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Baby Mine

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1631    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

papers at his office. Dispatching his man to get them and to meet him at the station with them, he collected a few remaining letters from the drawer of the writing table, then uneasy at rema

ted it was untidiness. Putting his hat down with a bang, he tried to flick the dust from his sleeve wit

me of the bedroom door. She was quick to perceive Alfred's plight. Disappearing from view for a

ck little flutter of the brush on his sleeve. He turned in surprise and beheld Z

ared at her as though he would

appeal of "Let's make up." But Alfred was in no mood for nonsense. He

turned to the table where he had left his hat. His face wore a puzzled look. He glanced beneath the table, in the chair, behind the table, across the piano, and then he began circling the room with pent up rage.

something, de

s dignity by answering her, but he needed his

and she glanced around the room wit

king the mystery solved, he da

ie, and she laid a small detainin

e shook the small hand from his sleeve a

Zoie, pretending to b

urning upon her sharply. "All I want is my

" stammered Zoie, a

fury. "You've butted me out of everything that I wan

aid it yourself

T," roare


a final effort toward restraint. "You'd just as well stop all these baby tricks," he t

raid to talk to me?"

afraid?" deman

with some truth on her side. "Yo

of this house once and for all and to stay out of

deep reproach. "You liked this pla

leeve. Edging her way toward him cautiously s

curtly, and he sank into the nearest

in the world looking unbrushed," she pouted. Then with a sly emphasis

. While he stooped to tie a knot in it, Zoi

inued coaxingly, "no one co

d broke his

nd how you refused to take any help from your family? And do you remember that silly old pair of black trousers that used to get so thin on th

an could endure no more. "You've used those t

n she was aghast at his fury, but only temporari

ED," she argued, "where

on, I act." And determined not to be cheated out of t

ed Zoie in a ton

fred turned to learn t

t your overshoe

y, but Zoie moved before him swiftly. "I'll get

Alfred. They wer

outed Zoie, and the pink tips of her fi

ndignation. "Either you can't, or you won't understand that it is extremely

ised the "lawful"-"I shan't let any harm come to you, if I can help it." She lifted her eyes to heave

u wouldn't let any harm come to me. Oh, no. You've only made me the greatest joke in Chicago," he s

her way close to him and looked up into his eyes in baby-like wonderment. "Why, Allie, where

ured voice. "I am going. Where's my hat?" And a

is time there was genuine alarm in

Before he knew it, Zoie's arms were

es you like," she cried with great self-abasement

e to go on with this cat and dog existence. You'd like me to stay right here and pay t

ou talk like that," whimpered Zoie. "You know v

y BUT me." She was about to object, but he continued quickly. "Where you

of vindictiveness in her voice. "The only male creatu

it to meet you," declared Alfr

acquaintances," snipped Zoie. Even HE

r like this,"

y, when you can't think of

d of answering your non

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