, withhold; restrain, repress, check.

keep company with. associate with, accompany, go with.

keep down. hold in subjection, restrain, hinder, subdue.

keeper, n. warden; superintendent, curator, custodian, guardian, attendant, defender, overseer.

keep from. abstain from, refrain from.

keeping, n. holding, restraint, custody, guard, guardianship, protection, tutelage; detention, retention; maintenance support, subsistence, board; conformity, congruity, harmony, consistency, correspondence; observance; celebration, commemoration, fulfillment.

keeping back. reservation, reserving, withholding; restraint, repression, checking.

keep on. proceed, continue, persist.

keepsake, n. memento, souvenir.

keep to. adhere to.

keep under. hold in subjection, subdue, mortify.

keep up. maintain, continue.

kelter, n. (Colloq.) condition, order.

kernel, n. seed, grain; nucleus; gist, core, pith, substance, essence, marrow. Associated words: enucleate, enucleation, exacinate, exacination.

kerosene, n. coal oil, petroleum.

kettle, n. caldron (a large kettle).

kettledrum, n. tympano; pl. tympani.

key, n. Associated words: claviger, clavigerous, cleidomancy, escutcheon, lock.

key, n. pitch, tone.

key, n. clew, solution, guide, explanation, elucidation, clavis; wharf, quay; forelock, cotter, bar, pin; samara.

keyboard, n. clavier.

kick, v. spurn, calcitrate, recalcitrate, winch; resist, oppose; recoil.

kick, n. kicking, opposition.

kicking, n. spurning, recalcitration, calcitration, winch; opposition, resistance.

kicking, a. recalcitrant, calcitrant, resistant.

kiddy, v. (Slang) deceive, outwit, hoax.

kidnap, v. abduct.

kidnapper, n. abductor, man-stealer.

kidnapping, n. abduction.

kidney, n. Associated words: nephrology, nephrotomy, nephritis, renal, emunctory, nephritic, loins, reins.

kidney, n. sort, kind, variety, disposition.

kidney-shaped, a. reniform.

kidney stone. nephrite, jade.

kill, v. slay, slaughter, murder, assassinate, butcher, despatch, execute, lynch, massacre, burke, immolate, guillotine, decimate, destroy, blast; counteract, neutralize; quell, extinguish.

killer, n. slayer, murderer, butcher, assassin, assassinator, executor, destroyer.

killing, n. slaying, slaughter, butchering, butchery, assassination, massacre, strangulation, immolation, holocaust, execution, fusillade, carnage, murder, manslaughter, chaud-medley, lynching, guillotine, burkism, garrote, chance-medley, decimation, assideration, destruction, blasting; counteraction, neutralization.

killing, a. fatal, mortal, deadly, destructive; captivating, charming, fascinating.

kilt, n. filibeg.

kilter, n. (Colloq.) condition, order.

kin, n. relationship; relatives, relations, kindred, kinsfolk, kinsmen.

kin, a. kindred.

kind, a. indulgent, compassionate, merciful, lenient, clement, benignant, gracious, benevolent, kind-hearted, forbearing, benign, beneficent, humane, obliging.

kind, n. variety, genus, species, strain, breed, nature, genre, sort, style, character, description, kidney.

kind-hearted, a. compassionate, lenient, clement, kind.

kindle, v. enkindle, fire, ignite, incite, inflame, rouse.

kindling, n. enkindling, incitement, accension.

kindly, a. kind.

kindness, n. compassion, benignity, benevolence, kindliness, graciousness, clemency, compassionateness; favor, service, good turn.

kindred, n. relationship; relatives, relations, kinsfolk, kin, kinsmen.

kindred, a. related, congenial, allied, similar.

kine, n. pl. cows, cattle.

king, n. monarch, sovereign, potentate, regulus. Associated words: regicide royalty, regnal, regnant, regnancy, regalia, viceroy, camarilla, dynastic, dynasty.

kingdom, n. empire, dominion, sovereignty, monarchy, realm.

kingly, a. royal, regal, monarchical; sovereign, august, majestic, grand. Antonyms: servile, mean, abject, slavish, unkingly.

king's evil. scrofula.

kink, v. snarl, become entangled.

kink, n. snarl, knot, entanglement, twist; crotchet, whim, caprice, eccentricity.

kinky, a. snarled, tangled, knotted; crotchety, eccentric, capricious.

kinsman, n. relative.

kiss, v. osculate.

kiss, n. osculation, buss, smack; pax (kiss of peace).

kissing, n. osculation.--a. osculant, oscillatory.

kitchen, n. cookroom, cuisine, scullery (back kitchen); galley (Nautical). Associated words: scullion, culinary, olitory.

kith, n. acquaintance.

knack, n. gimcrack, trinket, toy, plaything, knickknack, kickshaws, gewgaw, bauble; skill, readiness, aptitude, proficiency, dexterity, adroitness; trick, device.

knarl, n. knot, gnarl, knag, knurl, node.

knarled, a. knotted, gnarled, knurly, gnarly, knotty, knurled, knarred.

knave, n. villain, rascal, scamp. See scoundrel.

knavery, n. villainy, rascality, scoundrelism, chicanery, knavishness, roguery.

knavish, a. unprincipled, rascally, villainous.

knee, n. Associated words: genuflect, genuflection, ham, hock, gonitis, stifle, geniculate, dib, quadriceps.

knee breeches. smallclothes, knickerbockers.

kneecap, n. patella, kneepan.

kneeling desk. priedieu.

knees, n. pl. marrowbones.

knickerbockers, n. pl. knee breeches, smallclothes.

knickknack, n. gimcrack, gewgaw, bauble, trinket, knack, curio, bric-a-brac.

knife, n. dagger, stiletto, dirk, poniard, bowie-knife, misericorde, anlace, yataghan, machete, bolo, handjar, skean, creese, barong, sword, billhook, saber; scalpel, lancet, bistoury; jackknife, pen-knife, pocket-knife. Associated words: cutler, cutlery, sheath, sheathe, unsheathe, scabbard, cultrivorous, cultrate, cultriform, tang, scale, spring, blade, kick, spatula.

knight, n. man-at-arms; champion, partisan, lover, gallant.

knighthood, n. chivalry. Associated word: accolade.

knightly, a. chivalrous, gallant.

knob, n. excrescence, boss, lump, tubercle, knop, stud, hard swelling; finial, knosp.

knock, v. rap; clash, bump; strike, beat.--n. blow, stroke; rap.

knock about. (Colloq.) wander about, saunter, stroll.

knock down. fell, floor, prostrate.

knockknee, n. inknee.

knock under. yield, submit, give in.

knoll, n. hillock, mound.

knop, n. See knob.

knot, n. entanglement, snarl, intricacy, complication; cluster, group, band, bevy, gang, company; joint, node, knag, burl, gnarl, knob, nodule, nodosity; tuft, bunch.

knot, v. entangle, tie, snarl. Antonyms: disentangle, unravel, untie.

knotted, a. knurled, knaggy, gnarled, gnarly; snarled, entangled, interwoven.

knotty, a. knotted, gnarled, crossgrained; intricate, difficult, complicated.

knowable, a. ascertainable, cognizable, cognoscible, intelligible, recognizable. Antonyms: unknowable, unascertainable, incognoscible, unrecognizable.

knowall, n. (Colloq.) wiseacre, quidnunc.

knowing, a. intelligent, sagacious, wise, clever; expressive, significant; (Colloq.) artful, sharp, cunning.

knowingly, adv. consciously, intelligently, wittingly, designedly, sagely, purposely, sapiently, significantly, expressively.

knowledge, n. learning, lore, erudition, culture, enlightenment, attainments, information; cognizance, apprehension, cognition, understanding, ken; omniscience (universal knowledge); prescience (foreknowledge); polymathy. Antonyms: sciolism, ignorance, inerudition, dilettanteism pedantry, unfamiliarity.

knuckle bones. dibs.

knuckle to. (Colloq.) submit to, yield, cringe, obey.

kodak, n. camera (portable).

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No Longer Your Luna

No Longer Your Luna



Book 1 Amethyst prayed for her childhood best friend to be her mate. Everyone stares, they tease, they bully her for being an orphan but Mason was different. He protected her, he defended her. The Alpha's son loved her since they were pups. But you can't be kids forever. Everything turned sour when Mason began training to take over the Stone Heart Pack. He turned on her just like everyone else, Mason made her the target of his ruthless antics and when they turned of age - it got worse. Mason doesn't want an orphan for a mate. She has no power, no status and he wants someone with wealth to carry the Luna title. Amethyst isn't it. Everything crashes down, the humiliation and rejection too much to bare, turning Rogue was her only option. She couldn't submit any longer to the torture and living in the woods for a couple years before death seemed less painful. Until a man arrives. Claiming that Amethyst isn't an orphan. That she belongs to one of the five founding families. Amethyst thought that rejection was where her life ended. Wait till she finds out that it's only the beginning and neither her heart or life are safe. ******** Book 2 Maverick's past is a secret for a reason, there are rumors spread that he made deals with ancient witches to get the power every member longs for. But it's just a rumor....or is it? There is a reason why his mind and heart are always at war because if he claims Sage as his, hell would rip her from this earth. The best option is to stay away from her, to not have contact with her. What can he do when she shows up at his territory? Desperate to escape her grief. The problem is, Maverick made promises and with Sage in the picture - he can't keep them. There is a reason why Maverick is the Forbidden Alpha.. and Sage is about to find out what being a Fated Mate truly means. ******* Book 3 Jasmine Ravenstone gave up everything for a man who couldn't speak. Renouncing her Alpha title and fleeing with Kyson Zero, she has no idea of the past he carries or the Fated Mate curse she will endure. Being born from the first witch in existence, Kyson and Kier had to go through lifetimes to kill their father and never succeeded in their destiny. Now, the seal has been broken and they are down to their last life. If they don't kill their father then the supernatural world will cease to exist. Kyson didn't realize the ramifications of his actions. Stealing a Fated comes with consequences, a sirebond that ties Jasmine to him. He didn't expect a curse that will cause damnation. ******* Book 4 Kier Zero returns to his life as Alpha, after ultimately killing his first tormentor. But that was only his first demon, there is a second one that haunts him. Marked by Olivia Aspen, he wants as much distance away from her as possible. Until she arrives, with a mysterious power that everyone seems to want and a debt to a deadly vampire. She has no one to consult, stranded and lost in a world without a pack or home. Olivia chooses to repay her debt, but that comes with strings attached when the charming vampire has more to offer than she ever could have imagined.

The Mate He Hates

The Mate He Hates



Warning: This book has high sexual assault displays, but does not support any form of rape. I, Alpha Edward Parker, swear that I will keep you tied to me until I make you pay for what you did to my mate," he swore, gripping my chin in a bruising hold. "Not only will you wish for death, but you will beg for it, and it will be too far from you." I could feel the eyes of the whole pack on us. They probably came to experience a normal wedding, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I was being married off to a groom because he wanted revenge. Tears welled, and I wanted to scream, "I am your mate; I'm the one who saved you, not her." But I knew no one would believe me. I was his mate, how could he not recognize me? Four years ago, Amanda happened to save a total stranger, but due to a string of misunderstandings, her sister took her place. The stranger then promised a vow of betrothal to his savior. Not seeing any use in correcting the error, Amanda allowed it. That was her biggest mistake because the stranger ended up being her own mate. Caught in a web of lies and confusion, she decides to set herself free by speaking the truth. But her plans are thwarted when her sister turns up dead, and she is pinned as the main suspect. A mate out to seek revenge for another, a forced marriage, an underlying plot, a web of lies, and many dark secrets. How can Amanda navigate all these without losing sight of herself? How will she speak the truth when she has already lost her voice and has been destroyed by her own mate?

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