The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) and Two Rambler papers (1750)
Author: Samuel Johnson Genre: LiteratureThe Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) and Two Rambler papers (1750)
entering the Dickinson. "Too bad you're stuck down in the G
t quickly ahead, "a great business man. He's a sort of clearing h
Stover, as the Tennessee Shad, to ga
them or us next year. Here's Turkey Reiter's and Butcher Stevens' quarters. They're crackerjacks, too; on the eleven and the nine. Come on
that climbed the walls and crowded the mantelpiece, tops of bottles that peered out of half-opened boxes, all ticketed and mustered in regiments. From the ceiling a baby alligator swung on a wire, blinking at them horribly with shinin
n't it?" said th
" said Stover, n
skeleton over there in that corner; but they're hard to
ly on the bed, after brushing aside the débris; while Macnooder,
rst; a student lamp, and an
gravely. "Better get a padlock with it, or the
can on hand," said Macnooder
ered affair in the midd
for them when they're new; but you can have this for two-twenty-five. There's a bite out o
ht," sai
rst," said the Tenness
a match and, after an unsuccessful attempt, said
aid Stover loudly, t
the toi
w about
d Macnooder, disappearing among
aid the Tennessee
got one," s
an ordinary kerosene can
one I've got on
see Shad. "No one can get in here;
der he
ork?" said Sto
side. See? Now no one can get it. I don't particularly care ab
id the Tennessee Shad
ash?" said Macno
" said
l it one b
Tennessee Shad, who winked at hi
. "I've got two, plain and fancy, what we call a souvenir set-bu
nir set?" said
y piece is different, collected from all sorts of places-swap 'em around like posta
a," said Dink, whose ima
d the Tennessee Shad, yawning; "got at hotels,
signs all hollow," said D
sted," said the Tennessee Shad
et I w
ssee Shad; "bring out the souvenir se
o, after much rummaging, puffed back with a bl
sh of his hand. "Good condition, too; only the so
no eyes for t
other," he said,
loth to exert him
o it, bub," he said, w
s no bottle baby; he's more of a sport than you think. I'll bet yo
ht strike your fancy," sai
ally lazy. You're the deuce of a
alf heartedly, moving back i
afford it," said the Tennesse
over beheld a green and white pitcher, rising like a pond lily from the depths of a red and white basin, while
r's enthusiasm. The lavender tooth mug, especially, attracted his curi
he rest," he said finally, l
Do you know whose that is? That was swi
ring term, when he wa
on't s
, wondering what sum could possi
traded by Cap Kiefer, catcher of the nine, you know. But there's one article," said Doc, pointing
ard at Macnooder and raised his right
irect from Foundation House. Th
Shad, not daring to look at M
e, will you? It was smashed up at the fire scare and thrown away with a lot of
ing to impose on my young confidence. Gee! Just think, of it! Cracky, what
Macnooder. "It ain't mine; I'
ch article, drew a long br
it comes pr
worth more tha
of co
et on it was
d the Tennessee Shad. "Specially w
cheaper at two-fift
rt on this," said the Tenness
nfessed t
e him a bette
to consult
sult your
er disa
ou can beat him down. Doc wants to make his c
id on this. This is the best thing in the whole caboo
hool, were a pair of battered and torn football shoes, while underneath was a p
ver. "He wouldn
ou and me and the lamppost, Doc is devilishly h
," said Dink reverentially. The Te
d in tissue paper, tucked under Stover's arm, were the precious shoes, which he had purchased on the distinct understanding that Macnooder should have the right to redeem them at any time before the end of the term, on the payment of costs and fifty-per-cent interest. In Stover's pocket was a new f
e three o'clock recitation had begun, and but a scatterin
een and, with the help of Klondike, arranged hi
ng the historic shoes and searching the walls for t
hen stopped at the sight of the twisted lamp. He look
as the rickets-bet it leaks
d the kerosene can, wit
rise, picking it up with two fingers and rega
aid Stover, yielding to a
s a pa
r the ke
sene for
oop, we don't fur
, with a horrible sinking feeli
u?" said Butsey, to
ad, I'll bet my pants
did they un
bought a s
nir toil
and, uttered a shriek and fe
n deft movement, Dink dropped the historic shoes, sent them under the bed with a savage kick and, rushing to the window, threw the safety can into the tall grass of the fields beyond. Then he returned solemnly, sa
," said Di
and a hand fluttered beseechingly, whi
over the set of seven color
t; I've hidden
own washstand and drank deeply from the water p
d! Soak
ere old enough t
," said Stover,
ed Dink, but with a
u!" said Buts
. He scratched his head and then look
he said, with reluctant admiration. "I'll take my medicine
of Mike, give
p it twenty
s I'm not such a little wonder-worker, after all. I've been fresh-rotten fresh. But, say, from now on I'm holding my ear to the ground;