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Fred Fearnot's New Ranch


Word Count: 3221    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s with their friends. As the news spread through the city fully a score of young ladies called at the

joy herself until they came back, as they were going down to the ranc

a drink, and he gave a regular Indian war-whoop when he saw the boys alight. He hugged both of

Jack had been building for his mother and

t is that you are build

, for the present," he replied; "but

such a big house? It's big enough for al

ikely to be one for several years to come; so, when any friends

rry, "Evelyn ca

ad! But why didn't you b

s she wanted to help us build up a home out here. So, unt

e fellows around here that she is the most beautiful youn

four-room houses for her, for we will live

house for when my house is la

home. We want to build a resid

t's a mi

friends down here both from Crabtree and from the North. We'll fence in the spring to keep the cattle from crowding around it, make bea

the house in which Jack had bee

hed up and wanted to carry the valises for them, and made ev

d that one of bed-rooms furnished and sti

see you have been keeping qu

the same time

had any trouble

uldn't pay him a cent at the end of the month for his work, as he was doing it of his own accord, and needn't expect any pay for it. After a week he signed the pledge, came around to see me, and said that he wished to apologize,

be too harsh. Always give a man a chance. You were

o much of anything; but at least a score of big, rough fellows are waiting

y another thousand head of cattle and rush them down to the ra

done a good business, and

ves been getting

pect that both ranches have lost a few, for I fear that the cowboys haven't kept as strict a watch as they should have done. One day three big, rough follows came into the store and

id Terry. "Did he sta

les and no mistake, for he fanned out two of those fellows with bare fists. One of them wanted to use his gun, but I drew mine, and said that I would shoot first; so Nick just

they had built bunks, brought down their own blankets and cooking utensils

id, "and they do their own cooking, an

f a cook are

it is good cooking or not, I don't know; but it is good, wholesome fare. I made coffee

at his utensils, saw that he had a place

learn to cook so

e. I had a well driven down in the yard out there, and a pump attached to it. It is not as good water as that down at the spri

d, you would get along all right, my boy.

fish I go but to the lake and get it. When I want quail or

if anything more is needed than the market

a carpet in the house, but that he had good sheets

s must go back to town to-morrow, buy carpets, have them made, and lay in all other necessaries for Evelyn's comfort, and let her invite some of the ladies

saw that the milch-cows were looking well, and, of course, fat and yielding an abundant supply of milk, which J

Terry had gone North, as he preferred quail and prairie chicken. He also stated that he had been compelled to clip their wings very close, as his cowbo

d regularly, they will never leave the place; but chickens who are allowed to run everywhe

e pigs on the lot that were as fa

n be delighted with these little fellows? B

be a little difficult to keep the turkeys in, unless we have

fond of wandering over a wide range; b

milk and butter, and coffee in abundance. The two boys praised Jack high

his mother, and had made about twenty thousand dollars for her, which

ly whoope

I haven't been able to sell any c

ou just take good care of that money and don't use it ex

d he astounded to see how they have picked up flesh. The ranchman that

ray cattle, so I don't wonder at their being fat. When cold weather come

one of them was smoking a pipe, as they could always buy tobacco at the store. The stock in the litt

orekeeper keep his

anch and mine. Other cowboys come in and want credit, but I told him not to credit anybody off of our two ranches, as we can then always know

for Evelyn, and Fred boarded the first freight train engine that went up the next morning and so r

she, "where

boy you ever saw in your life. He had milk

a thing before in his life," she

k. Each little pig tries to get more of it than his neighbor, and then just to think, too, we have a good flock of chickens, those we bought before we

any of them. Fred? Do

ckens actually come up and beg to be shot, and he has never h

are you going

ing to-

I go back

though, and help me select two carpets,

got her hat and gloves

ain carpets, saying that fine ca

very best velvet carpets th

is reckless

d we expect you to have quite a number of young ladies from Crabtree to go down there and spend as long a time as they choose, to be company for you. Then I'll buy a bookcase and have plenty of books and magazines; for both Terry and you, as well as I, are fond of good reading. Then we must have some good strong oilc

t put in any objections, whatever. He said that if she wanted to rough it she could go out of doors into the bar

purchases. Then, about sunset, Fred returned to the ranch

e evening, but she told them that he was preparing a house down on the ranch for her and a number of their friend

number of them were

looking after and petting the mild-eyed milch-cows, and awoke fully convinced that she was going

's cows in Fredonia, and she enjoyed

ion with her, and she un

usekeeping and milking and butter-making. The ladies seemed to be surprised at her enthusiasm, and aske

was no amusement she would rather indulge in than to milk cows

ing in such amusements seemed inc

with men to lay them, the furniture was moved in, and shades and lace curtains put up, until really the plai

ain engine, and Evelyn wanted to come back on the same; but he insist

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