Catherine Booth
t your children converted so early?" "Oh," I said, "
dolls as if they had been real babies; you will, therefore, guess that with her own children she was the best and
t be weaned from us; and secondly, because the next year will be the most important of his life with reference to managing his will; and in this I cannot but distrust you. I know, my
ad strength to do so, especially desiring he should be a teacher of Holiness.' These prayers began to be answered very early. The boy had a truthful and conscientious nature. Never, his mot
ip him twice lately severely for disobedience, and it has cost me some tears. But it has done him good, and I am reaping the re
elp she despised. When her little son, therefore, saw and pitied a small boy
give it to the poor boy?' she asked. 'Give it to the boy,' h
talked to him in a Meeting, and urged him to get saved. The boy sat still and said nothing. 'Willie, I
her face steadily an
utterable thankfulness, she found him squeezed in among a number of other children at the penitent-f
boy, now our beloved General, dates his conversion fr
taught of the Spirit. I feel a great increase of responsibility with res
n. One by one they gave their hearts to the L
ay with us. I wore then a low frock, and her hot tears would often dr
might lay them in their graves rather
ular about the way in whic
spirit was already in The Army Mother, and she would not h
e in this direction. I feel no temptation now to decorate myself, but I cannot say the same about the children; and yet, Oh, I see I must be decided.
oth felt how wrong it was to s
e days. From a worldly point of view it would have been considered, no doubt, very neat and consistent. But on several occasions I had good crying fits over
l mother. She hated waste and luxury, but her children were always properly
ironing the baby's pinafores, or cutting out a pair of trousers for one of her boys! 'I must try,' she said, when she began to live this two-fold life, 'to do all in the kitchen as
er actual sons and daughters, but to her spiritual grandchildren who will read this little book. Therefore I am go
boys at scho
ention. Remember Satan steals his marches on us by littles–a minute no
you a wiser and better man. Never forget my advice about not listening to secrets! Don't hear anything that needs to be whispered–it i
er children desired to go in for some higher educatio
ing a mistake. Perhaps you say, "You don't want me, then, to learn any more?" Yes, I do, a great deal more; but of the right kind, in the right way, and for a right purpose, even the highest good
have now for all
n at school they were given places of trust as monitors, and so on. As if knowing the responsibili
of the Lord. Very much depends on you as to the ease and comfort of managing the little ones. Do all you can. Be forbearing where only your own feelings or co
fed up by it. Remember how weak you are, and ask the Lord to save you from conceit and self-sufficiency. Try to be fair and just in all dealings wi
f them against extreme
elaxation and walking, will do your mind much more good than "all work, and no play." Now mark this. Do not be looking so much at what you have to do as to what you are doing. Leave the future (you may spend it in Heaven), and go steadily on doing to-day's work in to-day's hours, with recr
ter to let him look at the guinea-pigs being fed, and thus have pleased him. There was no harm in what he wanted to do. You should watch against a hectoring spirit, and mind the differe
et your thoughts get so absorbed, even in study, as t
e warns them in the tenderest way
t ligh
an incorrigible joker. It may not hurt him much, because it is his natu
hings to win some, don't forfeit your natural self-respect
too mu
up to obey; and though you sometimes fail and slip, do not be discouraged, but yield yourself up again and again, and plead more fervently with God to keep you. Fourteen years ago you were learning to w
irls of fourteen or fifteen to undertake a public life, and to speak and sing at the str
air to a large crowd, Mrs. Booth objected, as other mothers have
aid, 'Mamma, dear, you will have to settle this question with God; for Katie is a
voice of God, and gave her girl up to the ma
ites of her
humble and simple, and that all that th
ou may live; but I also see your danger, and I pray for you that you may be enabled to cast aside the
to do, how they would spend their lives. Mrs. Booth might be writing to
e Jesus Christ's! You are free to do it; able by His grace; born to do it, with splendid opportunities. Will you not rise to your destiny? "Have courage, and be strong, and I (the I Am) will be with thee." "Get thee out, and I will g
of her boys
y you will not sell your birthright? The Lord help you! Take hold of Da
t. Now we want men who are set on soul-saving, who are not ashamed to let everybody know it–men of a Christ-like spirit. There need be no mistake or mystery about it. "By their fruits ye sh
daughters she re
d, aspire to be the "bride of the Lamb," and to follow Him in conflict for the Salvation of poor, lost, miserable man. I pray the Lord to show it to you, and so to enamour you of Himself, that you
your mind and heart on winning souls, and to leave everything else with the Lord. When you do this you w
could give her for her ceaseless toil and labour on their
t to be useful to your fellow-men. I ask from you, as I asked from God, no other reward. If I know my own heart, I would rather that you should work for the Salvation of souls, making bad hearts good, a
when tempted to be ove
f God." What would you do if you were put in custody for two years, like Paul was? And yet that imprisonment at Rome sent the Gospel far and wide! God's ways are not our ways. He takes in the whole field at once,
discouraged at the sta
line. You ask, did I ever feel so? Yes, I think just as bad as any mortal could feel–empty, insid
pposition. And it has been the same with many of God's most honoured instruments. I believ
, how would you do it but by opposing those who were bent on building up His Kingdom? He hopes to drive us from the field by blood and fire and vapour of smoke. But our Captain fought and won the batt
s. No! He hath chosen them. Will He ever forsake them, and thus make Himself a laughing-stock for Hell? N
question of court
nt you to be a leader in some vast continent, and you will want a companion and a counsellor–a "helpmeet." The original word means "a help corresponding to his dignity" This is the meaning given by the best expositors. Oh, what wisdom there is even in the words whi
an unsuitable match! It is beyond description. I could tell you tal
mise would not afford me ground for confidence afterwards. And do not we see enough all round us to show that unless people adopt things on principle, because they see it to be right, they soon change? Look at the folks who promise to give up tobacco and dress, for the sake of getting into berths; how soon it evaporates
ure indeed!" When God's time and person are come, He will bring you together. How delighted an
e General said she was The Ar
and hid it away in her heart as too sacred to be spoken of, and almost too wonder
she also saw the glorious outcome, and from her death-bed sent tenderest messages