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The Motor Boys on the Pacific; Or, the Young Derelict Hunters


Word Count: 1135    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

l studies on Monday morning fairly startled the boys, at first. The

one?" asked Bob, r

t your home now,

o have one, to

ived," went on Ned. "Maybe you'd better go s

Bob. "I'm going to see if

might, as you say, Ned, be a j

s, similar to the one Ned had. To further convince them, as Jerry and Bob were returning to

led-great calamity-fine-horrible-terrible-don't have to study-longer vacation-steam

for that?" asked Jerry cal

t, isn't it? Did you get a circular too?" and An

not have hurried, for Andy, so full of news that he could not keep still, had rushed off down the street, hoppi

would let them go, especially after Mr. Seabury's invitation, and the letter from Professo

father, had settled in a small town near the coast, not far from Santa Barbara, and on a litt

says he knows it would do him good to see you boys, and he wishes-in fact we all wish-you three chums could come out here for

that," announced Bob, when Jerry

asked Ned, his two friends having called at h

ofessor Snodgrass had planned. Perhaps h

d find out. I wish he'd call or write. Have you heard a

d me to wait a while before writing again. Somethi


express that day, and acted so strange about his bo

ied Ned and

ne box away out west, but it fell and burst partly open. The box was in one corner of the room, and, while I was there Mr. Hitter's dog went up to it and began sniffing

s h

k. Mr. Hitter said there must be something queer in that box, to make the dog

in it?"

queer kind of poison that acted on animals, but not on human beings, and he put the box up on a high shelf where h

nge manner, too, as if he was afraid some one would see h

emember this incident of the box filled with a stran

any in time to use the money on our California trip, so we might as well take some cash out of our saving fund

or a rare specimen of mud turtle, that he has forgot

nt door. The bell had rung a few seconds before, and the servant m

n't do that! You are a crazy

ply came t

t spider crawling on your left arm. It is a very valuable variety of the red spot

arrived!" cried Ned, as h

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