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The Go Ahead Boys and the Racing Motor-Boat


Word Count: 1665    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

feet, moving in a line nearly parallel with

before," muttered Fred. "Can any

swiftly moving boat. "I can make out some of the letters, Fred,"

?" demanded

it yet," answered George. "I do

ted Fred. "I think I know the b

ly there's something right after the

ur mother told me that she doesn't want any better evidence that your clothes are hanging in the

handed the glasses to his comrade. "Grant is a good boy. The o

up John, "it isn't be

the other Go Ahead boys. "I'm just about to find out

rupted Fred. "Can't you see t

rant. "You had better slow up a bit, Py

eased the power of the

led Grant exultantly a mome

red quickly as he glance

is," said Grant positively.

aw the Varmint run away from all the boats in the race. This must be a new one and if she's swifter th

was nearer the rival boat. It was plain now that the crew of the Varmint II were deeply interested

then abruptly the Varmint II shut off par

ould like to run away from that boat in a race. There isn'

going to be on the St. Lawrence

ody taking the joy out of life. You mark my words, that boat is going to

Fred, if you knew a little more about steering a boat I think you could win fr

orge quickly. "All the Blac

true," said John slowly, wi

n this crowd to spell me at the wheel. I have run all the way from New York a

d John. "Ill steer her

as Grant now steering and we struck a rock he would never own up that that wasn't the ve

" inquired George. "This mad race has b

thing you can say is that you are less hungry some

top at Poughkeep

do for me all right

epsie. Two of the boys had remained on board to guard their possessions while two had

nd about fifteen minutes after their departure George was seen returnin

as his friend stepped on boar

ow. I lost

ghkeepsie. I'm afraid w

g we won't do tho

hat?" inq

him to come before w

" said George, as at once he opened the packages and pa

at do you suppose has become of that fellow? I told you that his mother said that he was worse

in Poughkeepsie?" in

ever stop

other explanations. I kno

e the one to g

not," lau

proceeds gracefully on its way and leaves little Johnnie to come aft

any canal her

to settle the way he will c

this ship, anywa

t has often puzzled me t

am," sa

boat is going on to Albany. We have got to get there to-night and if John doesn't care enough about going with

arply. "John will be here in a few m

and still the absent member of t

d a search for John begun, was overruled by his two companions and in spite of the captain's protests,

ded for the far away St. Lawrence, there was nothing to indicate the fact. And yet Fred became more positive with the passing minutes that among his ri

r exercise and in spite of the beauty of the region through which they were pas

n sky when Fred at last said, "I thin

l find String ther

uld be sure to find him there, but no one knows what Jack will do. The

at we'll find John waiting for us at the

e dinner to-night," said George. "My own fee

to be tied up for the night. The three Go Ahead boys were peering ahead of them with

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