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The Go Ahead Boys and the Racing Motor-Boat


Word Count: 1721    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

A hasty examination convinced them that all their belongings were safe. In accordance with the suggestion whi

is all right. If we don't like to sail in the night then we can stop there, but if we want to

vel through the country by night. Perhaps we'll f

ll find our ghosts a little more substa

it didn't come to Utica. I left word with the express offic

the ghost of it,

ders of the attractive city, but after they had passed the first village on their way George said quickly, "Fellows, I believe it's going

aught out here in a th

e the hotel or tavern is that they told me about in Utica. It won't rain before we get there for it is onl

eased. Less than a half-hour had elapsed when the boys found t

called John. "It loo

ill be to stop. We'll find a place where we can leave the motor-boat and t

graceful little boat was covered in such a way that she was pr

once started for the hotel which they we

long the darkened street, and in a fe

a long roll of thunder followed by a blinding f

ght if you do what I tell you to. It was my suggestion and I am glad

in which they found themselves. "It seems to me that the motto over the

find that?" l

r of the motto over

t manifest, for at that moment in the midst of a deafening peal of

ou?" she inquired as

thought perhaps we might stay h

e woman dubiously. "I don't know wh

ings gave evidence of the many years that had passed since they had been placed there. Not a door fitted its frame and the windows were all small, the panes being not much more than seven by nine. Whatever was done in one part of the house plainly was likely to be

ed to the landlady, "I think we w

ny supper?" inq

ome in Utica,"

are you

go to the St.

exclaimed the woman

got a mot

terrible long ways and I don't see how y

we had better stop here for the ni

he woman, who busied herself lightin

Fred, who did not think it necessary to go m

fast. Now, if you'll follow m

-room at that moment there came another noisy ou

e?" inquired Fred, nodding his

A stormy night like this drives a good man

oisy lot," su

etimes they go off and don't pay me a cent. That's one r

ave to pay before we take

what I say. That's th

see the rooms first

aking stairway and then through the hall on the second floor. The floor here also was loose and every step was

last as she stopped before the

aren't we?" inquired John as anot

"You'll get used to it same as I have. I go to sleep and don't pay

the doors, which were unlo

hey became aware in the dim light of the condi

d water since the Erie Canal was built," whisper

minute, Pop,"

ts height. For them to go on in the Black Growler was almost impossible. There was nothing

boys explained they might have to leave the village before sunrise, they prepared for bed. They were thoroughly tired by the new experiences of

nt withdrew, Fred said, "If we need your help in

ed, Peewee?"

" retorted Fred. "I don't like the soun

oors. An old fashioned iron latch was the only means by which each door was ope

he door," said Fred. "I'm afraid so

s were in bed the door of the room which Fred and John

Boys and the Myst

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