Catherine Booth
in doing and enduring His will, rather than in good sentiments and feeling
good; secondly, she was love; and, thirdly, she was a Warrior. Let us, following The General's outline, look at these three leading qualities in her life. 'First,' he said, 'she was good. She was washed in the Blood of the Lamb. To the last moment her cry
at I want first to tell you, before we consider
ady seen, she considered it a sin to waste precious time. Any one who was lazy
at it will be thrown away. It is the nature of the man that is at fault, and not his circumstances. He is a drone, and nothing, no change of place or po
nd housekeeping needed for a family of little children when means are scarce would have been burden enough for most mothers. But besides this came her own letter-writing, preparing for her
s, without finding how true and sincere she was. To please no one wo
sty to be the best policy, and I shall act upon it. Let
soul and in dealing with the souls of others. Great or small, rich or poor, sh
more thorough than ever with souls under conviction. Let us not be afraid to wound too deeply. Thousands of p
w God better, and to serve Him more perfectly, yet it was not till some
hrough, before the blessing of Holiness becam
everything else, and spent the chief part of the day in reading and prayer, and trying to believe for it. On Thursday afternoon at tea-time I was well-nigh discouraged, and felt my old visitant, irrit
ost dared to believe that He did give me rest from inbred sin–the rest of perfect Holiness. But I staggered at the promise through unbelief, and therefore failed to enter in. The second passage consisted of tho
terate habit of unbelief! How wonderful that God should have borne so long with me! When we got up from our knees, I lay on the sofa, exhausted with the excitement and effort of the day. William said, "Don't you lay all on the altar?" I replied, "I am sure I do!" Then he said, "And isn't the altar holy?" I replied in the language of the Holy Ghost, "The altar is most holy, and whatsoever toucheth it is holy." Then, said he, "Are you not holy?" I replied wi
nto rest." This is just descriptive of my state at present. Not that I am not tempted, but I am allowed to know the Devil when he approaches me, and I look to my Deliverer Jesus, and He still
sense I have of my own utter unworthiness. Satan has met me frequently with my peculiarly aggravated sins, and I have admitted it all. But then I have said, the Lord has not made my sanctification to d
ing, we know. Was not, then, the long struggle and agony on her own behalf worth it? Ye
Mrs. Booth had to fight unbelief. This determination
struggled to throw herself on the Lord; but faith was
able to feed and clothe her family: this was a sore trial
and house rent. I feel a good deal perplexed, and am sometimes tempt
er own experience in one of
ing to steer straight through such a labyrinth; but I am determined to hold on to the promises, come what will. My God is the living God. He sees me, k
ve, all things are possible to thee. Never mind whether anybody else can or cannot. If others are too strong to let Me carry them, if thou art weak enough to throw up all self-effort, and trust Me with thy whole weig
and tempted to be discouraged bec
ionists are in danger of erring on the other side. We look too much at ourselves apart from Him who is or would be our righteousn
s us a beautiful bit of her own s
The chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof." Oh, how precious it is when we see as well as believe, but yet more blessed to believe and not see! Lord, work this determined, obstinate, blind, unquestioning, unanswering faith in me and my beloved friend, and let us two dare to trust Thee in the