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Fred Fearnot's New Ranch


Word Count: 3120    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

in, Fred and Terry began making preparations for the

ected to her going anywhere with her brother; so, after

ew York City, where she was to

accompanied them down to the wharf. The very best staterooms in the steamer had been reserved for

ich New Orleans merchant whom Fred and Terry knew well by reputation, and, of course, the merchant and his family knew them in the same way Evelyn made their acquaintance before the vessel had actually passed through the Narrows.

quite good linguists, Mr. Fearnot particularly. He can learn a foreign language more easily and rap

Fred and Terry came up to where Evelyn was talking with

ised. "Why, Mr. Fearnot," said one of them, "I've heard a great de

d, and Terry proceeded to amus

oles remarked that she w

get seasick?"


ute to old King Neptune. I've done my best to make friends

ing to laugh at until you reach New Orleans

is funny

e makes funny remark

aughed a

old Father Neptune that I think

ou get s

have to retire to my stateroom for at least twenty-four hours; then I'm all

passengers sought the seclusion of their staterooms

name was Elon, remained on deck longer

ounger of the two Elon sis

laughed and

o be on quite good terms wi

to go South by water I began to make preparati

world did you m

emedy for seasickness, o

is it? I have never hea

e beginning the voyage. I have a bottle of acid phosphate in my room, and a teaspoonful in half a gla

it? I'm not at all seasick, but if

h about two teaspoonfuls of acid phosphate in it. He went to the water co

he, "and in twenty or thirty

ed it up and drained eve

id he, "you too

never heard of it as an antidote for seasi

two drinks since

came out he tendered his arms to the girl

r and asked her if sh

e least bit. This gentleman is

ot. I heard of you several times when you were in

rd, and so is hi

t him and his sister,"

was a little too rough for her she had to retire to her room, and I hardly think that we will have the pleasure of seeing her again before tomorrow. Mr.

asked her father h

lly groaning and making belie

y time she sails," and

ast a half hour. Then he drew a package of ci

sir; but I n

excuse me, then

er side of the deck and lit a cigar by using a match ma

gan puffin

eezed Fred's

im slipping back to his room

"you seem to be a p

spicions that I will ret

r you are beautiful to look at, if you

er see a girl who didn't

Coney Island. The young man who was acting as her escort thought that he would compliment her by mentioning that she was the most beautiful girl on the ship. She thought it was spoken sarcastically, for she co

d heartily at th

s as ugly as she feels, even if she don't. Now, Mr. Fearnot," she continued

with the glass with the phosphate in it. Filling the glass with water,

aughed, and swallowed t

th thanks, and he took it back to

eet admirably, and even when supper was

and sister have all retired. W

a smile. "You are a strong, brave girl, and you mu

aking his arm, she accompanied him down into the dini

back up on deck, for all people when seasick want to be out in the fresh

t season of the year, but the wind bl

he deck until ten o'cl

ou will excuse

but tell me, do you fee

sphate seemed to have been the very thing for me,

ay need some, too, through the night; so you may take the bottle

eakfast-room, some looking very pale and wearied; but the e

t the table her sister an

to accompany

eeling, dear?"

otten over old Neptune's sla

then he told her abou

was sitting alongside

ine never g

aded the deck until ten o'clock. She drank pretty freely

y didn't you offe

ore we came aboard, but

didn't nee

e looking a little pale yet, and it isn't too late to brace up with

Mr. Fearnot, I wish you could have heard the many kind thin

my ears did tingle so last night

with Miss Elo

at that so

appeared, some of them still showing the effects of seasickness, but by noon they were all out, for the

ing at all, unless sucking two or three

clock, still entertaining very b

ndulging in profanity than any man living, but along

he two Elon sisters, and kept her laughing hea

, it was quite late in the night, and some of the passengers fe

ays rough at that point

ls were flying around, following the ship to pick up such bits of food as the cooks and waiters cast overb

ere fired without a si

er Carey's chickens, as they call the seagull, bu

How white and clean they seem to be, and what beautiful white w

ked Terry, "and only a good marksm

you and Mr. Fearnot being the best marksmen i

t a wing to place in your ha

one so that I could

wn on deck here so that you can examine it to your satisfactio

ait until one of the gulls flies over us, then he w

head, and then he quickly raised his revolver and fired. The bullet

and that the gentleman might fire one hundred times again without bringing down another bird, but not one of them thought to a

e same kind in their hats, and some of them insisted on comparing t

not those on the hat were the same kind as those of th

arison might be made as to the size and exact color to settl

he deck, "I'll lay fifty dollars down here which says

u mean to say that I can't brin

ust what

oolish man, if you will

un I wouldn't make the bet, but with your revolver you couldn't hit another bird on t

ng you another quest

s many as

to know how much mon

ksmanship. If you want to make the bet a hundred, or two h

d dollars just to show you how foolish you are to make a bet of that kind

and the fellow drew a big roll of money from his pocket a

d dollars which he asked the young lady from New Orleans

t if I run a

he chances of it

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