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The Motor Boys on the Pacific; Or, the Young Derelict Hunters


Word Count: 1487    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

d hard work not to burst into laughter at the sight of the profe

and lizards which were crawling about the steps. In his hand the scientist held a large magnifying glass, through which he was staring at som

oung woman. "You are cra

mall insect and transferred it to a tiny glass box. "I have it! Oh, this is a most fortunate day for me. The museum will be very glad

!" greeted Ned. "

ng up from his inspection of the spider. "Luck seems to be

specimens long, if you don't get busy," put i

h, my goodness! That is too bad. I brought them with me to compare with the horned toads and web-footed

as the scientist released her arm. She was convince

called Ned. "He

scientist said, producing them from his po

d acquired a certain familiarity with strange insects and reptiles, from seeing the museum collector handle them, they did not fancy picking up a toad or lizard ba

permit me to ask how you are. I am sorry my visit was attended with such excitement, but I could not miss the chance of getting that spider. That young

be excused from helping the cause of science in that way. But, Professo

s the answer. "I suppose you

f this week," and he explained how they hoped the destination o

d, and some web-footed lizards. I understand there are some to be had in the southern part of California, and so I will go there. I see no r

or your sake. I haven't

ssor. "Some day you will see the real beauty of

mured Bob. "But now come in and l

ise of specimens in a safe place in the hall. Then he and the boys discussed matters. Mr. Slade came in, soon after the ar

g to give you any advice, for you ought to be able to take care of yourselves

aid the scient

t take the boys long to get ready. By the end of the week the last valise had

go down the coast by land to the small town of San Felicit

n pulled out of the Cresville depot. "I've always

t to enjoy ourselv

trip. When they got to the Windy City, they found they would have to wait sev

scientific book, sitting as undisturbed in the station, filled as it w

fifteen minutes," he informed the

and were glad enough to take thei

announced Bob. "That resta

n't got any eating in it?" asked

certainly had fine pie

s Jerry help up his ha

isper, as he leaned forward. "See some

ches were arranged so that travelers occupying them sat back to back. "His voice sounded like one I've heard before, but I ca

o his companion beside him. There came a momentary lull in the noises

elicts are not uncommon, and I think we'l

ed the other ma

e of them knew at once that the man who had spoken was the stranger who had acted so queerly in the Cresvill

for the west

was the same individual who had been so particular a

mment the man and his companion were los

professor, closing his

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