That Prince Is A Girl: The Vicious King's Captive Slave Mate.
The Jilted Heiress' Return To The High Life
Rejected No More: I Am Way Out Of Your League, Darling!
My Coldhearted Ex Demands A Remarriage
His Unwanted Wife, The World's Coveted Genius
Pampered By The Ruthless Underground Boss
The Warlord's Lovely Prize
The Unwanted Wife's Unexpected Comeback
Between Ruin And Resolve: My Ex-Husband's Regret
Requiem of A Broken Heart
?How much pain do you have to go through before giving up is okay??
Aanvi Zenobia Henderson
Today's a new day, I thought as I went through my clothes deciding what to wear. I didn't have much to decide from but I wanted to look my best anyway.
Sighing in frustration, I sat in the pile of clothes now annoyed I couldn't find anything to wear. Grabbing my phone I went to the messenger app clicking on my sister name.
Can't find anything to wear, have fun without me.
I sent the message and leaned back feeling my mood go down. Not even thirty seconds passed before I heard the Facebook call come through. I sighed already knowing who it was.
"Yes?" I answered preparing myself.
"What do you mean you have nothing to wear? Just throw on anything, who are you trying to impress?" Cailee asked.
"Nobody but I still at least want to look presentable."
"Nobi, you'll be perfect if you came with some sweats and a shirt."
I did a closed mouth smile at her compliment and rolled my eyes. I just knew she wasn't going to let this go, I sighed letting her talk me into going out.
I hung up the call trying to pick a outfit out, once again. I barely had clothes or shoes but I only noticed it when it was time to go somewhere. I threw my head back in frustration deciding to go through my mom closet for some jeans.
I picked an all black shirt, with the jeans and high top black and white converses. I looked out hoping my mother wasn't there, after seeing she wasn't I made a beeline for the door.
I started walking to the bus stop looking around clutching the bottom of my shirt. I sat down at the bench where an lady along with her child sat talking to each other. I smiled listening to their conversation, I couldn't wait to have kids of my own.
The bus shortly came as I got on showing the bus driver my bus pass and walking towards the middle looking out the window. I watched as everything passed me getting into deep thought.
I stopped once I saw my stop coming up, I pressed the button still sitting until the bus stopped moving. I said excuse me not wanting anyone to get smart with me today.
I knocked on Lee door seeing her come to the door smiling, I laughed rolling my eyes. It was impossible to be in a bad mood around her, she wouldn't let you even if you tried.
"See look at you, beautiful without even trying sis." She smiled pulling me into a hug.
"Where are we going again?" I asked sitting on the chair in her room.
"Going to the drive in, their playing fifty shades darker then maybe the buffet." She squealed making me sigh.
"How much is the buffet?"
"I think like twelve dollars, why?"
"I only have five and I need two fifty to get home afterwards." I put my head down.
"When have I ever ate without you eating? If I have it then you will always have it. You're my sister and you should never feel any other way."
"Thanks." I smiled still having my head down.
"Alright, our lyft is on the way. How I look? Change my lip color or no?"
Cailee had on a denim button up shirt with ripped jeans, a black and grey fur vest and suede knee high boots. She let the pins go in her hair as the curly weave she had installed went down her back with light pink lip gloss.
"No, you look perfect." I smiled looking at her.
"So do you babe, put this on." She handed me a black and white PINK windbreaker. "You'll get cold later."
"What about you?" I asked putting on the hoodie.
"Hoes don't get cold sis." She winked at me as we busted out in laughter.
She gathered her stuff, putting everything in a MK bag. She turned off her light walking behind me as her heels clacked on the wood. The lyft was waiting outside just as she locked the door, I walked towards the car getting in.
"How you doing ladies?" The lyft man asked looking in the mirror at us.
"We're fine." We said in unison smiling.
"That's good." He returned our smile pulling off. He turned on the radio letting the ads play as I looked out the window seeing the scenery past.
"Fool me one time, shame on you. Fool me two times, can't put the blame on you. Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs, load the choppers, let rain on you." I rapped to myself.
"Sis." I looked at Lee calling me to see she was recording as I smiled.
"Fool me one time, shame on you. Fool me two times, can't put the blame on you. Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs, load the choppers, let it rain on you." I shot the camera as she gassed me.
"Let me see." I laughed looking at the snap. "I look cute."
"That you do, I'm posting this." She smiled as the song switched and we automatically looked at each other.
"I don't know how to talk to you, I don't know how to ask if you're okay." We both sung with smiles reaching to our ears.
"And last night, I think I lost my patience. Last night, I got high as expectation." I smiled dancing in my seat.
The car stopped and we thanked the man heading to the drive in. It was semi packed with cars and some people who had blankets on the grass or beach chairs.
"Want snacks?" Lee asked as we looked for a good spot to sit.
"Not yet." I took the blanket putting it down next to a couple who was laughing their butts off.
"They gon annoy me." Lee rolled her eyes sitting down.
"Let people be great." I smirked as she did a dry chuckle.
We grew quiet watching the people set up the screen, once the movie started everything grew silent. I was thankful because I been dying to watch this movie.
"I'm going to get something to eat, you want something?" Lee whispered in the middle of the movie.
"Rotel and some twizzlers." I went in my pocket handing her my five dollars.
"Keep it, what you want to drink?"
"Arizona, don't matter which one." I shrugged.
I bit my lip and smirked watching their sex scene, feeling myself getting worked up. I leaned back never taking my eyes off the screen, I felt Lee sit next to me as she handed my drink and food.
"Thank you." I mumbled pushing it off to the side.
"You welcome." A deep voice said making me jump and quickly sit up looking over.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked looking around for Lee with my heart pounding against my chest.
"Calm down, Lee talking to my brother but she didn't want to have you starving and I ain't wanna third wheel so I offered."
"I'm going to curse her out." I rolled my eyes. "What's your name?"
"They call me Mitch." He held out his hand as I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I don't do nicknames." I stated shaking his hand noticing the tattoo of the clock inside a rose with dark shading. I was still looking at the tattoo, in love with the artwork. I held his hand then let it go after a few minutes, noticing I was holding it too long.
I looked in his face smirking at how good he looked, the moon reflected off his perfect dark skin as I noticed his blemish free face, he was glowing. His waves were making me sea sick the longer I looked, his teeth showed that he never missed his six month checkup. He kept his self up well and everything about him just screamed stay away. He was the type of handsome to make a stranger stop and stare
"Zephyr." He looked directly in my eyes making me shiver. "What's your name?"
"So I can't tell you my nickname but you could tell me yours?" He raised a eyebrow.
"We two different people." I moved my finger between us.
"That's how you coming?" He asked with amusement in his eyes making me do a quick chuckle.
"Yeah." I nodded looking at my shoes noticing him wearing the latest Jordan's. "I like your shoes, how tall are you?"
"6'5." He told me making me look up at him quickly.
Something has too be wrong, he's too perfect, I thought as I sat there with my mouth ajar.
He chuckled, licking his lips "What? Why you staring?"
"Nothing." I shook my head looking at the screen as Christian was opening his gift.
Throughout the rest of the movie, I felt Zephyr looking at me but every time I looked at him he would be on his phone. Once the movie went off, I gathered my trash waiting until he got up so I could fold the blanket up.
"Do you know where my sister and your brother are?" I asked folding the blanket under my arm.
"I texted him, he said to meet them by the car." I nodded throwing my trash in the garbage can. "Lemme get that for you."
He grabbed the blanket from under my arm before I could say anything, I let him do him beginning to follow him. I ate my twizzlers in silence watching the people around me, which was a habit of mine that I couldn't break.
"So how old are you?" I asked making conversation.
"20, you?"
"You still in high school?"
"Yeah, this is my last year. When's your birthday?"
"February 14th." He said making me look up at him. "Yeah yeah I know, I've heard it all before-"
"It's not that, February 14th is my birthday."
"You lying, yo that's crazy." He shook his head as we approached an all white Mercedes-Benz. I gawked at the car in admiration not even noticing Lee talking to me.
"Helllo? Earth to Nobi?" She waved in my face as I noticed all eyes on me.
I slapped her hand out my face not liking that. "My bad, what?"
"Sef was speaking to you." Lee laughed.
"Wassup Nobi?" He spoke giving me a hug.
"My bad, my head was just everywhere. Hey Seffy." I smiled knowing he hate that name then looked towards Lee. "We leaving?"
"Yusef wanted to eat at this restaurant but if you tired and wanna go home then we can." She shrugged.
"I could eat." I said obviously not wanting to cockblock.
"Aight, it's lit then." Yusef smiled.
Zephyr opened my door making me thank him as I slid in the passenger seat with Lee behind me. He made sure I was in my seatbelt before he pulled off quickly as I side eyed him.
"You got any preferences?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.
"In music?"
"Oh I listen to anything, from pop to rap. All I do is listen to music so I'll know any song." I shrugged.
"So if I play this song, you gon know it?" He challenged.
"Most likely." I smirked challenging back.
"You heard that Sef?" He asked with amusement in his voice.
"Yeah, let's see if she all talk." They laughed.
Zeph waited until we were at a red light to plug his phone in the aux cord, he was typing but looked up and smirked then went back to typing making me laugh and raise a eyebrow. I heard the beat and laughed knowing the song.
"I thought you were about to play some gangster trap type music." I laughed.
"Nah, you said anything."
"I'm hurting baby, I'm broken down. I need your loving, I need it now. When I'm without you, I'm something weak. You got me begging, I'm on my knees." I sung to him as he glanced at me then at the road with a wide smile.
"Sugar, your sweet. Will you come and put it down on me? I'm right here-"
"Stopp!" Lee and I laughed cutting him off as she recorded him.
"Both of y'all sound bad." Yusef remarked laughing just as Zephyr pulled into a parking lot.
The restaurant was lined up with cars, letting me know this was a popular place. As we walked in, I looked around seeing the nice decor. The restaurant gave off chill vibes as everyone ate and listened to the r&b music that played lowly.
"I like this, y'all come here often?" I asked still looking around.
"We've been coming here for years." Yusef answered shrugging as a white girl walked over to us.
"Hey Sef and Zeph." She smiled giving them hugs then putting her attention on us. "Hi ladies."